SRPC's Kyle Pimental presenting on the Dover Climate Adaptation Chapter
Source: SRPC
Kyle Pimental, principal regional planner, attended the City of Dover's 2018 Land Use Board Meet and Greet on Tuesday, Jan. 9. This annual event lets new members of Dover's land use boards socialize and learn more about the other committees in the City.
As the invited guest speaker, Kyle talked about Dover's Climate Adaptation chapter, which he prepared with assistance from a steering committee. He explained the process the committee has taken, including how it gathered and integrated public comments. He also shared next steps for the final draft and adoption of the chapter.
The chapter is expected to be completed in March. It is part of a larger NHDES Project of Special Merit, the NH Setting Sail project. Learn more at
Stef Casella, data collection & analysis assistant, attended a Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) meeting in Concord on Thursday, Jan. 11. The meeting focused on the SADES Road Surface Management Systems (RSMS) program, which aims to address the challenge of maintaining New Hampshire's local roads. The meeting considered strategies for program improvements and allowed for a collaborative discussion among the nine regional planning commissions (RPCs).
The RSMS program began in the summer of 2015 when each RPC completed a roadway inventory of a partner municipality.
During the 2017 field work season, Stef and colleagues from the Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization collected data in Middleton and New Durham. Previous assessments had been conducted in Rollinsford. Follow-up for Middleton and New Durham will take place next summer.
The Strafford Economic Development District (EDD) published a year-in-review blog post on Thursday, Jan. 11. The post gives an overview of the activities completed by Strafford EDD staffers during 2017.
2017 marked some exciting milestones for the EDD, including hiring James Burdin as the first regional economic development planner, completing the 2016 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy annual update, and providing technical assistance to several municipalities and groups.