Message from the President & CEO
I’ve been very curious about the brain lately. So curious that I have read at least half a dozen books on the subject, listened to some speakers and together with my team, developed a “brain-based” leadership model we intend to use in our Future Ready Leadership Program. Now, six books does not make one an expert (Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Outliers” says 10,000 hours of deliberate practice is required). However, it does lead to interesting discussion. And there are lots of brain discussions going on right now; not just at MCE!

Did you know the brain is a “use it or lose it” organ? According to Dr. Norman Doidge in his book “The Brain’s Way of Healing”, neurons that fire together wire together. Repetition strengthens the connections between neurons (Boomers - think rote learning of multiplication tables!) The opposite is also true. If you stop doing something you will lose it; the connections become weaker. This doesn’t mean you can’t recall it, it will just take longer.

Your brain looks for familiarity. That’s why as training designers we use the adult learning principle of shared experiences. If we can relate the new concept we are teaching to something you are already familiar with, your brain will make the connection and in fact, strengthen it. Interactivity also reinforces learning. As does visualization.

So what are you doing for your brain this summer? Maybe you will join us for our Summer Series (see below!) An excellent way to keep those neurons firing! 

Audie McCarthy
President & CEO
We recently facilitated our Brain-Based Model lunch-n-learns in Gravenhurst and Brantford. Click here to view pictures from our Brantford session. 
This July, we’ll be launching our Summer Series specifically designed for anyone who deals with customers or the public. Visit our website to learn more information. 
Our Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Simone Mekli, will be leaving MCE at the end of June to explore new opportunities. We wish her the best of luck! 
HR Corner: Benefits of Professional Development
Professional development has been receiving more and more attention over the years. Employers are now realizing there is a significant skills gap among staff. In order to remain competitive, organizations need to be looking forward to increase employees existing professional skills as well as developing new ones. Whether the driving factor is for retention, succession management, efficiency or keeping up with industry trends, investing in training will increase your overall productivity and raise your bottom line. It can be the difference between your staff merely being capable in their job versus excelling at it. In order to better illustrate the momentum of professional development over the years, here are a few interesting statistics from the Conference Board of Canada, released Jan 23, 2018:

  • Canadian employers spent an average of $889 per employee on learning and development in 2016-17
  • The amount spent on L&D increased by $89 since 2014-15
  • The number of training hours rose from 25 hours per employee to 32 hours in 2010
  • Organizations are now spending 81 cents on the dollar per employee compared to 57 cents in 2006

So, why are organizations increasingly supporting professional development? If you were to google benefits of training you would come across thousands of articles. Here are my thoughts: Professional development addresses skills gaps, paves a way for succession management; especially given the increasing retirements of the baby boom generation, leverages a competitive edge, contributes to recruitment and retention, boosts morale and enhances overall job satisfaction. As Audie mentioned above, professional development over the summer is a great way to keep your brain active and employee's engaged - check out our Summer Series below to see how we can help!
Course of the Month: Summer Series
Our Summer Series includes: Creating Amazing Customer Service, Dealing with Challenging Behaviours, Communicating with Confidence, and Business Writing Skills. We’ve created this Series to target skills essential for any employee that works directly with customers or the public. Take 1 or all of the courses to get the most of the learning! Visit our website for more information.

Contact us for more information:
For more information about our programs, contact:
Lorraine MacDonald
Mohawk College Enterprise | 905-575-2534 | |