The countdown to Thanksgiving is on! Three weeks until delicious turkey (or tofurkey for those vegetarians out there), family time, and football. There is lots to be thankful for all year round, but at this time of year in particular we reflect on what each of us appreciates in our lives. We wish you and your families a great start to the holiday season.
Here at SRPC we are busy with the future land use chapter of the Durham master plan, beginning a tax map update for the Town of Lee, preparing to attend the EPA Brownfields Conference, and integrating public feedback into the Dover master plan climate change chapter.
In this issue, you will find information about Kyle
Pimental's graduation from the Primex
Emerging Leaders program, upcoming conferences of interest, recent news from SRPC and our partners (in the "In case you missed it!" section), Nancy O'Connor's new position, SRPC's latest blog, a Census 2020 LUCA workshop, a NHDOT funding opportunity, and community happenings.
Until next month,
Shayna Sylvia
Communications and Outreach Specialist
Principal Planner Kyle Pimental graduates Primex3 leadership academy
Primex Emerging Leaders Class of 2017 atop the Mt. Washington Summit Credit: Primex |
Kyle Pimental, SRPC's principal planner, was among 17 promising young professionals who graduated from the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex
Emerging Leaders Program
in mid-October. The program is "a professional development opportunity to discover one's strengths and develop competencies needed to grow in leadership effectiveness," according to the Primex
SRPC Executive Director Cynthia Copeland nominated Kyle for the nine-month program. Beginning in February of this year, Kyle participated in a series of conferences, trainings, and discussions concerning leadership strategies and best management practices. He also took an assessment to gauge strengths and weaknesses. Steve Bird of the Dover Planning Department was Kyle's mentor and provided insight and guidance throughout the process.
Over the nine months of the program, Kyle incorporated the lessons he learned into a capstone project focused on employee retention. On Oct. 18, Kyle and the rest of his graduating class presented their individual findings. The event culminated with each participant receiving a diploma for successfully completing the program. Please join us in congratulating Kyle on this accomplishment.
Upcoming conferences of interest
NHMA 76th Annual Conference - The Challenge of Change
The New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) will hold its 76th annual conference on Nov. 15 and 16. The theme for this year's meeting is "The Challenge of Change." The event will be held at the Radisson hotel in downtown Manchester.
This year two new tracks are being offered, law enforcement and public works. Other session topics include legislative updates, right-to-know law, new ACA regulations, conflicts of interest, appropriate municipal management of street wastes, police liability and qualified immunity, assessing, employment, and welfare.
Learn more about the conference, or register, at:
NHHFA 2017 Housing and the Economy Conference
The NH Housing and Finance Authority will hold its annual Housing and the Economy Conference on Wednesday, Nov. 8, from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Manchester. Conference speakers will offer new perspectives on how to address New Hampshire's affordable housing and economic development needs.
Registration is $60 and includes a hot buffett breakfast.
SRPC launches MapGeo
SRPC's new MapGeo site went live on Wednesday, Nov. 1! MapGeo is an online GIS-viewer that hosts a variety of data related to land use, zoning, natural resources, transportation, and socioeconomic indicators for the SRPC region.
Check out the site at:
Public comment period for TIP Amendment #3 now open
The public comment period for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment #3 began on
Tuesday, Oct. 31 and will end at close of business on Thursday, Nov. 30. F
ull amendments
to the TIP require a public comment period of 10 - 30 days and a public hearing, and must be approved
by the Strafford MPO Policy Committee.
The public is encouraged to offer comments by 5 p.m. on Nov. 30 or at a public hearing at 9 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 15, at the Strafford Regional Planning Commission office.
The amendment can be viewed online at:
Strafford MPO approves Public Participation Plan
The Strafford MPO Policy Committee approved the updated "2014 Public Participation Plan" at its Oct. 20 meeting. Strafford MPO updated the plan during the spring and summer to incorporate new public engagement practices and processes now in use. A public comment period from Aug. 1 to Sept. 14 was followed by a public hearing at the Sept. 15 Policy Committee meeting. (View the presentation on the plan here.) The Strafford MPO Technical Advisory Committee, at its Oct. 6 meeting, had recommended the updated plan be approved by the Policy Committee.
City of Dover continues to seek input on climate change
Just a reminder that the City of Dover is still looking for feedback on the climate change of its master plan. The City is especially interested in ideas and comments concerning climate change impacts to energy, food, infrastructure, health and safety, natural resources, and water availability and quality.
Interested parties have until 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 10, to complete an online
designed to collect additional feedback
#KingTideNH2017 photo contest starts on Nov. 5!
The #KingTideNH2017 photo contest is only three days away! It begins this Sunday, Nov. 5, and runs through Tuesday, Nov. 7. High tide falls around mid-day each day-check tide charts for specific times in your area. Contestants can submit photos of this year's King tide by sharing them on social media accounts (security setting must be set to public) using the hashtag #KingTideNH2017 or by emailing photos to nhcoastaladaptation@gmail.com. There is a limit of three photo entries per person.
SPRC's Nancy O' Connor named program content coordinator
Following her hard work on the recently completed Partnering for Performance New Hampshire (PFPNH) project, communications and engagement assistant Nancy O'Connor has been named SRPC's program content coordinator. In her new position Nancy will continue to facilitate performance measures planning efforts and will become involved with other planning processes at SRPC. She is currently working on establishing a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) technical assistance program, in addition to working on other transportation planning efforts.
Nancy joined SRPC in February. Her primary focus during her first seven months was on the PFPNH project. PFPNH was originally a group of transportation planners working to address a federally mandated shift toward performance based planning. However, the workgroup saw an opportunity to go one step further and create complementary, regionally significant measures that capture the transportation needs of New Hampshire.
Please join us in congratulating Nancy on her new position.
SRPC's Latest Blog
SRPC's most recent blog post went live on Tuesday, Oct. 26. This post, the third and final in the "Volunteer Today!" series, features Seacoast Eat Local Winter Farmers Markets. This program takes place at Wentworth Greenhouses and Exeter High School. Volunteers play an important role at the Winter Farmers Markets, helping set up in the early morning, carrying crates of produce, and building displays. Daytime volunteers staff market tables, answer questions, and complete transactions. Volunteers who assist at the market's close help farmers load equipment and produce, as well as help clean up the grounds. It's easy to see how vital these volunteers truly are!.
Learn more about the program and how you can get involved by reading our blog here.
SRPC organizes local update to census addresses (LUCA) workshop
SRPC, in partnership with Census 2020, will hold a Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 28, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Dover Public Library's lecture hall.
The LUCA program provides the only opportunity before the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and local governments to review and comment on the U.S. Census Bureau's residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a complete and accurate address list to reach every living quarters and associated population for inclusion in the census. Census data is used to apportion representation among the states, draw congressional and state legislative districts, enforce voting rights and civil rights and distribute $400 billion dollars in federal funding to these governments each year.
This workshop will be an opportunity for municipalities considering participating in LUCA to hear more about the program and its importance for the 2020 Census. We will discuss how to register, ways to prepare for your review, review strategies, and support and assistance available from the Census Bureau. We will also demonstrate the free software tool (GUPS) available to review and update the Census address list.
Register for the LUCA training at:
Funding opportunity
Each year, the NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT) has close to $10 million allocated for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), which supports safety projects focused on reducing fatal and serious crashes on all public roads in the state. These funds can be applied for by municipalities for local and state roads.
The first step in securing HSIP funding is to submit an application to the Road Safety Audit program (RSA). SRPC can help with application development, including obtaining and analyzing traffic and crash data. Support to complete a Road Safety Audit (RSA) is also available through NHDOT, and municipalities can have an RSA done on local roads.
The RSA program is an annual program with a deadline December 1st, but we encourage municipalities to reach out to SRPC or NHDOT to develop an application at any time.
View the application and learn more about the program at:
Community Happenings
Seacoast Artisans' 18th Annual Holiday Fine Arts & Craft Show, Saturday, Nov. 7, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The 18th Annual Seacoast Artisans Holiday Fine Arts & Craft Show will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7, at Great Bay Community College. The event features woodworkers, fiber artists, potters, and silversmiths, in addition to pet items, amazing glass work, the Philoptochos Society's famous baklava, and so much more.
The Green Bean Restaurant will be open for lunch during the event.
Learn more about the show at:
Seacoast Eat Local Winter Farmers' Market, Saturday, Nov. 18, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The first Seacoast Eat Local Winters' Farmers Market at Wentworth Greenhouses will be held on Saturday, Nov. 18. This is the first of six to be held at Wentworth Greenhouses between November and April; the other six will take place at Exeter High School. The markets features local cheese, maple syrup, eggs, vegetables, bread, beer, soap, crafts, lots of other goodies - and music. Head on over and check it out!
Seacoast Rotary annual 5K turkey trot, Thursday, Nov. 23, at 8:30 a.m.
Seacoast Rotary's annual 5K turkey trot will take place in Portsmouth on Thursday, Nov. 23. The race will begin at Pierce Island and end at Strawberry Banke. Learn more at:
If you know of anyone who may be interested in reading more about the information within this newsletter, please forward this on to them.
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SRPC Staff