City Commission Meeting
Thursday, May 16
1:30 p.m.
City Hall Auditorium
200 E. University Ave.
Agenda items are subject to change. Please check the agenda if you plan
to attend.

The City Commission meeting agenda on May 16 at 1:30 p.m. includes:

  • Northside Parka consent agenda* item to approve construction for improvements
  • Cofrin Nature Centera presentation on the conceptual master plan by Wild Spaces & Public Places staff
  • NE 31st Avenue (Unity) Parka project update by Wild Spaces & Public Places staff

* consent agenda  combines multiple items into one agenda item and can be approved in one action, rather than filing separate motions on each item.
Questions? Contact Betsy Waite, Director
Wild Spaces & Public Places
Phone: 352-393-8187