Dear Students and Parents,

Excitement is building for Lag Ba'Omer, which is right around the corner!  We will be heading to the lush fields of Votee Park for a morning of sports and outdoor activities, capped off with a phenomenal barbecue.  The freshmen and sophomores will be playing various sports with teams divided by shiur. Sport assignments will be  coming in a few days so that all students can dress accordingly or bring the necessary equipment (gloves, bats, etc.). The juniors will be participating in a European Handball Tournament  with the winning team getting steaks at the barbecue

Speaking of a barbecue, there has always been much discussion as to what makes a perfect barbecue. With that in mind, please fill out this short survey with what you like to see at a barbecue*.  

Seniors are encouraged to join us for all the festivities! Please note that students can  wear shorts and t-shirts for the park festivities but  must be in proper attire for Shacharit and change back to regular school attire upon our return to TABC.  

See you there!
R' Yitz

*The menu for OUR barbecue is:  Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled salami, tater tots, cole slaw, pickles.  

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