"That very plain door... you would never imagine the magic that is going on inside." - Marie C. Johns
The Calvary Connection
June 2018
"That very plain door... you would never imagine the magic that is going on inside."
-Marie C. Johns, 2018 Hope Award recipient
Verlette's Story
“I’m excited about my new life.” After years of struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, Verlette decided it was time to make a change. She had always relied on her family as a safety net, but when her father passed away she knew the moment had come to tackle her difficult personal issues head on. That’s when she came to Calvary Women’s Services... Watch the video to hear Verlette's Story told in her own words.
Left to right: Executive Director Kris Thompson, honoree Marie C. Johns,
Board Development Chair Kelly Veney Brinkley, and Board President Colleen Wevodau.
Photo courtesy of Don Baker
On May 16th, Calvary Women’s Services celebrated the achievements of women who overcome homelessness and empower each other to reach their goals during our 17th Annual Hope Awards Dinner. Proceeds from the event will support Calvary’s housing, health, education and employment services. Kris Thompson, Executive Director, also announced Calvary’s newest program, Reach Up. Thanks to generous funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness, Reach Up will provide housing to an additional 30 women by the end of this year.
The Hope Award is presented annually to a local leader who has shown outstanding dedication to improving the lives of women and girls. This year, Calvary was excited to honor Marie C. Johns, a prominent leader in business, civic, and government service. Read our blog post to learn more about the event. Photos are available on Facebook.
Volunteer Spotlight: Mindful Meditation with Mark Stone
We are filled with serenity and a sense of deep gratitude as we turn the spotlight on our Mindful Meditation instructor, Mark Stone. Mark has been working with the women at Calvary for two years.
Upon retiring from his professional life, Mark decided to dedicate significant time and energy toward teaching mindfulness to under-served populations in DC. For Mark's full story, visit our blog...
Over 65 women met with 10 local employers at our semi annualCareer Fair on May 24th. As a part of Step Up DC, Calvary's job placement program, the objective was to introduce women looking for employment in the DMV area to a variety of local job opportunities and employers. Step Up DC connects women with employers in the community on a regular basis.
The Career Fair was open to residents of Calvary and the general public. Participating employers included Hilton, Safeway, DC Central Kitchen, and Concord Hospitality. Learn more about the career fair on our website.
Summer In-Kind Drive: Apartment Furniture
We are currently seeking donations of apartment furniture for our Sister Circle residential program. Specifically we are asking for: living room furniture, dining room tables, and dressers. If you or someone you know has furniture that you would like to donate, please email a description and photos of the items to Arielle Baker.
To Future Women
Several women at Calvary participated in the To Future Women project during a stop at the Anacostia Arts Center. They also enjoyed an artist's talk from Georgia Saxelby, creator of the project.
In commemoration of the Women's March, people are invited to write letters to women 20 years in the future. The letters will be stored in a vault until the year 2037.