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TLC Transitional Life Care Program 
A non-profit, volunteer based group from the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition  offering training and support for the end of life transition.

Teachings of the Masters Film Series 2019:

Orgyen Dorje Den
2244 Santa Clara Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501

Sundays, 6:30-9:00pm

June 2: 'Ven. Gyaltrul Rinpoche teaches Dream Yoga' (Mindroling Tradition - from 'The Mind Treasure of Vajrasattva: Releasing Oneself from the Essential Delusion) Translated by Sangye Khandro, Ashland OR 1990 . 1 hr. 40 mins. / Part 1

July 14: Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche teaches Dream Yoga. 1hr 40mins/ Part 2
August 11: 'The Art of Dying - Tibetan Voices from Mustang' * 60 mins. / 'The Yogis of Tibet' * 77 mins.

September 1: 'Tibet - A Buddhist Trilogy' * 134 mins.

October 6: Chagdud Khadro teaches 'Preparing for the End of Life' -Filmed for TLC by Vimala Video, ODD, Alameda, CA 2018 * 2 hrs. 1 min.

November 3: "For the Benefit of All Beings": The extraordinary life of HE Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche. 100 mins., plus Special Features  
Dec. 1: TBA

Please do not park in the ODD parking lot!  Parking at ODD is reserved for the lamas, tenants, essential staff only.

Parking is available one block away from ODD, at the Civic Center Parking Lot.  It's located at 1416 Oak St., between Central and Santa Clara Aves.  Cost is only .75/hour, and is free after 5 pm.

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Orgyen Dorje Den is a 501c3 non-profit organization.