Teachings of the Masters Film Series 2019:
Orgyen Dorje Den
2244 Santa Clara Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501
Sundays, 6:30-9:00pm
June 2: 'Ven. Gyaltrul Rinpoche teaches Dream Yoga' (Mindroling Tradition - from 'The Mind Treasure of Vajrasattva: Releasing Oneself from the Essential Delusion) Translated by Sangye Khandro, Ashland OR 1990 . 1 hr. 40 mins. / Part 1
July 14: Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche teaches Dream Yoga. 1hr 40mins/
Part 2
August 11:
'The Art of Dying - Tibetan Voices from Mustang'
60 mins. /
'The Yogis of Tibet' * 77 mins.
September 1: 'Tibet - A Buddhist Trilogy' * 134 mins.
October 6: Chagdud Khadro teaches 'Preparing for the End of Life'
-Filmed for TLC by Vimala Video, ODD, Alameda, CA 2018
* 2 hrs. 1 min.
November 3: "For the Benefit of All Beings": The extraordinary life of HE Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche. 100 mins., plus Special Features
Dec. 1: TBA