Welcome To 
"The Back of the Net"
Dear Classics Eagles Families:

In this edition of  The Back of the Net we take a look at the Classics Eagles teams who were back in action this past weekend in some local tournaments, and talk about building good habits in players that will help them on and off the field as they continue to grow and develop in the game. 

2019-2020 program information has been released! Team and individual registration is open, and the deadline to enroll is May 24th! Don't miss your opportunity to BE CLASSICS EAGLES!

Yours in Soccer,

The Classics Eagles Leadership Team 
Classics Eagles 
Tournament Update

We are proud of all of the Classics Eagles teams who competed this past weekend in their league games and in local tournaments. We are excited to share how the teams did! All the teams competed playing great soccer, working hard, and showing great sportsmanship. #CEWAY

Classics Eagles Summer Soccer & Fitness Clinics

Train this summer with Tony Earp, Classics Eagles Director, and the Classics Eagles professional staff. Sessions will be designed to help players improve their individual skills, confidence with the ball, understanding of how to play the game, and their physical capabilities. Flexible summer scheduling available. U7 to HS age groups offered. 
Good Habits

Habits are a very powerful part of our lives. For soccer players, habits are key to being successful as well. Technical, tactical, physical, and psychological skills are required to play the game at a high level, but bad habits can sabotage a player who is elite in all of those areas.   Read more!
Additional Services by Classics Eagles

We want to provide Classics Eagles players, coaches, and families, and those outside of the club, with all of the resources needed to navigate the youth sport and soccer experience in the most effective and beneficial way. With Classics Eagles resources and years of experience in youth sports, we can provide additional support outside of the team experience.  Learn more!

It's Not Just in Your Head

This May marks Mental Health America's 70th year celebrating  Mental Health Month! Mental health may seem like an out of place topic for a sports medicine blog, however, mental health awareness is a trending topic in the amateur and professional sports communities alike. In fact, researchers at both Drexel University and Kean University, have found that, "nearly 25% of collegiate athletes reported "clinically relevant" levels of depressive symptoms."
Athletes of any age and ability can be impacted by mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. These symptoms may present themselves in their daily lives as well as during their participation in sports.  This article, chronicles the story of Towson University gymnast, Olivia Lubarsky, as she shares her personal experience with this "hidden epidemic" facing many student athletes. While recovering from a season ending surgery, she began a quest to increase awareness of the need for mental health resources for student athletes. Olivia is the founder of  Your Own Roar, "a   program devoted to eradicating the disparity between how mental illness and physical injury are perceived".  Her blog provides insight to help athletes understanding their mental health.
While Orthopedic ONE's Sports Medicine team cannot diagnose or treat mental health conditions, we recognize the need for athletes to address mental health concerns and recommend seeking professional help should you feel your child is exhibiting symptoms associated with these disorders. If you would like assistance identifying local resources, let us know and we can help recommend specific providers.  
Sources: Mental Health America, Towson University

Orthopedic ONE Clinic Hours for Classics Eagles! Click HERE for all the details!
3 Pillar Homes Blog: 

3 Pillar Homes,  the official jersey sponsor of Classics Eagles, offers a blog and newsletter with informative articles and timely topics related to home building, remodeling and maintenance. 

Click  HERE  for the latest edition which highlights the the hazards of the job site and the steps professional builders must take to ensure a safe working environment on every project.  We also encourage you to follow 3 Pillar Homes on Facebook HERE and visit their web site HERE.  You can register for their newsletter HERE
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