U.S. Work World - Career News Briefs - May 2019
Resource Sheet for Graduates 2019
What's a graduate to do when he or she is out in the world without the high school Career Center staff, Counselor, or Cooperative Work Experience teacher nearby to talk to and provide guidance?

Download the Resource Sheet for Graduates 2019 to give to your graduating seniors.

Resource Sheet for Graduates 2019 lists job counseling websites, job search websites - as well as where to find a local America Job Center to visit in person to talk to a job counselor for help with low-cost job training, finding job openings, job hunt process, as well as workshops, internships, and apprenticeship programs.

Graduates are also directed to their local public community college to use as a resource to find a career, get career training, and to ask for help with life's situations.

First year out of regular school attendance can create a crisis as the student feels lost without his or her former school's support staff.  Resource Sheet for Graduates 2019 lets graduates know where to find local helpful and supportive persons to talk to when needed after graduation.

To download handout to give to graduating seniors, go to usworkworld.com
Click on Job Hunt Tips.  Click on Resource Sheet for Graduates 2019.

College Counselors' Articles about
College Admissions Corruption

A series of thought-provoking articles about the college admissions scandles were published by The Atlantic magazine. 

One writer, Caitlin Flanagan, was hired as college counselor at an elite private school. She talks about the ways that top-tier colleges have quietly compromised their standards over the years. Caitlin's article explains why she thought this was a scandal waiting to happen.  In addition, Caitlin provides links to other articles appearing in The Atlantic on this topic. Caitlin gives a colorful description of what happened when she left teaching English (best job she ever had) to accept a promotion to College Counselor (worst job she ever had).

Forward these links to any college counselor who may be interested in reading in-debt thoughts about the college admissions situation.

"They Had It Coming" by Caitlin Flanagan for The Atlantic

Not Enough Nurses

Job search website, Indeed.com,  reports  that Healthcare Industry is exploding with job openings, but Registered Nurses (RN) are in short supply.  Healthcare is now America's largest employer, and RN is the largest profession within the Healthcare Industry.

Job openings for Registered Nurses are expected to exceed 200,000 positions each year to 2026.  RN is among the fastest growing jobs with the highest pay in the U.S.  By 2022, it is expected that there will be more unfilled RN jobs than in any other profession.  

Why Nursing Supply Cannot Meet Demand

Number of Americans age 65 and over is expected to double by 2060. Chronic illnesses will put a growing burden on the Healthcare Industry, thus increasing the need for RNs.

Nursing workers are aging also - and retiring.  Average age of RNs in 2017 was 51.  Therefore, about 1 million RNs are expected to retire by 2030.

Nursing schools cannot keep up.  In 2018, nursing schools turned away more than 75,000 qualified applcants due to insufficient faculty, clinical sites, classroom space, and budget to accommodate them.

Robots are not likely to fill the gap.  In Japan, nurse robots are helping in healthcare of the elderly, but human nurses can provide patients with services that robots cannot.  Robots can only pretend to build relationships, empathize, or make connections with patients and their families.

Job Injuries by Age Group & Cause of Injury

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