Spring 2019 - In This Issue:
PARMA Member Spot Light
Meet Tony Giles, CPCU, ARM-P

Tell me about how you became a risk manager?
Like most of my risk management colleagues, I came to risk management almost entirely by accident. More generously, I suppose we could say that fate intervened. I worked for the County of Santa Clara for several years in a variety of roles - most of them administrative. I accepted a job as the Senior Management Analyst for the County's Director of Risk Management. At first, I saw my role as supporting the Director but not really doing risk management. After several years, I started taking on more tasks associated with risk management, ultimately accepting a division manager job doing actual risk work. A couple of years later, the City of Sunnyvale was recruiting for a Risk Manager, and I decided to take a shot at it. One grueling recruitment process later, I was a Risk Manager!
What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member?
The most rewarding aspect of PARMA membership for me are the relationships I have developed with my fellow risk professionals.
Ask Larry Column
PARMA is excited to announce our newest column, Ask Larry. You can post questions to and receive a timely answer from PARMA Board Director, Larry Costello.
Hey Larry, I go to all the chapter meetings, so I feel like I am learning a great deal.  What am I missing out on if I don't go to the annual PARMA conference?
Daniel Quinn, ARM
Claims Representative
City of San Diego
Risk Management
Great question Daniel! All chapters appreciate members who attend chapter meetings, but the Annual Conference provides you so many educational and networking opportunities. There are literally dozens of seminars to choose from over the three days in areas ranging from Workers' Compensation, liability, risk management, leadership and safety.  And the Annual Conference builds in many opportunities to meet others in the risk management field during the numerous social networking events.  If registration cost is an issue, you should apply for a PARMA scholarship. Your application will be considered by the PARMA Board of Directors as well as for chapter scholarship opportunities. Thanks for the question!

Questions for future newsletter editions
Q) Larry, your local PARMA chapter serves the best lunches at the educational events.  It's NOT the typical "banquet gourmet."  Given your impeccable taste in food, what restaurants would you recommend I try out when I'm in Monterey for the 2020 PARMA convention?

Q)  Larry, has PARMA heard what is happening on the legislative block about SB 542, the bill that would allow the presumption to cover mental health conditions for safety officers?

Q)  Larry, love the wardrobe!  Where do you purchase your business casual attire? 

Q) Larry, how can we foster a fun/energetic work environment while improving or keeping safety?

Q) Larry, how can we make our employee comfortable enough to help in our safety goals?

Q) Larry, what are the benefits to a public agency/service provider of becoming a PARMA member/associate member?

Q) Larry, I am interested in getting more involved with PARMA. What opportunities are available?

Q) Larry, we are having difficulty generating passion for safety training amongst our employees. What suggestions do you have to help employees get more excited about, and see the value of such trainings?
Join Us For PARMA's 46th Annual Conference!


Registration opening soon, stay tuned!

PARMA 2019-20 Chapter Officers
The PARMA Board of Directors have appointed the following members to serve as Chapter officers from February 2019-2020.  Please feel free to reach out the officers in your area if you want more information on attending a local event, network with your peers, or learn other ways to be actively involved in PARMA. 

You can also let us know if you have an interest in volunteering, simply  click here to fill out the online volunteer inquiry form.

Bay Area Chapter
Tony Giles
Assistant General Manager
California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA)

Vice Chair
Janet Hamilton
Risk Manager
City of Livermore

Secretary / Treasurer
Maria D Deem
Finance Officer
California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority
Central Valley
Tanesha Welch
Human Resources Administrator/Risk Manager
Madera Irrigation District

Vice Chair

Secretary / Treasurer
Paul E Baxter
Director, Risk Management, Environmental Health and Safety
Merced Community College District
Gold Coast
Pamela Heron
Risk Manager
Ventura County Office of Education

Vice Chair
Leonardo Selvaggi, CPCU, ARM, AIC, AIS
Deputy Executive Officer-Manager, Liability & Insurance
County of Ventura

Secretary / Treasurer
Teri Davis
Program Manager
City of Moorpark

Carrie Willson
Staff Risk Manager / Vice Chair, Sacramento Chapter
State of California

Vice Chair

Secretary / Treasurer
Susan Colley-Monk
Risk Management Analyst
CSU, Sacramento | Risk Management Services

San Diego/Imperial Valley
Alex Mellor, ARM
Risk Manager
California Joint Powers Insurance Authority

Vice Chair
Felicia Amenta
Senior Manager, Workers' Compensation Program
San Diego County and Imperial County Schools JPA

Diane Caminite, CPCU, ARM
Risk & Safety Manager
San Diego Unified Port District

Southern California
DeAnna Soria
Risk Manager
City of Huntington Beach

Vice Chair
Alice Burnett
Sr. Human Resources Analyst

Candice Fisher
Human Resources Analyst II 
Planning is underway for the 2020 PARMA Golf Tournament and we want it to be up to par. The tournament will be held on Tuesday February 25, 2020 in Monterey, but we need your help to decide which course. Let us know which Monterey area course that from the first tee to the last hole always makes for a great game.

Please take a minute to take this brief survey to help us plan the best golf tournament yet!

2019 Susan Eldridge Annual Conference Scholarship Winner
"I am extremely grateful to the PARMA Board of Directors for awarding me the PARMA Susan Eldridge Annual Conference Scholarship and allowing me the opportunity to attend this year's conference.  Without this scholarship I would not have been able to participate.  Now that I have, I'm excited to share what I've learned with my supervisor and hope that I will be allowed to continue participating in PARMA and allowed to attend future meetings and conferences. "
Kaila DeFries, 2019 Scholarship Winner

Click here to apply for the 2020 Susan Eldridge Annual Conference Scholarship
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