Nov. 6th, Election Day

Shape the Future of Colorado and the Country

Most of you have already returned your ballot, but in case you haven't, make sure your voice is heard and vote on Tuesday, November 6th. 
If you have filled out your ballot but not returned it yet, drop it off at a designated ballot drop location instead of mailing it, as mailing it this close to election day may lead to it not being counted!

NO on 74
YES on 112

If you have already voted, get the word out and tell your friends and family that you value public health and corporate responsibility.

  Amendment  74 would be disastrous  for our already crippled state budget, and is expressly  a tool that the oil and gas industry is pushing to try to protect their profits. 

Proposition 112 is a common sense approach to help protect Coloradans health. It is not a statewide ban on oil and gas as some have claimed, given that over 50,000 existing well sites will be unaffected, and a recent School of Mines study found that 42% of non-federal subsurface would still be accessable given advances in horizontal drilling.

Post on social media, engage in thoughtful civil conversation, participate in democracy!
Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate Candidate Questionnaire  

If you are uncertian where the candidates for state house and state senate stand on climate change and environmental policy, we highly encourage you to take a look at the questionnaire assembled by Colorado Coalition for a Liveable Climate. They compiled responses from over 50 candidates across Colorado on seven key questions. Check it out HERE.

We also encourage you to check out this progressive and comprehensive path forward for Colorado. This platform provides a way to transition away from fossil fuels while maintaing equality and justice for all peoples. See the platfo rm, see which candidates support it, and consider endorsing it yourself. Click  HERE   t o learn more.

Dr Steingraber Visit was a Huge Success

CEA was very proud to bring acclaimed public health advocate and biologist Dr. Sandra Steingraber to Colorado to share her knowledge and insight into the negative health effects of fracking. Her research was instrumental in leading New York state to ban fracking in 2014. While in Colorado, Dr. Steingraber met with state lawmakers and citizens at the state capitol, talked to local media about her work and the dangers of fracking (listen to her KGNU interview HERE, starting around the eight minute mark), visited fracking sites in north Denver, and finally, held an illuminating talk on her work tracking and documenting the negative health effects of fracking. 

We were very honored that Dr. Steingraber shared her knowledge with our Colorado community. For more information on Dr. Steingraber's amazing work, visit her website HERE.
Colorado Gives day is less then a month away!

Clean Energy Action | 303-815-6866 | |
PO Box 1399
Boulder, CO 80306