March 2019                         DONATE 

The United Way of Charlotte County 
Mission:  Leading the united effort to eliminate poverty by investing in our community. 

What's happening and how our #gamechangers are leading the way
We Are Grateful For YOU And Our SPONSORS   

Thank you Kitson & Partners!

Babcock Ranch is hosting the United Way Leadership Celebration & Concert, on April 5, from Founder's Square. It's their way of saying THANK YOU to all the generous donors whose support serves so many in our community. Babcock Ranch is supplying the music and F&B - you bring the dancing shoes! Feel free to use your favorite lawn chair or blanket to enjoy this concert under the stars (we'll have seating, too). We look forward to celebrating with you! If you are a Leadership Donor with United Way of Charlotte County of $500 or more, you should have received your invitation in the mail. If not, please call our office 941-627-3539.
Remember, the campaign closes March 31, 2019!
It's not too late to be included in the Leader Donor Celebration, make your gift today! 
We Celebrate You!    

Special thanks to Harbor Style Magazine for this inspiring article featuring our Women United of Charlotte County. Click here to read the article.  In honor of the women who are struggling in this community, will you stand with us? 
Come have lunch with our Executive Director, Angie Matthiessen, and bring a guest for this casual, social lunch on Thursday, March 28, 2019 12-1 PM.
* Learn more in this intimate setting about Women United!
* No-host lunch at FM Don's 201 W. Marion Avenue PG
* Please RSVP to Dawn
Thank You For Investing In Our Community
2019 Community Impact Panels ...the month of February. 12 days, 84 volunteers, 26 agencies , 50 programs, and countless miles traveling the county. THANK YOU - EVERY ONE OF YOU!   
Do you have an hour to give?
United Way