June 2018, Issue 11
Board Election Results • Summer Spanish DLI Institute • CABE Binational Project GLAD
CABE 2019 • Calls for Proposals and Articles • CA EL Roadmap • GLOBALCA 2030
Congratulations to the following candidates for their election to the CABE Board of Directors!
Our thanks and appreciation to these members
for their advocacy, commitment and service
as they leave the Board of Directors!
Binational Project GLAD ®
in partnership with
Sistema Educativo Estatal (SEE) de Baja California
Project GLAD ®
 National Training Center

July 16-20, 2018 | Fall 2018
Registration Links
Elementary Spanish BCLAD/ Bilingual Authorization teachers:

Elementary Spanish CLAD/SB2042 teachers:
Save the Date Cards • Long Beach Visitor Information
Calls for Proposals for Workshops, Institutes, and Commercial (See below.)
More content coming soon!
Collaborate! Share ideas!
Get feedback!
June 28th at
Pepperdine University
All CABE members welcome!
Would you like to present at CABE 2019?

CABE of Pepperdine
is offering a


to help with CABE 2019 conference submissions.
Been wondering what the California English Learner Roadmap is all about?

These three short videos make a great introduction to this new and historic English Learner educational policy.
Above : Cahuenga Elementary students sing in Korean at the kick-off. To the right: : California State Superintendent of Public Instruction with CABE Board Members and CEO Left to right: Rosa Armstrong, Tom Torlakson, Marissa Lazo Necco, Olivia Yayha, Ana Donovan and Jan Corea
Torlakson Launches New Initiative

I n response to voters passing Proposition 58, Global California 2030 will expand the teaching of world languages and the number of students proficient in more than one language over the next 12 years. 

Torlakson kicked off his initiative at Cahuenga Elementary School in Los Angeles, which has a dual Korean/English immersion program and three separate programs to help English learners, especially students with Spanish as their first language.
Learn more about GLOBAL CA 2030
My DLI Summer
To Do List
Note to Self
Add to checklist:
—Watch videos about English Learner Roadmap
—Check out the website for GLOBAL 2030
Comic Corner
From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere. —Dr. Seuss
On page10 of the March 2018 conference edition of Multilingual Educator magazine, we erroneously omitted the names of three of the four collaborating authors of the article, " The Complexity of Differentiated Instruction: Lesson Plan Analysis with Bilingual Teacher Candidates." The author byline has been corrected in the online version to read: " by Ana Hernández, Ed.D., Annette Daoud, Ph.D., Anna Woodcock, Ph.D., and Kyle Landin, California State University, San Marcos. We offer our sincerest apologies to the authors for this omission.