A Reconciling in Christ synod
Explaining Policies Separating Children and Families
Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, Program Director for Migration Policy
“Because we understand each person to be made in God’s image — without distinction based on race, ethnicity, gender, economic class or country of origin — and have heard God’s call to serve the needs of our neighbor wherever she or he may be, we recognize ourselves to be in mission and ministry together for the benefit of all God’s people.”
-ELCA Social Statement, ‘‘Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity and Culture,’’ 1993
The criminalization of children and families seeking protection in the U.S. is, unfortunately, nothing new. To respond to this crisis, the ELCA passed the
AMMPARO Strategy
in 2016 to accompany these vulnerable populations in their countries of origin, in transit and in the U.S. As this Administration continues to harshly target people who are seeking safety, here are four things you need to know and two ways to get involved.
- Central American children and families arriving in the U.S. are fleeing violence, impunity, lack of opportunities, environmental degradationand poverty.
Save the Date for the 2018 Theological Conference
2018 Theological Conference
YMCA of the Rockies
Estes Park, CO
Double: $350
Commuter: TBD
Continuing the Assembly theme of
"For the Life of the World"
our time together will focus on the relationships between economic life, justice, power/privilege, and faith - and tools for engaging these critical topics as communities of faith in our local contexts.
Our conference guests will include:
- Prairie Rose Seminole, ELCA American Indian-Alaska Native Ministries
- Rev. Dr. Ray Pickett, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
- Rev. Ranaivomanana Albert, Betela Seminary, Madagascar
Registration will open June 12 and more information will be available soon on the
RMS Website
. Stay tuned for more information!
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Lutheran Church of Hope teaming with LFS Rocky Mountains and Thrivent Financial to build housing for youth exiting foster care
In an effort to address the need for affordable housing in the greater Denver area,
Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield
, has teamed up with Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains and Thrivent Financial to build a
transitional apartment complex for youth exiting foster care without a permanent family.
The building, to be located on land owned by Lutheran Church of Hope, is called
Anchor House
, and will be built in conjunction with
Flatirons Habitat for Humanity
Donations to the project are welcome, and photos or thoughts can be posted to the community board on
. Plans are to commence building later this year. Press release
, and as published May 27 in the
Broomfield Enterprise
. Please spread the word! Anchor House is also on social media; follow us
Save the Date - Candidacy Discernment Retreat
August 15, 2018, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Come spend a day in reflection, prayer, discernment, and fellowship as you learn about rostered ministry in the ELCA. Whether you are just beginning to think about public ministry or you are ready to start the candidacy process, we would love to have you join us. For more information, contact
Leslie Welton.
New ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant Application
ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants
support ministries that accompany people experiencing poverty and hunger in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These grants go beyond meeting immediate needs to address the root causes of hunger – in addition to relief programs, ELCA World Hunger Domestic Hunger Grants support projects in advocacy, community development, and community organizing that strengthen the foundations of communities affected by hunger and poverty.
For the first time, these applications will be completed through the new ELCA granting platform, ELCA GrantMaker.
To learn more about Domestic Hunger Grants and the new ELCA Grantmaker system, we invite you to attend one of two webinars that will review our granting priorities and cover the basics of applying. Simply click on the date of your choice below for instructions on how to call in. A reminder with the link will be sent when the application is open.
Timeline for 2019 Domestic Hunger Grants
- June 12-Aug. 13: Domestic Hunger Grant application is open
- September-October: Synod teams review applications
- November: Review and award decisions
- Late November/early December: Awards announced
RMS Prayer Cycle
JUNE 2018:
Week of June 10
- Burlington, CO
Jeffrey Hanson
- Colorado Springs, CO
Michael Tassler
Holy Cross
- La Junta, CO
- Bethune, CO
Bryce Fellbaum
God reigning in majesty
Vault of the apse of Sant Climent de Taüll (1123)
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, June 10
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
All-powerful God, in Jesus Christ you turned death into life and defeat into victory. Increase our faith and trust in him, that we may triumph over all evil in the strength of the same Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
Retirement of Pastor Mark Peterson!
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Come join us on June 10 to
celebrate the 40 year ministry of Pastor Mark Peterson as he retires!
Coffee reception at 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. (RSVP appreciated)
Retirement of Pastor Frank Philipp!
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Join us on June 24 to
celebrate the retirement, following 40 years of ministry, of Pastor Frank Philipp.
Episcopalians and Lutherans at Denver Pridefest 2018
Saturday and Sunday, June 16 and 17
Episcopalians and Lutherans are organizing a presence at Denver Pridefest 2018, the weekend of June 16 and 17, and
invite you to come and help us spread the great news about our welcoming churches.
Last year we had over 2 dozen volunteers from 8 area Lutheran and Episcopal congregations, including Holy Trinity in Littleton.
We have a booth space and we will bring the canopy and supplies, so the only thing
need to do is to sign up for a 2-hour shift on either Saturday or Sunday and come and greet visitors to our booth. We have a
Signup Genius page
. We also have an
information webpage
Volunteers can sign up individually or claim one or more shifts for your group. We will also have lists of RIC congregations and welcoming Episcopal churches to give out. Additionally, St John's Cathedral will be marching in the parade on Sunday morning and have extended an invitation to all area Lutherans and Episcopalians to join them. You can find contact info for the parade on the
Community Summer Camp Help!
Monday - Friday, July 9 - 20
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
111 Del Mar Circle
Aurora, CO 80011
We are in dire need of snack food donations, monetary donations, but even more so, ADULT VOLUNTEERS for our annual Summer Camp! I already have 90 kids registered, and have to cap it at 100 because we need more adults!!!! I need adults who love children, who can shepherd them from one activity to the next. We do crafts, games, water days, field events, mini worship, Zumba, POUND Fitness, etc. You would be in charge with another adult and youth volunteers to shepherd a group of around 20 kids. We provide snacks throughout the day since we live in an area where 75% of the kids are on free or reduced lunch. We are also in need of some camp-like musicians from 9:30-10:30 each day!
Clergy Pilgrimage to Spain: Walking the Ancient Camino to Santiago De Compostela
November 6 - 16, 2018
For more than a thousand years, millions have made their way through the varied landscape of Spain, traversing what’s known as the
Camino de Santiago
or the Way of St. James. The Episcopal Church in Colorado invites clergy to make this journey November 6-16, 2018.
Designed especially for clergy, we will experience the spiritual renewal of walking the Camino firsthand, share a unique opportunity to deepen relationships with diverse clergy colleagues, and learn how to lead our own parish group pilgrimages. Participants will join in preparation ahead of the journey and gain valuable pilgrimage resources. Clergy traveling on this Familiarization Pilgrimage to Spain will be awarded a discount on a future Camino pilgrimage of 20 or more participants when arranged through Worldwide Pilgrimage Ministries for travel in 2019 or 2020. This clergy pilgrimage is not just a great backpacking trip, but a chance for pilgrims to experience their faith and calling like never before.
Trip leader: The Rev. Canon Greg Foraker, Missioner for Faith Formation, The Episcopal Church in Colorado.
Trip cost:
$2,839-$2,999 depending on the number of travelers.
- A copy of your passport. Please note that your passport must be valid for at least six months after your return date.
- A nonrefundable deposit check for $800 made out to Worldwide Pilgrimage Ministries.
Mailing address for registration materials: Worldwide Pilgrimage Ministries, 1131 N. Laura St., Jacksonville, FL 32206-3296.
Space for this inspiring journey is limited. To reserve your place, send your materials and deposit by June 15, 2018.
LFS June Bulletin Announcements
- Are you interested in reducing isolation and enriching the life of an older adult with limited to no social support? Join our NEW Friendly Visitor Program and LFS will carefully match you with a participant in our Guardianship or Care Management programs. Visits may include conversation, card playing, crafting, or helping with practical tasks. Volunteer orientations are on June 9 and July 14 from 10-11:30 a.m. and will include an introduction with the person you will be visiting. For more information or to apply please contact Shilo Christiansen at 303-217-5835 or visit our website at www.lfsrm.org/get-involved/volunteer.
- Each year in Colorado, thousands of kids are unable to live with their biological parents because of abuse or neglect. We need families who can provide temporary care until children reunify with their parent as well as families willing to adopt children and teens in foster care if they can't return to their families. An informal Q & A session for foster care will be held on June 13 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. and from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the LFS Denver Metro office (363 S. Harlan Street, Suite 105, Denver, 80226). Please register with Anne at anne.hamilton@lfsrm.org or 303-217-5869. One-on-one meetings can also be arranged to work around your busy schedule.
Lutheran Episcopal Volunteer Network looking for young adults interested in service and learning about social justice
LEVN, the Lutheran Episcopal Volunteer Network, is looking for young adults (age 21-30) with Bachelor's degrees for an 11-month program of non-profit volunteer service and learning about social justice. From the end of August 2018 to the end of July 2019, our corps members will be provided housing, utilities, health coverage, transportation, spiritual direction, and a $400/month food stipend. We also offer a $1000 re-entry grant at the completion of the program.
The placement sites for the upcoming program year include faith-based non-profits, secular non-profits, congregations, the Sierra Pacific Synod office, and our campus ministry at UC Davis. These service sites address issues of homelessness, unemployment, children and youth ministries, computer literacy, and other important social justice issues facing our communities.
We gather each week for worship, dinner, and formation. The corps members live in intentional community in a triplex in Sacramento, CA. We're an ecumenical program in the Episcopal Service Corps network; applicants needn't be either Lutheran or Episcopal to apply-interest in Christian spirituality is the only expectation. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the program begins.
Summer 2018: "Prayer" - Gather Magazine
In Summer 2018, Anna Madsen will present a three-part study on prayer. Anna Madsen a freelance theologian and proud mama to daughter, Else, and son, Karl. She works with OMG: Center for Theological Conversation (omgcenter.com) and enjoys seeing...
Read more
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Give Your Church Coffee a Purpose!
Tired of Folgers? You can order 5-pound bags of delicious, fresh-roasted,
whole bean or ground Rainbow Trail Blend coffee online! What’s even
better is that all profits of RTLC’s unique coffee blend provide funds for
kids to come to camp! Start ordering delicious coffee with a purpose for
Haugen's Tree of Life Communion Liturgy Needed
Trinity Lutheran Church - Laramie, WY
National Coordinator
Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF)
1710 11th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122-2420
Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF) is hiring a National Coordinator, a key leadership position.
The ideal Coordinator has a passion to eliminate violence, inequality, and militarism, and a commitment to nonviolence. He or she will work with members to build awareness of peace issues, encourage member involvement, plan and lead peace education, advocacy, and outreach activities, develop resources, and nurture leadership. . . .
Applicants should send a letter, resume, and contact info for 3 or 4 references. We’ll begin Interviews in late spring, and hope to welcome and orient the new coordinator by fall or early 2019. We’ll help the new hire move to Seattle which has an office, experienced volunteers and supportive congregations; or move the office to where he or she lives, if appropriate. While the position’s salary is modest, it may be expanded with grants & additional fundraising.
LPF has earned considerable acclaim for its workshops; resources; and leadership roles in major programs – e.g. on the arms trade (with the Federation of American Scientists), nuclear proliferation (United Nations), chemical weapons (US Senate), “Decade for Peace” (UN, ELCA).
and accomplishments…. and/or you may contact us directly at: 206.349.2501 or
All Non-Rostered Positions
Trinity Lutheran Church - Laramie, WY
National Coordinator
Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF)
Seattle, WA
Bookkeeper (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Administrative Assistant
Epiphany Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Program Director, Advocacy Engagement
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Washington, D.C.
Faith Formation Director
Trinity Lutheran Church - Laramie, WY
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- In-office appointments
- Staff Meeting
- Rainbow Trail Staff Training
- Sky Ranch Staff Commissioning
- Bethany, Cherry Hills Village, CO
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Staff Meeting
- Lutheran Center Administration
- St. Andrew, Arvada, CO
Ruth Hoffman
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Fairness Coalition
- Staff meeting
- Interim legislative work
Peter Severson
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- Staff Meeting
- Colorado SNAP Coalition
- Lutheran Family Services Board Meeting
- Renter's Protection Policy Table
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Capitol Hill/ Park Hill leaders
- HKBP-Indonesian
- Metro East conference
- Staff meeting
- In-office visits
- Mission sites administration
Deacon Erin Power
- RMS Communications
- Staff Meeting
- Theological Conference Planning
- Belong United Methodist Church, Denver, CO
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Sabbatical until August 14
Pastor Leslie Welton
- In-office appointments
- Rainbow Trail Staff Commissioning
- Christ the Servant, Louisville, CO
You are welcome to directly contact
Andrew Nakatan
, Communications Assistant, with questions, comments, or concerns you may have about eConnection or our website!
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Articles for eConnection are due noon Monday for the issue the following Wednesday.
Event announcements are included for about two weeks then copied to the
Events & News Web Page
and may be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.