The Link
The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."
-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.
 The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
September 22, 2020
Visit our website for more information:
Congratulations to our First Communion children: Collins O’Neill, Rhett Rendeiro and Henry Splitt.
First Communion of Collins O'Brien. Parents Kevin and AJ and brother Brixton.
First Communion and First Penance for Henry Splitt. Parents Marlo and Patrick, big brother Owen, big sister Serefina. Fr Mark Paul.
First Communion of Rhett Rendeio. Mom Marty, father Andy, au pair Elsa, little brother Vaughan, Fr. Mark.
Baptism of Andy Papp at St. Boniface. Pictured Baby Andy and parents John and Casey Papp, Godparents Jen Sawyer and Jason Ring, Fr. Anthony.
Family Faith Formation at The Oratory
Family-based faith formation at the Oratory 2020-2021 is adapting to the needs of this period of COVID-19 by meeting online in small groups. Small groups give us the chance to get to know each other, build relationships and grow in our faith. To have an enriched and engaged experience of Sunday mass with our children, we’ll break open the Gospel together, a chance for each of us to grow in knowledge and love of God and become stronger people of faith.

Registration is now open. For more information and to register, please contact Christina Matone at
From Our Pastors

As Christians, we live in the midst of the “almost but not yet” of the reign of God. That feeling has been perhaps amplified these past six months, as so many things fell into uncertainty. But the perseverance and patience bring fruit for those who endure! We are pleased to announce the reopening of our Oratory Parishes office! This is the result of Phase 1 of Renaissance 2020 which is a capital renewal of the Assumption campus. This week we finalize a few punch list items and begin to unpack in earnest to settle in the new digs to serve you from an actual rather than virtual office. Our computers and phones are up and running. Yes, we know, the messages are out of date – we are working on that, having face some technology glitches in getting new messages to upload.

Practically, we ask that you continue to request Mass intentions or sacraments through email, using for those. As we get organized over the coming month, we will have the following public office hours: Monday through Thursday 10am to 3 pm. The staff will work full schedules but for reasons of safety and to allow time to keep our systems up to date, we will limit public access to the space. We will limit visitors to 3 at any given time. If you need to pick up something, please call and we will arrange a pick-up time for you.

Entrance to the office is from Middagh Street through the garden to the left of the residence. This will also serve as the entrance to the sacristy as we move forward in construction. See the pictures for update sacristy. When Renaissance 2020 is completed there will be an elevator from the Cranberry to provide access for anyone with mobility challenges. We will be installing signage on the gate and door in the coming weeks. We will be happy to tour you through the offices a few people at a time when we are all settled. Until then here are a few pictures as we begin to unpack and move forward. Many thanks to those who have assisted us on the way so far and who continue to stand with us in this pilgrimage of our community.

Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O. and Fr. Mark Lane, C.O.
Newman Room and the entry to the main office.
Main Office Space waiting for art to be installed.
Buddy's New Office and Fr. Mark's office getting unpacked.
Updated sacristy with connecting stairs to the offices.
Remembering the people of 9/11
The annual memorial for the members of FDNY Engine 205/Ladder 118 Firehouse returned to Assumption this year. Firefighters, EMTs and family members gathered for the Memorial Mass at 11 am following a period of silence in the firehouse on Middagh Street.
A 911 view from Dumbo sent by Elizabeth Mascal

The Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association hosted a re-imagined memorial this year. Clergy members greeted people on the promenade in morning and evening sessions and invited them to place a prayer card along the fence to recall individuals, hopes, losses and the events of that day. There were moments of prayer with individuals and the opportunity to connect in a socially spaced way to support one another in an interfaith setting.
Rev. Kate Salisbury from St. Ann Holy Trinity, Rev. Michael Callaghan, co from the Oratory and Fr. Dominique Hanna of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral
Adult Faith Formation Virtual Class

Catholics and the American Political Tradition with Father Anthony Andreassi, C.O., Ph.D.
Despite the constitutional division of Church and State, the impact of Catholics on politics has been remarkable and at times quite controversial and even disruptive. This series of presentations by Father Anthony will explore the impact American Catholics have had on the development of the American political system beginning with the early days in the late 18th century when the American Catholic community was small and beleaguered through its rise to full stature with the elected of the first (and so far only) Catholic president in 1960. With another national election just weeks away, this course most certainly has a sense of timeliness. Individual zoom links will be sent on the Tuesday before each class.

Every Thursday in October (1, 8, 15, 22, 29) 7-8pm
Social Justice Action Presents:
We will be screening excerpts from Ava DuVernay’s powerful documentary 13th. This film introduces the words of the thirteenth amendment of the United States Constitution: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” By the end of the Jim Crow era and the Civil Rights movement, the United States saw an end to legal segregation and the introduction of the Voting Rights Act. What followed, however, was a more surreptitious form of racial control: open violence and discrimination were replaced by the racially-coded rhetoric of “law and order” and the “war on crime.”
For more information and to register, please see our EventBrite page:

Registration will allow us to contact you with the Zoom link and to share resources both before and after our conversation. We encourage you to watch the entire film beforehand, but the excerpts should be sufficient for discussion. You can access the film on Netflix or for free on YouTube:

Friday, October 2, 7-8:30pm
Save The Date
Second Annual Blessing of Animals Saturday, October 3, 1:00 p.m. @ Assumption campus. 55 Cranberry Street. Details next week.
Brooklyn Oratory Small Groups presents Spirituality of the Oratory: Knowing Our Charism Season 3 “Prayer: Constant Communion with God”
This is an ORIGINAL PROGRAM about Oratorian spirituality, written and edited by Joel Warden and developed by Brooklyn Oratory priests.

Please complete the sign up form at:
Contact: with questions or requests.

If you are absolutely unable to attend a group, but would like a copy of the booklet, please send an email to

  • Small groups will meet for six weeks beginning the week of October 11 through the week of November 15.
  • If you are unable to attend four sessions in a group, please consider attending the Open Group that meets on Friday evenings for those whose schedule does not allow for a weekly commitment.
New RCIA program to begin September 30
The “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA) is for men and women who want to journey deeper into the Catholic faith. Some may have little or no religious background. Others were raised in other Christian denominations and now feel pulled to explore Catholicism. Some are baptized Catholics who practiced their
faith up to a certain point in their lives and now wish to complete the sacraments of initiation. Others are engaged to or married to Catholics and want to learn more. RCIA aims to support you wherever you are.

This year, RCIA will meet entirely on Zoom, starting with a virtual get-together on Wednesday, September 30 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The actual program begins on Wednesday, October 7, and continues to meet on Wednesday evenings thereafter. We welcome your questions! All inquiries will be kept confidential. Contact RCIA coordinators Rob and Nadine at, or one of our pastors, Fr. Mark Lane at or Fr. Michael Callaghan at We look forward to hearing from you.
Garden Apartment
A parishioner has a one bedroom garden apartment available with laundry and outdoor space. Utilities included.
Email for information.

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201