September 22, 2020

Dear Friends,

It was great to see so many of you in worship this past Sunday as we added back our 11AM service in the Worship Center. Also, we've expanded our capacity in the 9AM service as well so there is more room for those who are ready to worship in person. Be sure to register below and let us know you're coming. Don't worry, we'll continue to offer our online worship experience as well. However and wherever you worship, we are the church together.

As we look to October, we've got a lot of great things in store. We'll be celebrating our confirmands who will be making their professions of faith in Jesus Christ on October 4th in both services and resuming our Youth United Nights. We're holding our long postponed Garage Sale on October 9th and 10th. (See more info below on how you can help!) And on October 11th we're having a blood drive in honor of our own Beverly Yeates. 

These are just some of the ways we are being the church in this new era. Some things look different, some things look the same. But in all things God is still God and THAT is Good News!

Grace and Peace,
We are currently offering two in-person worship experiences. We will continue the 9AM Sunday Chapel service located in the Sanctuary and will be adding an 11AM service in the worship center. Each service will require a reservation as we continue abide by attendance guidelines with limited seating arrangements. Nursery will not be available until October.

The 9AM service will increase attendance to 200 while the 11AM service will offer seating for 110 people. Both services will run for 45 minutes. During check-in social distancing will be observed and temperatures will be checked before entering the spaces.

To be able to operate under the current COVID guidelines / restrictions we need to know in advance who will be attending our services. This registration process enables us to:
  • Ensure we remain within the room’s capacity restraints.
  • Comply with record keeping so that we can undertake contact tracing if required.

Please CLICK on the desired service registration button to attend.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this phase of re-opening in-person services.
As we ease back into full worship, we are also going to resume rehearsing with our adult handbell choir very soon. We can safely do this group, though, unfortunately, it will still be awhile before we can resume any singing choirs, orchestra, or children's groups. In the meantime, I hope that all of you orchestra members and singers are doing some singing and playing to keep your chops up! This virus will be under control at some point, so please stay in shape so we can hit the ground running when we resume rehearsals!

Thank you all for giving your very best to God through our music ministry, both in the past and in the future. ALL of you are very faithful in your service and make a very big impact in our worship each week. I pray for the day when we can resume the musical part of our ministry and service. 

Have a great week and I'll see you all in worship on Sunday morning!

In His Service,
Submitted by Jamie Steadman, Director

After School Care wrapped up the last week of hybrid care on Friday. Ms Cheri and her fabulous staff have been going strong since August 13th.

Our hybrid care program went hand in hand with CPSD’s hybrid school plan. Most weeks Ms Cheri and her staff had the students on campus all day three days a week and after school the other two. From yoga to games to lots of crafts on top of the usual playing outside and school work, their days were filled with so much fun!

Please be in prayer for the health and safety of all of these students and their teachers - both here and at school - as they transition to school each day and then here for after school care each afternoon. Thank you!

Support our Preschool and After School Care Program
through their Amazon Wish List - Click Below To Donate!

We appreciate each of you and would love for you to follow us on Facebook: FUMCClintonWeekday


Submitted by Mike Norcom and Patty Fyke, Missions Team

The garage sale is officially scheduled to take place on October 9 & 10th.
As you all are aware, this fundraiser event has been very important for the financial support of our missions projects. We need your participation to assist with the set up, tear down, and staffing the days of the event. In keeping within the guidelines of social gatherings we will be setting up the event to keep our volunteers and customers safe by doing the following:

• Placing posters encouraging physical distancing for customers to see upon arrival and while shopping.

• Set up tables and sections of merchandise at least 6 feet apart.

• Provide a clear traffic flow for customers to follow throughout the sale.
• Ask customers to stay safely spread apart, during high traffic times and checkout.

• Ask everyone to wear a face mask during the sale.
• Have hand sanitizer stations available for event staff and customers to use.

If you would like to help with this mission fundraising event please contact Mike Norcom or Patty Fyke.

If anyone has furniture or other large items for the garage sale, please
contact the church office 601-924-6671 and let them know who you are and
what item(s) you have for the sale.
Letter from Bob Jackson -

I wanted to thank our mission’s committee again for the $7500 donation to Share the Blessings this year. We used about half of the money in Nicaragua and half in Belarus, the two main countries where Share the Blessings works.

• 16 wheelchairs were shipped to Sigard Monroe in Nicaragua and given to people in need.

• 3,993 pairs of eye glasses were shipped to the optometry school in Nicaragua to be given to those that need them in conjunction with free eye clinics put on by the school.

• Playground and sports equipment was bought and donated to two rural schools in Belarus where we have held a VBS in August for several years. Of course, due to the coronavirus we were not able to have the VBS this year, but we wanted the children to know that we had not forgotten them and that they were in our prayers.

Bob Jackson

Email From Correspondent
The photos are from Krasnoya Sloboda and Pareshe. The children and teachers are so grateful for the sports supplies. They told me to say to you and your church "Thank You so much for such a wonderful gift." Everyone is happy. My mother wrote a letter to the local newspaper as a thank you letter to you and our American team. We are looking forward to seeing our American team next year in Belarus! They missed you all this summer.

Best regards,
Date: Sunday, OCTOBER 11 Time: 8am - 1pm

Making a donation for Beverly is now more convenient! MS Blood Services will now be on campus Sunday, October 11th, 8am-1pm! This rescheduled date will allow them to be on-site during morning worship hours, so plan to stop by before or after the services!  If you are not available on this date but would like to help here are two options:

• Visit your local Ms Blood Services location and sign in with Code DZ06 at your convenience.

• Make a financial contribution through our Helping Hands Ministry. Contact the church office for more details.

To sign up for the October 11th event click on the Reservation Button below or call the church office or email [email protected]. Sign up times will be 15 minutes apart.

-Letter from Beverly-

Dear Church Family
I consider it a great blessing to have such a wonderful church family. Over the 20+ years I have been a member of this church, I have seen so much love and kindness shown to others. Whenever there has been sickness, family loss, fires, tornados and many other disasters or needs, our members have pulled together to help others. Sometimes it has been through giving of items needed, time, effort, meals, or money, but it truly does show God’s love to all.
Many of you may know (or not), but in May 2020, I was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). This is a bone marrow failure that doesn’t produce enough good red blood cells or platelets, which creates the need to receive red blood cells. Right now, I must get an infusion of red blood cells about every 3 to 4 weeks, usually it’s one unit at a time, but on several occasions, it has been two units. I am currently taking shots of a chemo medicine called Vidaza. I receive the shots for one week, two shots every day for 5 days in a row, then wait 3 weeks and repeat the shots. I go once a week to have my blood count checked. My next set of shots will begin on September 14. This medicine is not a cure, but hopefully it will bring up my red blood count and platelets and reduce the frequency for the need of a blood infusion. The only possible cure is a bone marrow transplant. We currently do not have a time frame on when we will do the transplant. 

I am so thankful and blessed to say that right now, I am not having a lot of side affects from the chemo medicine, but I do get tired easily. I have been able to continue to go to work through both this and COVID. God is Good, and we are so blessed. 

Russell, Noah and I, want to ask for your prayers during this time and to also give blood if you are able. By having 25 units of Blood donated to MS Blood Services in my name, they will intern help cover some of my cost (after insurance) for the blood infusions I have to receive. So far, I have received 11 units of blood since May. I really do appreciate you taking the time to donate blood for me and for your prayers. It is hard for me to ask this of others, I would much rather be helping someone else. 

In Christ,
Beverly Yeates, Russell & Noah
MS Blood Services Patient # DZ06
Is there anything more complicated than family? Whether your students are dealing with changes, fights, fractures, or more, navigating family matters is no easy feat for them. And for many students, the temptation to give up is present. To check out. To say, “in a few years (or months), I’ll be out of here anyway.”

But as leaders, we know family doesn’t stop affecting us when we leave high school. For the rest of our lives, family matters. And maybe that’s why Scripture has so much to say about it! In this series, we’ll talk about life with every family from picture perfect to totally fractured. And as we do, students will discover no matter what your family looks matters.

Click the button below for resources to help you connect with your student during this four week series!
Youth large group and small groups are on meeting via Zoom! Below is the youth weekly schedule and small group leaders! If your student needs to be connected to a group please email Hunter Lacefield for information on how to join in this week!

United Night via Zoom Sundays @ 4:00pm
4:00-4:10 // Log-on/hangout time
4:10-4:15 // Prayer and announcements
4:15-4:30 // Message
4:30-5:30 // Small Groups in break out rooms

Small Group Leaders
HS Boys // Jake Craft and Hunter Lacefield
JH Boys // Christian Sutherland and Jake Clarke
HS Girls // Amanda Pennington, Jenna Miller, Olivia Roberts, Rachel Rogers
JH Girls // Rachel Townsend, Shreve Bland, Shelby Dean, Anna Prestwood
I will be "in the office" at Cups Espresso Cafe located at 101 West Main Street from 4p-7p every Monday and Tuesday.

Students or parents are free to call or text and schedule a time to come meet with me during these times! Be sure to bring a mask!

Also, as always, I am available to set up zoom or FaceTime meetings as well! -Hunter
Our church continues to serve our congregation and community during this season. If you have a prayer request or if you, or someone you know, has a need complete a short request form (click on button). These requests will be reviewed by our Pastoral team.

Please review the prayer list download. If you would like to add to the prayer list please continue to use our digital form for submission which can be accessed by clicking on the link in this email or on our website.

Pastoral Care Line 601-460-0570
September 2020
September 6: $33,175
September 13: $14,778
September 20: $14,761
September Giving: $62,522

August 2020   
​​August Giving: $93,274
Other Income: $6,761
Total Income: $100,035
August Expenses: $101,223
August Deficit: ($1,188)

​​2020 Year to Date
Through August
​​YTD Giving: $696,028
Other Income: $72,188
YTD Total Income: $768,216
YTD Expenses: $834,702
YTD Deficit: ($66,486)

Thank You For Your Continued Generosity!
Missed last week? You can catch up online!
September Sermon Series: To-Don't List
Since we’ve been spending a lot more time at home lately, perhaps you’ve finally gotten around to that never ending “to-do” list. Tackling projects and crossing off tasks gives a sense of accomplishment. But there are also things that we shouldn’t do, things to avoid, things to give up that will also help us grow in our faith. Join us as we look at our “To-Don’t List.”

September 13- Don’t Judge- Romans 14:1-12
The church in Rome has a big problem. Some members won’t eat meat, preferring only vegetables. Some members are worshipping just on Sunday, instead of Saturday. The church can’t seem to agree who’s right and who’s wrong. Paul points out the real problem is something different: judging others.

September 20- Don’t Hoard- Exodus 16:2-15
The Israelites are told that God will provide, but do they believe it? God says he’s given them food every day, but don’t collect more than their daily need. In a time of uncertainty, we’re tempted to take more than we need, but what does that do others in need, and what does it do to our own soul?

September 27- Don’t Forget- Psalm 78:1-4
It’s easy to forget. With all the stress of life and the challenges that lie ahead it’s easy to forget that we’re still here, still breathing, still alive. It’s also easy to forget who got us here. Psalm 78 reminds us of all the deeds and wonders God has done to bring his people thus far. Don’t Forget, that God is still in charge.
The Voice is our weekly update for the latest announcements, ministry activities and event information at First United Methodist Church.
Want to know more about us? Head on over to our website, Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. If you missed last week's sermon, you can catch up by visiting our sermon archives. See You on Sunday!

We are so glad that you are interested in the ministry of First Methodist Clinton!
If you have an emergency need or need to speak
with a pastor please feel free to call.

Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570
Submitting information for The Voice:
Please email your submission by noon on Thursday to [email protected]
All content submitted is subject to approval and editing. Thank you for your cooperation!