Benefits Bulletin
May 2018
Massachusetts Employers
How do your medical plans stack up?
Whether you’re a stakeholder in making decisions around your company’s health (medical) plan offering, or an employee enrolled in your company medical plan, some of this information may be eye-opening to you.

What are other Massachusetts employers offering and seeing with regards to their health plan(s)? 

Have you heard rates are increasing, deductibles are getting larger, and Consumer Driven plans are all the rave? If that’s the extent of the message you’re receiving, here’s a deeper dive into what is actually going on, as told by the data...
Doug Goodhile, GBA
Manager, Marketing & Sales at Sullivan Benefits
Outside-the-box ways to spend time outdoors
Fresh air and sunshine are good for our health, and being active in the outdoors is better yet. Even if you're not an avid runner or cyclist, there are so many other wonderful ways to get the exercise you need while taking in the joys of nature, family, and friends. Here are a few ideas that might inspire you to grab your sneakers and head out the door for an activity that may be new to you.
Brought to you by Sullivan Benefits & United Benefit Advisors
"Learn more about how Sullivan Benefits can assist in taking your wellness efforts to the next level!"
"Nan the Nurse"
Director, Corporate Wellness