Issue 145 | May 9, 2019
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We look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming Presbytery meeting on May 16 at First Presbyterian Church, Morgantown!
The Sunday after Easter is often referred to as “Low Sunday,” meaning, among other things, that a church’s attendance and energy level bottom out after the emotional and spiritual highs of Easter and Holy Week. I’ve also heard it referred to as a “Cannonball Sunday” in that you could roll a cannonball down the aisle and not hit anybody. Some churches celebrate “Holy Humor Sunday” the week after Easter, telling jokes from the pulpit or having church members tell funny stories because with the resurrection God got the last laugh on Satan. However, Teays Valley Presbyterian Church took a different approach this year, as the theme for the Sunday after Easter was “Understanding Addiction With Hope and Grace.” 
  • Do we really need an annual review?

  • 2019 PC(USA) Special Offering calendar
Job opening!
Director of Music (part-time)
Bream Memorial, Charleston
Bream Memorial, a “Welcoming Congregation” in Charleston, seeks a part-time Director of Music to direct small member choir, play piano for rehearsal and Sunday worship, recruit members, develop choral scholars program, oversee weekly special music (by choir, ensembles and soloists), work alongside experienced organist and participate in monthly worship committee meeting. Creative opportunities abound for the development of the church’s music ministries. Strong piano skills required. Average 10-15 hours weekly. Send resumes to Music Director Search, P.O. Box 6127, Charleston, WV 25362 or
We invite you to print and include this newsletter in your bulletins, share it with your congregation and distribute widely. We hope it is helpful for your congregation and community. Click for the MAY newsletter in color  or  black-and-white.
Prayer Concern
Cheryl Stuart, daughter-in-law of First Presbyterian Church of St. Albans Interim Pastor Douglas Jenkins, is having hip replacement surgery at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown on May 16. Doctors will replace a previous setup, which has been degrading its chromium content into her body, and there may be infection hiding there as well.
Westminster welcomes 10th campus ministry
Westminster Foundation welcomes Rev. David Johnston, United Methodist campus pastor at Concord University. Concord is the 10th campus supported by Westminster Foundation; its ecumenical student fellowship, Vine & Branches, is supported with funds for programming. David attends Westminster’s Board meetings, where interactions with other campus pastors enrich the goals of all campus ministry programs.
New Resource!
Here's a new book from Flyaway Publishing that has a matching song. Download and listen to Carrie Newcomer's song while you read The Story of AND . The song is a word-for-word rendition of the story.
Synod webinar series on opiod epidemic starts tonight
For four consecutive Thursdays in May (today through the 30th) at 7 p.m., the Synod of the Trinity will host a webinar that will feature a discussion about the opioid epidemic. The conversation will revolve around a seven-session curriculum created by the Presbytery of Redstone's Addiction Ministry Network. Learn more about that curriculum and the webinar here, and email Mike Givler at to register.
By Rich Copley | Presbyterian News Service
One was a former school administrator who had instituted energy-saving measures at schools he oversaw and brought that same passion to his work with the church. Another was concerned with climate change and felt collective action was necessary to reverse the damaging effects of relying on fossil fuels.
In April, Spencer Presbyterian Church celebrated its first Earth Day on solar energy.
By Mike Givler, Synod of the Trinity
Unfortunately, there has been plenty of disagreement in the church over the years. Everything from slavery to segregation to women’s equality to LGBTQIA+ rights and other social situations have caused separation in the pews. How a congregation can overcome these issues and actually flourish during a time of conflict was the focus of Brian McLaren’s keynote address that kicked off the  Presbytery of West Virginia ’s Festival of Faith in early April.
Brian McLaren gives his keynote address at the Festival of Faith on April 6.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program will present the Mosaic of Peace 2020, a 12-day peacemaking conference, March 15-28, 2020 in Israel and Palestine. Participants will experience this remarkable and troubled region, encounter its diverse people, explore its rich history and complex current situation, and engage with those who seek its peace. A printable brochure is available here. Application deadline is Oct. 15.
Editor's Note: In order to keep PWV News fresh, articles will generally run for two consecutive issues. If you would like a piece to run longer, please update (with refreshed content, new wording and/or a different photo) and resubmit.