News Release

Class of 2018 Accrued over $9.2 Million in Scholarship Offers
Academic, athletic award offers represent 34.3% increase over previous year
While the prospect of incurring significant student-loan debt can serve as a deterrent for many young adults considering postsecondary education, Marquette Catholic High School's Class of 2018 concerned itself with where it will attend college, rather than if it will.

Marquette's most recent group of graduates tallied $9,269,300.00 in aggregate scholarship dollars/awards offered. The financial proposals represented a 34.3% hike from the Class of 2017's $6.9 million total.

"The impressive amount of money offered to Marquette students in recent years speaks to the hard work and commitment of both our students and faculty. While our primary focus has been on the academic piece of college preparedness and placement, seeing students rewarded with the financial means to achieve their educational goals is a fulfilling byproduct," director of academic advising Mary Kay Mark said.

Marquette's Class of 2018, which was comprised of 62 students, received their diplomas this past Thursday evening during the school's Graduation ceremony.