Indoor Worship and Holy Communion

Holy Communion will be offered at both the 8:00 am and 10:00 service.
Seating is available on a first come first serve basis.

If you attend in-person, please note:
Masks are required indoors - please wear the mask over your mouth and nose. 
The service will be about 45 minutes.
After the service, feel free to stick around outside and welcome those you have not seen in a while.  

Drive-in Church - drive up, tune your radio to 107.5 FM
Walk-up Church - bring a chair/bike/beach blanket, stay six feet from your neighbor in our garden and grassy area, and listen to the service live.
Live-stream - go to, click on the listen live button, and you will be routed to our YouTube channel. 
Zoom - go to and watch and listen live. Be sure to stick around after the service for our coffee hour chat-with-your-neighbor time. 

All Angels' 10 am service will begin with the lighting of the altar candles. If you are participating at home, you are invited to light a candle with us to create a sacred space of worship at home. 

The bulletin can be found on the All Angels Website:
or at the following link: Bulletin for Sunday, November 22
Flowers and Music for Christmas

There are 4 easy ways to contribute to the upcoming holiday season decorations and music:

1.For on-line giving chose the Christmas Donation button on the All Angels website

2 Send a check to the office made out to All Angels by the Sea with Christmas in the Memo Line

3. Put your check in offering plate with the above designations

4. Or, stop by or call the office, 941-383-8181, with donation information. 

If you would like to designate as Memorial or Thanksgiving of name, please enclose that information for the bulletin.
Children First  
Children First, a longtime recipient of ECW fundraising and Outreach grants could use our help this year. For Christmas every child receives a book and pajamas. This may be their only gift this year as many parents have lost their jobs and may not be called back. Please bring your unwrapped gift of pajamas and /or book appropriate for children infant to 5 years to the Christmas bin located in the narthex by December 7. We will see that it is delivered.
You can find these items on Amazon or stores that offer at home delivery. Please shop safely. 
Look for additional hours when the church will be open for reflection and prayer so you can safely bring in your items.
Questions? Call or email Gail Clay, Elaine Smith or Alison Jones
Organ Concert in the Park

Here is the first of our Organ Concert in the Park series, Thanksgiving edition. The next concert is December 3rd, from 11 am to noon, Eastern Standard Time.
Online Giving
All Angels now has an electronic offertory plate! You can find the online giving link on our All Angels website by clicking the link below:
Special Anniversary Blessings

Congratulations to Lou and Don Getz, who will be celebrating the 65th anniversary on November 22nd.
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer invites you to pray with them, every day,
at 8 am, wherever you are. When you enter into prayer at 8 am (Eastern), you will know that others are praying at the same time. 
Prayers for our People
You have made your Son fairer than sunlight, stars, meadows, or woodlands. Let his beauty, healing, and compassion cause all sorrowing hearts to sing, especially: Downs IV, Holden, Nikolai, and Brian. Grant healing and recovery for all who have gone through surgery. Give peace and strength for those going through cancer treatments, especially John, Victoria, Andres, Ginny, Alex, Colleen and Jack. Visit and comfort all who are under the care of skilled nursing, especially Bob, Ruth, Timothy, Don, Barbara and Mike. Be near to all who are in hospice care.
Gallery Artist

The artist for November is Linda Loen. Please stop by and enjoy the work of this talented artist.  

All checks should be written to "All Angels by the Sea."

All previous services, discussion group readings and Bible study classes may be found on our website:

There has been so much change happening all around us that it is easy to let things slip by. I’d like to take a moment and highlight a change that occurred on Sunday. For the first time in All Angels’ history, the terrace was open for people to enter and worship on Sunday. We had four souls who were willing to be test subjects; and, the results are in – they loved it!

The original plan for the church had a wraparound walkway that extended around the church from the memorial garden to the terrace. That would have allowed for the terrace to be used as an emergency exit. But, as buildings and plans go, the walkway did not materialize so the terrace remained a closed space. After decades of having members of the altar guild and flower guild get stuck out on the terrace, after the door closed behind them and locked, three things happened all at once – a global pandemic temporarily restricted indoor worship to 10 people, All Angels started broadcasting our services outside the church, and the Vestry decided to improve the entrances for people of any mobility. In order to improve our ingress/egress plan, we (probably) had to add an emergency exit. The logical place to do that was through the terrace. With the rising popularity of worshipping at All Angels outside, a bold plan was made. A contractor cut into the terrace walls at both north and south ends and then poured an ADA compliant cement walkway that connected into our existing garden pathway. Lastly, all-weather outdoor speakers were installed that carry the audio from inside the church to the outside. And voila, a new era has begun.

The Albert and Bette Spaeth Meditation Terrace has a plaque that reads as follows: Enter + Rest + Pray

From 1994 until 2020, the only way to enter the meditation terrace was through the doors in nave of the church. And, if they locked behind you, the only way to exit was to jump over the wall. Nowadays, pilgrims seeking to rest and pray can enter through the walkway; any time of day, any day of the week. We are living into the vision that folks had back when the church was made. The speakers make it so that congregants can sit on the terrace, enjoy fresh outdoor air, and participate in the service. And, for the first time in anyone’s recollection, communion was served on the terrace this past Sunday. The first communicant was a parishioner who just celebrated her 97th birthday, Marge Stapleton.

Change can happen like a swinging pendulum. Other change is like passing a threshold from which one cannot go back or like a navigation point of no return. All Angels has now passed a threshold. Now that the terrace is open for anyone to take time to enter, rest and pray, there is no going back. Our proverbial door has been set in the open position with cement. It is another step that all the pilgrims of All Angels are taking to bring the living Christ to those inside and outside the church.

- Fr. Dave

If you would like to follow in the footsteps of Albert and Bette Spaeth and help underwrite the costs of our continuing pilgrimage, click here.