February 12, 2020
February 14
IMPORTANT: Re-enrollment Deadline
Re-enroll online or ask the front desk for a hard copy of the contract. First-round financial aid awards must also be accepted by this deadline.

February 17
Presidents Day/Mid-Winter Break
No classes; child care available (Register by Friday!)
K-8th grade trip to swim at the Boys & Girls Club

February 19-22
Grades 6-8
New York City

February 19
Basketball Scrimmage
3:35 p.m.

February 20
 WMS Family Involvement Group
Third Thursday Nature Walk
Beat the winter blues with fresh air!
3:25 p.m.
WMS Woods (meet in Peace Park by 3:20)

February 27
Toddler Maker Faire
8:15-9 a.m.
Toddler Maker (STEAM) Studio (Room 1)

Stay tuned for what's been going on in music and physical education next month!
From the Primary Program all the way through middle school, WMS students learn about the Spanish language through role-playing, writing, music, dancing, art and other interactive activities. By applying the language to real-life situations and learning about the cultures of various Spanish-speaking countries, the children build connections that will help them remember their new vocabulary for years to come.
Primary Program
In January, Primary students started a unit on Las Frutas (fruit) in Spanish class. Students learned vocabulary words like melocotón (peach), plátano (banana) and naranja (orange) through songs, dances and role-playing. Spanish teacher Ana Brown also integrated lessons about the importance of healthy food choices into her discussions about frutas .

Kindergarten Program
Kindergartners just completed their unit on La Familia . They learned vocabulary words for different family members and created beautiful family portraits, which are displayed downstairs in the hallway near the Spanish classroom.

Lower Elementary (6-9) Program
Lower Elementary students also learned about Las Frutas as they kicked off 2020. At this level, students go beyond learning the vocabulary words and begin to create basic sentences about their fruit preferences in Spanish.

Upper Elementary (9-12) Program
In the Upper Elementary Program, students are learning to speak about physical traits in Spanish. The goal of this unit is to teach students to respectfully describe themselves. The students will conclude this unit by recording a short video about themselves. 
Middle School Program
In the Middle School Program, the seventh-graders just wrapped up a unit on pastimes, including a writing assignment for which they created imaginative brochures for an event at a fictitious school (see above). Next, the seventh-graders will learn about Las Vacaciones (vacation and travel), including discussions on seasons, weather and months of the year.

Students in the eighth-grade Spanish group finished their chapter on De Compras (shopping). They learned to use the preterite (past tense) and completed a writing assignment for which they interviewed a friend or family member about his or her shopping preferences. Transcripts of the interviews were presented in Spanish, and everyone did a spectacular job! Now, the eighth-graders are ready to begin the chapter on La Rutina DIaria (the daily routine).

What's happening in art class? This month, we decided to show you. Check out our video below!
Maker (S.T.E.A.M.) Studio
In December and early January, students completed their Hour of Code using age-appropriate materials in their respective Maker (STEAM) Studios . Toddlers used Bee-Bot , a simple robot that can be programmed to move in different directions for varying distances, while older students used more advanced tools like Dash & Dot , Scratch Jr. , Kano , Little Bits and the Hour of Code website. 
Toddler Program
The toddlers kicked off 2020 with a new unit on structural engineering. Through hands-on experiments inspired by fairy tales like the “Three Little Pigs” and the “Three Billy Goats Gruff,” the children learned about the best materials and designs for building sturdy structures.

Primary Program
Primary students focused on architecture, also using a fairy tale as the foundation for their work. After reading "The Three Little Pigs: An Architectural Tale," the students discussed the different building styles of Frank Gehry, Phillip Johnson and Frank Lloyd Wright. They recreated the story using unorthodox construction materials to build houses of “scraps,” “glass” and “concrete.” Next, students in each class will plan and build their own house, creating blueprints and deciding which materials to use.
Kindergarten Program
Kindergartners began the new year with lessons about binary code and pixelation using new Montessori coding materials. They also started a unit on the brain this month. The kindergartners loved engaging and activating their brains using Brain Gym and through other problem-solving activities. The children will wrap up the unit by creating a short movie about their brains.  

Lower Elementary (6-9) Program
In January, Lower Elementary students learned about the Inca tribe of South America. They took a virtual tour of Machu Picchu in Peru. Students marveled at the engineering skills of the Inca people and began to learn about the Peruvians and their making skills. The Lower Elementary students have started to make Peruvian arpilleras - detailed hand-sewn three-dimensional textile pictures that illustrate the stories of the lives of the women of Lima, Peru.
Upper Elementary (9-12) Program
Upper Elementary students have begun to use the Tinkercad website, which allows them to create and print 3D models. Currently, they are using Tinkercad to create a replica of an impressive engineering feat like a famous building, bridge or structure from the state projects they are working on in the classrooms. Students are also working on green screen movies of their chosen engineering feats. 

Middle School Program
Middle School students finished up their technology block in January and have begun their STEAM curriculum. Their first class began with a STEAM challenge during which they were asked to create a free-standing building using cardboard and scissors but no glue or tape. They came up with some very interesting creations. These quick STEAM education challenges will continue throughout the year to encourage collaboration, creativity and problem-solving skills.

For their first STEAM project of the year, students are tasked with creating a new game for a game night fundraiser. Students are working in small groups to create games and will use 3D printers to create pieces. Stay tuned for more information on this unique middle-school fundraiser!
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to  by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich , Director of Advancement & Communications.
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