Weekly Postings
Heggie's Rock Preserve Tour organized by our Creation Care Committee and led by a Nature Conservancy volunteer. We hope to organize another visit in the fall! 

May 10 - May 19, 2019
In This Issue

THURS 12 noon
Buildings and Ground

This Sunday May 12
Welcome to Saint Paul's for Newcomers and Visitors
Sunday, May 12, 10-10:45 AM
Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul

New to the Saint Paul's community? Wondering what your next steps might be? Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the chapel. 

RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office.
Second Sunday  Birthday Celebration
Sunday, May 12, 10:30-10:45  AM , Tyler Hall
ALL are invited to our brief but joyful celebration for all whose birthdays fall in May. J oin us during "Coffee and Conversation" (10:30 - 10:45  AM ) in Tyler Hall for "Birthday Sunday."
Our Schedule This Sunday May 12
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
No Music

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Formation classes for all ages (see schedule below)
The Nursery is available.

10:30 - 10:45 AM  
Birthday Sunday (Tyler Hall)

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer 
and Communion  with Prayers for Healing 
Carl Purdy is our guest musician. 
Formation Classes This Sunday May 12

RECTOR'S FORUM, Year-round
Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: Parlor

The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.

Facilitator: Fr. Jenkins
Location: Berlin Room 

Humanity is not set apart from or over God creation and what God created is not given for human exploitation. In this series of workshops offered by our Creation Care ministry, we will wrestle with the implications of our theology in light of the state of the planet and focus on three aspects of relationship with the whole creation to develop personal, concrete pledges that embody 1) Loving, 2) Liberating, and 3) Life-giving relationships with God's creation. This series i s inspired by  the Episcopal Church's Creation Care initiatives; explore here:

THIS SUNDAY: Continuation of Meditation #1: Loving.
We will share our stories of love and concern for the Earth and link with others who care about protecting the sacred web of life. "Because I am willing to share my strong love of God and God's Creation, I will..." 


No Formation for Youth this Sunday only. 

Grades 6 - 12
Questions about formation? Contact Todd Shafer.


WEAVING GOD'S PROMISES -- Ages 8-11 or Grades 3 - 5
Leader: Coleman Graham and company
Location: Blue Room, Children's Ministries Center

Our bigger children will immerse themselves in an Episcopal formation experience rooted in the stories of our faith as presented in Matthew's Gospel. In this first of a three-year cycle, our children encounter the story of our salvation from the fall to our redemption and how we fit into the story. Our theme in this curriculum year is "God loves us and stays with us-no matter what." Every session incorporates theology and history from our Episcopal-Anglican perspective. Questions??? Contact Coleman Graham or Fr. John.

GODLY PLAY -- 4s to 8, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
Leaders: Kim Butler & Ivey Coleman
Location: Godly Play Room, Children's Ministry Center

We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.

Arrive between 9:25 AM and 9:30  AM. Pick up is 10:25-10:30  AM. Take a Parent Page from the table so you can talk your child about "their work" and wonder with them throughout the week about the sacred story. Questions??? Contact Kim Butler, Ivey Coleman, or Fr. John
Next Week  May 13 - May 19
Pub Theology
Tuesday, May 14, 7 P M, The Larder in Hammond's Ferry

Join a varied group of young(ish) adults to explore some of the "big" questions around our meaning, purpose, and God. We hope to grow in our understanding of ourselves and God as we gather together over drinks (whether coke or ale). We welcome all faiths, but especially focus on the Christian perspective informed by the Episcopal tradition. For more information  please email John Jenkins .
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner 
Wednesday, May 15, 6-7 PM

Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, May 15, 6-7  PM , in Tyler Hall. On the menu: Taco Bar with pulled pork, marinated and grilled chicken, cheese, salsa, pico de gallo, cilantro lime sour cream, regular sour cream, jalapenos, guacamole, tortillas, cheese sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, Mexican chopped salad, black beans and Mexican corn medley, fried cheesecake chimichangas with caramel and Nutella sauce with fresh berries. $5 per person; $15 max per family. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please  RSVP on our sign-up genius .  
" The Lord Almighty, 
grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end."

COMPLINE - closing prayers for the day
Wednesday, May 15, 7:00 - 7:15 PM
Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul

Bring your mid-week evening to a prayerful close in a still, candlelit sacred space with one another and God. Compline is a much beloved, simple prayer service for the end of the day. It also may be observed in private at the end of your day and is found on p.127-135 in The Book of Common Prayer.
Manna Pantry
Manna Pantry 
Friday , May 17,  5:00 PM
Saturday, May 18, 9:30 AM

Manna Pantry is a ministry that provides food to 150 families and individuals on odd-number months throughout the year. Friday, volunteers help unload the truck, arrange tables, assemble boxes, open and sort items, and box food for persons who will need special assistance the next day. On Saturday, volunteers will greet and check in guests, then fill their boxes as they move them along the tables cafeteria-style. Some volunteers are needed to assist persons by carrying their loaded boxes to their cars.  Contact Melissa Friedman for more information.
Canterbury Choir and EYC 
Celebrate the Year and Kick-off-the-Summer Party
Saturday, May 18, 12 noon, The Home of Kathleen & Jack Chandler

EYC and Canterbury Choir, get ready to celebrate!  Bring your own chair/gear and come ready to boat, fish, or swim. Parents are welcome to hang out, too!   RSVP to Kathleen.  
Senior Sunday (Deadline for Bulletin - Wednesday May 15)
Senior Sunday Service, Sunday, May 19, 11 AM

Parents of graduating high school seniors: Senior Sunday is May 19. Please complete a senior recognition form and return it to the parish office with a digital picture by Wednesday, May 15. Feel free to send responses by email - the form is not necessary. If your son or daughter is interested in being included in this service, please contact the parish office by Monday, May 13.
Daughters of the King Discernment Classes for New Members
Beginning May 

The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DoK) will offer discernment classes for new members beginning May. DoK is an international prayer and service order in the Episcopal Church, and The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter is part of the ministries of Saint Paul's Church. If you are interested in discernment classes or have questions about the DoK, please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau at or call her at (706) 910-9331.  
Looking Ahead 
YEA (Young Episcopal Adults)
Sunday, May 26, 7 PM , The Bee's Knees

Calling all 20-30-somethings for a monthly gathering at the Bee's Knees following Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion. (Celtic Service attendance is not a qualifier!). For more information, email John Jenkins 
EfM: Calling the Curious
2019-2020 ENROLLMENT is OPEN!!

Are you curious about your growing in faith? Consider  Education for Ministry  (EfM), a small-group experience with a big impact. Fall enrollment is now open. The Tuesday morning EfM group has 3 spaces available, and the Sunday evening group has 6 spaces. NEW for EfM ALUMNI: alumni may participate in ANY year of study under the new curriculum for the cost of your books-no tuition. NEXT STEP:   Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and Kathleen Chandler  or Fr. John Jenkins  to explore this opportunity.
Four Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
Pentecost Sunday, Father's Day, Independence Day, July 21

Four open Sundays for altar arrangements: Pentecost Sunday, June 9, Father's Day, June 16, Independence Day Service, July 7,  and July 21. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
Donate Summer Music

On the summer Sundays when the choirs are on vacation special music is provided by guest instrumentalists or singers. If you'd like to donate the music on these Sundays please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call him, (706) 724-2485 ext. 215 for further information and cost. Gifts can be made as thanksgivings or memorials.
News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field 

Read the Search Profile for the 11th Bishop of Georgia. 

May 2019
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be May 12.  

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