James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS News & Views:
April 2018
Photo credit: KCNA
Front-page op/ed in the New York Times
East Asia Program Director Jeffrey Lewis published an op/ed in the New York Times that appeared on page one of the international print edition. In it, Lewis discusses the role of the strange word "denuclearization," which he notes "is more or less native to the Korean Peninsula." And its likely understood to mean very different things to Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump. 

And that just might be our saving grace.

North Korean cargo vessel Dai Hong Dan. Photo courtesy of US Navy.
Analyzing the UN Report on North Korea Sanctions
Writing for the blog War on the Rocks, Andrea Berger and Shea Cotton look at how North Korea has managed to keep apace with the increasingly complex sanctions regime levied against it. 

Andrea also discusses her analysis of the UN report on the Arms Control Wonk podcast.

Critical Issues Forum Spring 2018
High School Students from Japan, US, Russia discuss Nuclear Ban Treaty
Students and teachers from Japan and Russia joined their peers from the United States to participate in the Critical Issues Forum (CIF) Conference, which was held in Monterey, CA, March 30-31. 

This annual event is part of CNS's commitment to nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament education. The CIF program, in particular, focuses on engaging high school students, who will become the leaders of tomorrow, on nuclear issues.

Growth in MTCR Membership by Year (click to enlarge)
Celebrating Success of the MTCR
Between North Korean's progress advancing an intercontinental ballistic-missile program and Iran's ongoing intermediate-range missile tests, a casual observer might believe that missile proliferation abounds. 

Not so, writes CNS Deputy Director Leonard S. Spector in this month's Arms Control Today. The thirty-year-old Missile Technology Control Regime has successfully suppressed the spread of missiles "to a remarkable degree."

Jeffrey Lewis
WEBINAR: Snooping on North Korea from Monterey
In this pre-recorded webinar, East Asia Program Director Jeffrey Lewis demonstrates how his team uses open-source satellite photographs, 3D models, and language skills to gain unprecedented insight into North Korea's missile program, "without leaving Monterey or the beach," he adds.
Louisa Roemer presents her research
VIDEO: State-sponsored Radiological Weapons Programs
Dirty bombs aren't just for terrorists. In this video, CNS experts Sarah Bidgood, Fabian Hinz, Jeffrey Lewis, Sam Meyer, and Luisa Roemer explore the history of state radiological weapons programs to understand why states pursue radiological weapons and how to deal with the challenges they present.
Ambassador Mohamed Shaker (1933-2018)
In Remembrance of Ambassador Mohamed Shaker
It is with great sadness that we learned this month that Ambassador Mohamed Shaker passed away at the age of 85. Ambassador Shaker was both a good friend and an exceptional diplomat, who represented Egypt with distinction in many posts around the world. He is perhaps best known for his work in the sphere of nuclear nonproliferation, both as a diplomat and a scholar.

Ambassador Shaker was an indefatigable proponent of the NPT, and even during his later years always could be found at NPT meetings. He brought unusual passion and perspective to these events, along with great warmth and humor. He will be sorely missed.