Discovery Church Update
Church Schedule Update
September 20, 2020
1. Scriptural Encouragement 
2. Weekly Worship Update
3. Church Camp-out Invitation
4. Sunday School, Discovery Zone For Kids and Children's Church Updates
5. Available Bible Studies/Fellowship Opportunities 

Scriptural Encouragement
What would you say if someone asked you, “How can I get more involved in this church?” What would you say? Would you try and think of a job they could do? A team to join? A ministry to help with? Those could all be good things but if this person is new to the church, consider some of these options as, possibly, even more beneficial. 

First: Get really familiar with what this church believes and practices
What does the statement of faith say? Do they even have a statement of faith? That will tell you a lot. Do they believe that God is Triune (Father, Son and Spirit)? Do they believe the Bible is God’s Word and without error? Do they believe that baptism is just for believers (i.e., someone who can decide for themselves to repent and believe)? Do they believe Jesus is God in the flesh? Do they believe that he died to actually pay for our sins? Do they believe he actually rose from the dead in the same body that was crucified? Next, what does their church covenant say? Do they even have one? A church covenant is simply a document that summarizes what the Bible teaches about how Christians are supposed to live and worship together. It will explain what they mean when they use the word “membership” or when they talk about “joining the church”. It’s a simple way of saying “this is how we want to relate to God and one another.” Finally, who are the leaders of the church? Are there multiple leaders or “elders” as described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 or is the church controlled by a “boss”? Are there areas where they share authority with the congregation? 

Second: Think and pray through whether or not you could happily join the church and partner with them in ministry.
If you’ve become acquainted with what the church believes, ask: Do I believe the same things this church believes? Am I ready to commit myself to the good of the other believers here? Do I have a desire to let this body of believers help me follow Jesus? Do I have a desire to help others follow Jesus along with these believers? Could I happily accept the leadership of the pastors/elders?

Third: Prioritize Sunday Morning Worship
Hebrews 10:24-25, says, “24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

One of the main ways that God intends to encourage believers is through the regular assembly for worship on the Lord’s Day. The word church literally means, “assembly” and Hebrews 10 tells us that this assembly is meant to stir us up to love, good works and encouragement. You can’t be connected if you neglect the assembly. It’s also one of the main ways that you disciple your family without even saying a word. Regularly sacrificing other plans in order to assemble with believers shows your family and the world what is most important in this life: worshipping the one true God and equipping yourself for ministry in His world. 

Fourth: Don’t Feel Pressured to ‘Pick a Ministry’
Many churches have been taught that to help people feel connected they need to be given “a job” to do right away. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with jumping in right away if that feels natural to you. However, in my opinion, no one should feel pressured to pick a ministry or find a job right away. First, we don’t want people to feel like they’re wanted simply because they’re useful. We want them to feel wanted because they’re wanted. Second, anytime you’re joining a “new team” it’s helpful to focus on relationships first rather than tasks and jobs first. Strong relationships will make for more fruitful ministry anyway. So, just worship and focus on getting to know people. 

Finally: Practice and Accept Hospitality 
Decide to take advantage of any opportunities the Lord gives you to practice hospitality. Have people over to your house for a meal, go out for ice-cream, host a game night in your back-yard, etc. If it seems like you’re not getting these opportunities, start praying for them to happen or just start getting to know the elders and their families. Ask your pastor if there are other people who are eager to get connected to other people. Example: Maybe there are a few college students or young single adults who frequently “fall through the cracks”. You might not have a lot in common with these young people but you might be a real blessing to them if you made a home cooked meal for them once in a while or invited them over for a family movie night. The goal of getting connected isn’t to find all the people who are just like you. It’s to minister and be ministered to. That goal need not be hindered by age limits. 

For your joy and His glory, let us stay connected in these simple ways!

Weekly Worship
We praise God that we are able to continue to gather for worship on Sunday mornings. We are thankful for God's grace toward us during this season and we remain committed to practicing good common sense and giving one another freedom to act according to conscience when making decisions about church involvement. Please remember:
  • If you are sick or experiencing any symptoms please do not come to church. Use caution and seek medical advice instead.
  • If you are in a high-risk category (e.g., compromised immune system, etc.) consult a medical professional that you trust to help make the right decision for you when it comes to public exposure. 
  • Don't feel pressured to be back in church or volunteering as usual if you're not ready. If you're wondering how to make a decision about when to get back into a church routine, seek advice from trusted brothers/sisters in Christ, wisdom from God's word, and listen to your conscience.
  • Remember that masks are available in the church building if you want one. We will not bind the conscience when it comes to masks but we are happy to provide them for any and all that would like one.   

*NURSERY and CHILDREN'S CHURCH NOW AVAILABLE! Both nursery and Children's Church volunteers will continue to abide by safe and sanitary procedures when caring for all the children in their care. 
Resumes Now Being Received for Second Pastor
The search team has completed all our preparations to open the search for a second pastor. Thank you for filling out our surveys these past two weeks! We will be posting this job opening as an Associate Pastor of Family Ministries so that our applicants understand this is a pastoral position which includes ministry to youth and children but is not limited to youth and children. In case you missed our meeting about adding a second pastor to our ministry then you can read those notes and watch the video RECAP HERE. The next search team meetings will be focused on reviewing resumes. 

Church Campout Thank You!
A Big THANKS! to Jon Story, Taylor O'Bryan, Tony and Lana Frederick, Wade Van Gerpen, and everyone else for all their work in making the campout such a sweet time of fellowship! 

Sunday School, Discovery Zone For Kids, and Children's Church Updates
We are happy to announce that Sunday School, Discovery Zone For Kids classes and Children's church are all back in full swing. THE ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOl CLASS will be studying the book of JONAH in the Fellowship/Gathering Grounds Area (grades 7-12 welcome to join in or volunteer to help in other classes). Discovery Zone For Kids and Youth Group will continue every Wednesday at 6:30PM. 

Sunday School Class List
  • Ages 4-Grade 3 "Answers In Genesis" taught by Brenda Vermeier and Mary Neal
  • Grades 4-6 "Answers In Genesis" taught by Julie Steffen and Roxie Pier
  • Adults - "Jonah: Grace for Sinners and Saints" (grades 7-12 welcome to attend or to select another class to help out)

Discovery Zone For Kids Class List
  • Age 4-Kindergarten "Promises" taught by Angie Maibaum and Robin Teichroew
  • Grades 1-3 "He Has Been Clearly Seen" taught by Peg Wittmeier
  • Grades 4-6 "How Majestic Is Your Name" taught by Taylor O'Bryan

Wednesday Night Adult Class, 1 Corinthians: Challenging Church, Loving Church
Don Campbell has graciously agreed to teach our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study through 1 Corinthians. The study is called "Challenging Church, Loving Church." I'm especially grateful that Don is willing to teach so that I'm free to fellowship with the youth and spend some time in Bible study with them on Wednesday nights. If you think about it, be sure and thank him! In fact, maybe the next few weeks would be an especially good time to have an eye out for people that you can bless with an unexpected "Thank You" for how you see them ministering to others!

Here are all the study/fellowship opportunities currently available through our church:
  • Monday Morning Men's Group (6:45 AM at Fryn' Pan)
  • Women's Praise and Gratitude Group, Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30PM at Betty Dahlerup's (2209 Burleigh #310)
  • Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study in 1 Corinthians at 6:30PM at Discovery Church. Childcare available. Zoom will also continue to be available.
  • Men's Thursday Noon Bible Study (In-person at Discovery Church - bring a lunch if you like)
  • Women's Bible Study On Ruth, Tuesdays at 5:30PM AND Thursdays @ 9:00AM at Discovery Church. Childcare is available for Thursdays only.

Pastor Cory

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