Weekly Postings
June 1 - June 8, 2018
In This Issue
TUES 11:45 AM

WED 5:30 PM
Creation Care
This Weekend  June 2 
Quiet "Day" - God within us
Saturday, June 2, 9:30 AM - 12 noon, Chapel
You're invited to a spiritual morning of quiet solitude Saturday, June 2, 9:30 AM - 12 noon with the Daughters of the King. Bring "prayer tools" such as your bible, journal, or anything used for meditation, and Fr. Muir will lead us in quiet contemplation on Pentecost: God within us. All are welcome. Please RSVP for this event to Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or by phone, 706-359-4480, before Friday, June 1.
Our Schedule This Sunday June 3
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite One
No music

9:30 AM
Christian Formation for Adults
Berlin Room

10:30 AM  
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Carl Purdy is our guest musician.
  Lessons for This Sunday  are Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Psalm 81:1-10; 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; and Mark 2:23-3:6.
This Sunday June 3
Rector's Discretionary Account
Your generous non-pledged offerings (cash and designated checks) on the first Sunday each month support our clergy's Discretionary Account. Frs. Muir and Jenkins use these funds to meet urgent needs within our community, to further the ministries of the church when other funds are not available, and to support community programs and institutions that serve those in need.
Opening our Prayer Book - Adult Christian Formation
Sunday, 9:30-10:30  AM , Berlin Room, Clergy led 

The Book of Common Prayer is not just another book nor simply a collection of prayers... it is a bold expression of how Episcopalians envision God and a means for shaping and renewing the entirety of our Christian lives. We will discuss the full range of resources in the BCP and how to use them. If you have your own BCP, bring it; if not, we will have copies for your use; in either event, bring your curiosity and the questions you always have wanted to ask about the BCP, our prayers, and liturgy. 
Next Week June 4 - June 10
Donate Summer music
Donate summer music in memory or in thanksgiving. The choirs begin this year's vacation on May 27th. Please speak with Keith Shafer, Director of Music, who can provide you with more complete information.

Welcome to Saint Paul's For Newcomers and Visitors
Sunday, June 10, 10 AM, The Parlor

New to the Saint Paul's community? Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the parlor 10 AM, Sunday, June 10. RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office.
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, June 10, 10:30 - 10:45 AM, Tyler Hall
Next Sunday, June 10, is Birthday Sunday. Join us for our brief but joyful celebration in Tyler Hall during Coffee and Conversation (10:30 AM) for all whose birthdays fall in June.

Summer EYC  
Sundays, June 10, June 24, & July 15 
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) will not meet this Sunday.  Please make a note of these Summer EYC dates: June 10, June 24, and July 15. Details will follow.  Contact Ranie for more information.
Pub Theology
June 11, 7 PM, The Pizza Joint Downtown Augusta
Mark your calendars for Pub Theology June 11, 7 PM, at the Pizza Joint in downtown Augusta! Join a varied group of young(ish) adults to explore some of the "big" questions around our meaning, purpose, and God. We hope to grow in our understanding of ourselves and God as we gather together over drinks (whether coke or ale). We welcome all faiths, but especially focus on the Christian perspective informed by the Episcopal tradition. For more information please email Ranie or visit our page on Facebook, "Pub Theology of Augusta."
Looking Ahead 
Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, June 20, 6-7 PM, Tyler Hall
Please note the change of date for June
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday,  June 20. On the menu: chicken & rice casserole, green beans, rolls and dessert. $5 per person; $15 max per family. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP to Todd Shafer so that we can be the best hosts.
The Longest Day Concert
Thursday, June 21, 12 noon, The Nave 
Dr. Robert Foster, Professor of Music at Augusta University, will present a program with several local musicians in memory of his father and others who have succumbed to Alzheimer's Disease. There will be no charge for the concert, but an offering will be taken to benefit Alzheimer's Association.

Saint Paul's Outreach Committee offers this concert in memory of and in honor of our parishioners who have died of Alzheimer's or are living with Alzheimer's Disease.  We invite you to attend this concert, Make a donation to the Alzheimer's Association, and to share with us the names of those you love who should be remembered in our bulletin for this event.  Contact Marilyn Grau for more information. 
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, June 23, 9 - 10:45 AM
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers Saturday, June 23. The Prep Team works from 9 - 10:45 AM. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests.
Contact Marilyn Grau for more information.
Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, June 24, 2:15 PM, GA War Veterans' Nursing Home
Join us for our quarterly Veterans' Ice Cream Social, Sunday, June 24, 2:15-4 PM, at the GA War Veterans' Nursing Home located at 1101 15th Street. We'll dish and serve ice cream and cookies; then spend much-appreciated time visiting our oft-forgotten heroes. All ages are welcome to participate. Contact Louis Walker for more information.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
Third quarter open Sundays for altar flowers: July 1, 15, & 22 and August 19 & 26. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor one of these Sundays in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones please contact the parish office . The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time. 
Education for Ministry (EfM) program
CALLING THE CURIOUS: Are you curious to explore the meaning of Holy Scripture, the history and traditions of Christianity, and our ever-changing understanding of God that you may more deeply live your faith? Then it is time to consider the Education for Ministry (EfM) program. EfM is a small-group study and spiritual growth program open to ALL people and begins each August. Contact Saint Paul's EfM leaders, Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau  and Fr. John Jenkins to have a full conversation about it. WE LOVE EfM!
Spring Quarter (April - June 2018)

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here. Mark your calendar with these April - June 2018 service opportunities. We invite you to join us as often as you are able.

News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field  
May 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be May 13.  

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