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CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace

The Love that Moves Mountains

Today, we choose to celebrate love in action. It is the kind of love that has started and powered social movements. It is powerful, inspiring, compassionate, and life-giving! It is the engine that drives our demonstrated commitment to bring our world into full realization of Peace.

Today, at Pathways To Peace (PTP), we recognize the power of love in action, and we believe that it is the engine that drives every small and large success as together, we make Peace a lived reality. It is love in action that inspires our Peacebuilding, and throughout our history, it has been at the heart of our partnerships, programs, and projects.

Today, we celebrate you - and your chosen pathway to Peace! You have demonstrated the effectiveness of love in action and are changing our world - one person, one relationship, one action at a time.
Today, we stand on the shoulders of great leaders throughout history who have changed our world and moved mountains in the name of love. Those leaders knew the power of love in action and used that power to stay the course, to care for those who may have appeared unlovable, to inspire masses, and to link arms with mighty companions who could lighten the load.

Hands around the earth

Today, we take comfort and are inspired by the words of one of those great leaders who so clearly lifts and moves us as we work together to seek, find, and nurture Peace. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Where Do We Go From Here" speech on August 16th, 1967.

"And I say to you, I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems. And I'm going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn't popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I'm not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love; I'm talking about a strong, demanding love. And I have seen too much hate. I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love."

Thank you for your past support of Pathways To Peace. Now, more than ever, it is vital to keep our work flowing. The work we do to support programs and projects around our world need your support. A gift of $5.00 per month shows us that you support the work we do. Whatever amount you can afford to give is greatly appreciated and makes a real and positive difference. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

I Love Giving Charity Helping to Give Buttons Pins Shirt 3d Illustration

About Pathways To Peace

Incorporated in 1983, Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international Peacebuilding organization dedicated to making Peace a lived reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger Organization of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. For nearly four decades, PTP has been involved with the UN in conferences, summits, plans and programs of action, and special delegations, including the current Sustainable Development Goals.  PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally in building collaboration among diverse organizations, programs, communities, and networks, and through the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI).

For more information about Pathways To Peace, please visit our website:  or contact:  [email protected]

About the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) and the International Day of Peace (Peace Day)

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative, uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to build a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, which are exemplary of an emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.   The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact. 

Pathways To Peace (PTP) has worked with the UN to build awareness of, and participation in the International Day of Peace since its inception in 1981, and has been instrumental in helping it grow from a single event of a few hundred people into an annual global observance that now reaches hundreds of millions of people. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace on a daily basis (Peace Day every day).  

Thank You!

Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977