Important News for Our Clients
May Insights


      “Diligence is the mother of good luck.” ― Ben Franklin.
With an incredible first quarter following one of the worst Decembers in history, plus the unanticipated large-scale decline in interest rates, we are excited to see what the rest of 2019 has in store. Regardless, we remain diligent in trusting our evidence-based investment philosophy.

Unfortunately, investors who try to predict and time the market are frequently disappointed. As the excerpt from 27 Principles Every Investor Should Know (below) explains, average returns can be very misleading and aren’t a good indicator of future performance. Next, Katie Keary discusses simple, straightforward tips for becoming more financially engaged in a short video clip that proves small steps can turn into big wins. The third piece provides advice on how to have family financial conversations that are productive and stress-free. Lastly, discover the top destinations that you should visit this year. Whether they boast historical significance, natural beauty or once-in-a-lifetime celebrations, these places are worth adding to your 2019 travel list.

Whatever the market has in store for 2019, remain diligent in your financial plan and trust the process. Wishing you a wonderful spring and a prosperous summer.

Maureen McShane

Articles of Interest 

San Francisco and St. Louis both have an annual average temperature of 65 degrees, but only one of these destinations drops to arctic temperatures each winter. Similarly, even savvy investors can get duped by looking solely at average returns.

Taking control of your finances doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. In this short video, Katie Keary shares how you can become more financially engaged by taking small, simple steps over time.

Serious family financial conversations are rarely easy, but there are many ways to make them more productive and less emotional. These tips will help you have meaningful, stress-free financial conversations with your family.

Now is the perfect time to plan your travel destinations 2019. From urban delights to naturally breathtaking landscapes, this list offers unique places (domestic and abroad) where you can relax, explore and learn.

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 | Capital Investment Management, Inc. |410-997-6755| |
 Investment Advisory Services Provided By Capital Investment Management, Inc.
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Past performance is not indicative of future results and no investment strategy is free from risk, nor do they guarantee returns