Thank you for spending a minute with me today. This is an exciting time for me and an exciting time for Flavorman. This company is early in it's 26th year and has more potential than ever before. We have more space, more people, more capabilities, and more projects than at any point in our history. And while we owe all of our successes to you, our clients and friends, I'd like to share a few habits that we always try to practice that have helped our team get to where we are now.
Distribute Joy
People identify with the products we help our clients create. To play that role in someone's life is a pleasure. We try very hard to not lose sight of the fact that this work is fun! 
Spread Success
After 26 years, I'm proud to say that some of the most important friendships of my life are with people whom I've gotten to help create and grow the brands and companies of their dreams. 
Share Credit
Flavorman could not have gotten to where it is today if it were still just me working out of a condominium, and I and the leadership here try to make a habit of letting everyone know that.
Celebrate Victories
Once you start chaining victories together, you have to stop every once in a while to celebrate them. So we do, we stop everything, pull the whole team together, and say, "Your team has done something great. Look what you've done!" And that's what I wish for you to do for just a minute today. Thank you for reading this. I love this life. Look at what you've done. Think about what we can do together.
With thanks,