The report estimates that anti-poverty programs have reduced the number of people who live below the poverty level - $22,000 for a family of four - by more than half. There is much work still to be done, however.
Poverty is a complex issue and there is rarely a single contributing factor. There are no overnight solutions. Addressing poverty requires opportunities - jobs with livable wages, affordable housing and childcare, a strong transportation system and an integrated approach to help move people forward to economic self-sufficiency.
Beyond the moral obligation we might or should feel to help those who are struggling on the road to economic opportunity and self-sufficiency, there are tremendous social and economic repercussions for failing to do so. Calls by President Trump and others at the federal level for dramatic cuts to fuel assistance, weatherization programs, the Community Service Block Grant and many other so-called 'safety net' programs are alarming to say the least. Now is the time to reaffirm our commitment to making our Central Massachusetts communities strong, diverse and economically stable places to live, work and raise a family, and age safely and gracefully.
The Obstacles report provides a platform to define the challenges and spark critical policy changes needed to address income inequality. WCAC will host a regional forum in Worcester this fall to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders and varying perspectives including funders, partners and service providers from across Central Massachusetts to continue these efforts within our region. We hope you will join the discussion and call to action.
Jill C. Dagilis
Executive Director