Five Ways Millenial Caregivers Can Find Help
There are about 40 million caregivers in the United States, according to a 2015 study by the AARP. While the typical caregiver tends to be a middle-aged woman, millennials form nearly a quarter of the caregiving population.
Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Older Adults' Health?
The potential exists for AI to provide lower health care costs, better transportation and longer employment. AI may even end the isolation that often separates less-mobile adults from family and friends and remove the stigma of growing old.
New Law Broadens Chronic Care Through Medicare
Older adults with multiple medical issues will see some of their burdens eased through a new law passed by Congress and signed by President Trump
Events Coming Up

Saturdays | 7–8am on WIBC 93.1FM
Feature Segments on "Caregiver Crossing"

We are very proud to announce we have renewed our sponsorship of Joy’s House and “Caregiver Crossing” for 2018. “Caregiver Crossing” is the Joy’s House radio program providing on-air support for family caregivers. Tune in to WIBC 93.1 FM on Saturdays from 7-8 am, and listen for interviews with Carol Applegate on the show in April and May. 

April 20 | 1pm, Camp Belzer Activity Center, 6102 Boy Scout Rd.
Power, Peace & Perserverance: Lessons Learned from Mother Teresa

Applegate Elder Law is the proud program sponsor of this Oasis 2018 Human Spirit Series presentation. Featured guest Anne Ryder was the only American reporter in more than a decade to be granted a sit-down interview with Mother Teresa. Anne will recount her visit with Mother Teresa and share the “story behind the story” of the final interview Mother Teresa gave – and the ways it came full circle years later with life experience. The program is free and open to the community, but pre-registration is required; call 317.396.3751.

April 25 | 9:30am–12pm, Noblesville Church of the Nazarene, 1391 Greenfield Ave.
"Scammed: Investment Fraud Revealed" Documentary & Lunch

As part of Money Smart Week sponsored by AARP Indiana, WTHR/13 meteorologist Chuck Lofton will emcee a viewing of “Scammed: Investment Fraud Revealed,” a 30-minute documentary featuring stories of real investment fraud here in the Hoosier state. Also on hand will be representatives from offices of the Indiana Secretary of State, Attorney General, AARP Indiana, Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Senior Medicare Patrol, and Indiana Legal Services. Free event; RSVP by April 20 at at 317.674.8777.

May 4 | Indianapolis Marriott North
Alzheimer's Association 2018 Education Conference

Applegate Elder Law will be an industry exhibitor at Indiana’s premier dementia conference for family caregivers and professionals. National and local experts will present on Alzheimer’s disease research, dementia education, information and support. For more information and to register, contact the association at
A Note from Carol
For the last four years, April was the month of our “Caring for the Caregiver” conference. The month of March always was “March Madness” because of the scrambling to put all of the finishing touches on the conference. A small, quiet voice told me at the end of last year to consider taking a year off. Little did I know what the beginning of 2018 would bring for me....

As many of you know, I have been a caregiver for my mother, and I have been traveling the path of caregiving with many of you. On January 26, 2018, I received the final call from the assisted living facility informing me that my mother had passed during the night. My sister was out of the country so, dutifully, I took care of “business.” I know how to do that. Honoring my mother’s wishes, we had a small private funeral and life moved on.
Now, I am traveling a new road. That unknown path of grieving, and finding new
appreciation for the person who contributed to who I am and what I do. Although I will miss having the conference this year, introducing my mother, and telling a funny story about her, I now know that I needed this time to privately grieve the loss of my precious mom.

Oh yes, I have much more time on my hands, no more guilt, or even resentment about the time she was taking, and much less anxiety about getting everything done. There is not the laughter in the office about her funny remarks or the daily evening phone calls. I felt the pain of not seeing her at Easter, and missing her piano rendition of “In Your Easter Bonnet.” But, our journey continues and our focus becomes sharing the knowledge I have gained from this journey thus far. Every experience brings new perspective on our life’s mission, and perhaps next year’s conference will reflect the knowledge I am gaining today and into the future.

Carol Applegate
140 North Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032 |  317-522-1325 |