An urgent alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

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Call your State Assemblymember now and ask for a "YES" Vote for Public Banking -- AB 857!
AB 857 will be voted on this week. Please make your call today!

public banking
Our people-powered grassroots statewide movement succeeded in moving AB 857 through three committees in the California State Assembly. Never before in U.S. history has public banking seen this much popular support!
This is the furthest public banking has come in 100 years since the Bank of North Dakota was created.
Now, let's make California the very first state in the nation to empower cities and counties to create local banks.
AB 857 is endorsed by eight California cities, major labor unions, and a long list of statewide, regional and community organizations. Click here for complete list. 
Together, we can WIN!
Take on Wall Street in three easy steps:
  1. Find your State Assemblymember  
  2. Find their Capitol phone number
  3. Call your Assemblymember. If the line is busy, please call again.
Keep it short. Staffers just need to record your position on the bill. State your full name, zip code, and ask for YES on AB 857, the public banking bill.
Brush up on the Facts.
Thank you,  
Randa Solick and Nancy Price
WILPF Earth Democracy Issue Committee, People for Public Banking Santa Cruz, and California Public Banking Alliance

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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
AFSC House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |

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