Happenings @ St. David's

This week we heard Jesus' commandment to "love one another," from John's Gospel. This is a distinct love which sets us apart from the world as followers of Christ. How are you different because you follow Jesus? How might someone know you are a member of St. David's, a community that follows Christ? It starts one step at a time. Let's walk in love. 

We hope you have a blessed week and prayers if you travel during the upcoming holiday weekend. 

Faithfully yours,

Fr. Will
Pentecost Combined Service - 6/9
Join us for our 10 am combined service and Pentecost celebration on Sunday, 6/9. Remember to wear your RED !
Do you speak another language? Do you know sign language? You are invited to share your gift during our Pentecost service. We are also looking for individuals to assist with the picnic. Please contact Maureen at mcarey@sdlife.org .
Happening this week!
Wednesday, May 22nd
11 am Falcon's Landing service
12 pm Centering prayer
9 pm Compline (via Facebook)
Thursday, May 23rd
2 pm Drop-in grief support
6 pm Handbell choir practice
7 pm Adult choir practice
Saturday, May 25th
9 am Brotherhood of St. Andrew
6 pm Saturdays @ Six service
Sunday, May 26th
9 am Contemporary Service
10 am Sermon
10 am Cherub/WOW Choir
11 am Traditional Service w/Children's
4 pm AA meeting
7 pm NA meeting
Honoring Graduates 6/2
On Sunday, 6/2, HS & College graduates will be honored at both services. Please send the names of your graduates by Tuesday, 5/28 to wpackard@sdlife.org.
Reach Change Jars
Got change?? We will begin collecting change jars in June between church services. The spare change collected will go to-wards our mission trip expenses.
Women in the Word 2019 Summer Book Series
Come join us on June 24 as we discuss If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat . Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. Available on Amazon . Order the book (NOT Study Guide).
Charitable Gift Annuity
Church Directories
If you're looking for a way to leave your own legacy, you can do so by leaving a gift to support St. David’s. The Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) can create new income for you and your loved ones plus provide you with an income tax deduction at the time your gift is made. To learn more about the Charitable Gift Annuity contact the church office .
If you have your photo in the new church directory, you can pick up your free copy today in the narthex. We will also have them in the office for distribution during the week. Additional copies are available for $10 each. Please contact Karen in the church office at 703-729-0570 or office@sdlife.org .
VBS 2019 - To Mars and Beyond!
Summer is Coming!
Get ready to blast into outer space with our "To Mars and Beyond" VBS theme June 17-21. Registration is easy and online!  Complete the online registration and submit $45 per child ( online payment available! ). Confidential scholarships are available. Questions?? Want to Volunteer for a fun week?  Please contact our VBS Co-Directors, at  vbs@sdlife.org .
As the summer vacation months are upon us, please keep in mind that our parish depends on the timely fulfillment of all the generous commitments that have been made, both monetarily and through volunteerism. If you are a bit behind on your pledge, please prayerfully consider catching up on your contributions or let us know if you are unable to do that at this time.
Got Some Time and Some Talent?
Do we have some opportunities for you! St. David's has a number of vital ministry teams that are key to spreading the word about St. David's and the programs we offer. No special experience is needed...just a willingness to share ideas and spend a couple of hours a month working with your fellow parishioners. Here are some ministry teams that particularly welcome your participation.

Welcome/CONNECT: This highly successful committee takes the initial warm greetings visitors experience when they walk through the doors of St. David's and brings them into a better understanding of St. David's through such "get Acquainted" events as the newcomer's lunch and the Coffee CONNECT.

Marketing: Some creative thinking is needed to raise awareness of St. David's and to entice people to visit us and potentially join as new members.

Communications: The key to just about everything! The work includes both internal and external communications through Life, Happenings, social media and our Website. Experience with social media and websites is a plus!

Fundraising: Help plan and organize events - large and small - to raise funds for important needs, such as Domestic Outreach and emergency situations.

Please answer the call to serve and join one or more of these important ministry teams by contacting Buz Price .
Youth Ministry News!
Come join us on Memorial Day from 11 am to 2 pm for our annual pool party at the pool at Goose Creek Village in Ashburn! For more information and directions, email youth@sdlife.org.
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