It is the middle ground between
guidance and regulation, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pressure of public opinion and the certainty of peer-reviewed results.
This is the dimension of draft rulemaking.
It is an area we call the PFAS Zone.
Artis Senior Living, Lexington, MA
Tri-State Marine, Deale, Maryland.
Among our client victories and participation in environmental law programs, these two wetlands restoration projects are featured in our Firm Activities and Successes.
Emerging contaminants, the MA Solid Waste Master Plan, point source discharges to groundwater, renewable energy and climate change regulations are all discussed in our Spring 2019 Environmental Law Update. There are additional updates in articles on the MA Drought Management Plan and musings on the administrative and judicial battle raging over the limits of federal regulatory authority and the definition of the "Waters of the United States."
The nearly extinct and endangered North Atlantic Right Whale is not holding its collective breath, hoping Spock will again time travel to our century to capture and transport two Right Whales (instead of the humpbacks George and Gracie) to the 23 rd century to repopulate the species and save the Earth from an alien probe causing destructive climate change on Earth, because there are no whale songs.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986).
Absent the Enterprise crew on a desperate mission to save mankind, we are using law and science to stave off extinction of the Right Whale in the 21st century. Read more here .  

Mackie Shea, PC is looking to hire a mid-level associate to help grow our business. With the strength of our market presence, senior legal talent, and robust infrastructure, we are looking for like-minded attorneys to join our platform. Click here for more information.  
Mackie Shea, PC
Concord Office
20 Park Plaza, Suite 1118
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 266-5700

33 Bradford Street
Concord, MA 01742
(617) 266-6288

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