October 30, 2020

Board of Education Update
The Board of Education met on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Below are summarized highlights of the meeting, but for detailed information about all agenda items addressed during the meeting, please click here to access the agenda and referenced documents, and click here to access a digital recording of the Open Session meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Superintendent Update by Dr. Jeff Wilson
  • Dr. Wilson conducted virtual Town Halls at all four school sites during the past few weeks.  Many parents participated, and he appreciated the ability to interact, hear parents' concerns and receive positive and constructive feedback.
  • Student athletes have been allowed to return to campus under parameters set forth by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH).  Sports are returning under a staggered schedule and many protocols have been implemented to ensure health and safetyClick here to view a student-produced video about safety protocols.
  • Students who receive specialized services have been allowed to return to campus under parameters set forth by the LADPH.  Currently there are about 20 students who are receiving in-person services.
  • All Board members have completed their Board "walks" at the four school sites.  Thank you to the principals and assistant principals who set up the virtual classroom visits, and thank you to the teachers who invited Board members to observe the virtual learning experience.  
Information Items
Financial Strategist and Community Poll Update:  Financial strategist Larry Tramutola and Tim McLarney of polling company True North discussed the purpose and results of the poll taken of San Marino voters and provided their recommendations regarding the renewal of the District's parcel tax known as Measure E.  As it is important to understand the methodology and context for the poll results, please view Mr. McLarney's presentation and listen to the accompanying explanation
In summary, True North conducted a random poll of about 300 likely San Marino voters across all political, age and other demographic spectrums.  As part of the polling methodology, polled voters were presented with possible ballot measure language and then presented with both positive and negative arguments, as well as follow-up alternative ballot measure versions, in order to test voter preferences.
Recognizing that there is a statistical margin of error of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points for this poll and that the poll is only a snapshot in time, 92% of polled voters felt maintaining the quality of education in local schools is very or extremely important, with a significant margin putting a higher value on local public education than on preventing local tax increases.  There also was solid support for a sustained renewal of the existing parcel tax, with 79% of polled voters saying they would definitely or probably vote yes on the ballot measure.  Even after opposition arguments, all ballot tests showed support for the parcel tax that exceeded the 67% required threshold. 
As a result of the various ballot tests and alternative versions presented to the polled voters, Mr. Tramutola and Mr. McLarney advised that a parcel tax renewal is feasible and that the Board proceed with a parcel tax renewal election on March 2, 2021.  Although there is support for a tax rate increase, given the current climate, they recommended that the Board maintain the current tax rate and structure.  As Mr. Tramutola explained, if the parcel tax renewal does not pass, the District will lose funding for many teaching positions and will be forced to lay off teachers, so he recommends that the Board address inadequate state funding by considering supplemental parcel tax increases at another time in the future.
First Reading of Resolution No. 11 Regarding Possible Parcel Tax:  Mrs. Linda de la Torre, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, conducted a first reading of a resolution to call for an election to renew the parcel tax on March 2, 2021, by reading the main language of Resolution No. 11.  The Board discussed possible edits to the Resolution language and will consider all edits at a second reading of the Resolution at its next meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.  Due to statutory deadlines, if the Board decides to proceed with a parcel tax renewal election on March 2, 2021, it must make that decision no later than December 4, 2020. 
COVID-19 Compliance Team and TK-2 Waiver Update: Chief Technology Officer Dr. Stephen Choi provided another update about work performed by the District's COVID-19 Compliance Team, which consists of about 30 administrators, teachers, staff, counselors and parents and represents all aspects of the SMUSD community.  He also identified key changes implemented by the LADPH since the last Board meeting, including an increase in capacity for in-person instruction of students receiving specialized services and the ability for a supervising adult to serve up to two cohorts in special education and/or athletics.
Dr. Choi and Dr. Jeff Wilson also discussed the TK-2 application process for waivers to conduct in-person elementary education.  The District is prepared to submit a waiver application, and while LADPH no longer requires written approval from stakeholder groups, Dr. Wilson has received support from employee associations and parent associations.  Similarly, while formal approval is not required, Board members also indicated support for submitting an application, noting that being approved for an application does not require physical reopening if safety of students and employees is an issue at that time.  Board members also expressed concern that any physical reopening of TK-2 classrooms ensure equity in instruction among those students returning in person and those remaining distance learners. 
Once the District submits a waiver application, it is expected to take at least two to three weeks for the LADPH to make a decision.  The number of schools that will be approved each week is limited and priority will be given to schools with greater numbers of free and reduced lunch recipients.  Thus far, only four schools have been approved for waivers, and none are public schools.
In order to assess parent interest in returning to in-person instruction, the District sent out a survey to TK-2 parents.  About 500 responses were received, and about 56.5% of responding parents would send their children to school if the District were to obtain a waiver from the LADPH.  If all grades were allowed to reopen, about 40% of surveyed parents would want their children to return to in-person instruction after Winter Break, while 34% would want their children to return as soon as possible.  For the 43.5% of parents who were not yet comfortable with their children returning to in-person instruction, the majority stated that it was most important for Los Angeles County to be in the safest Tier 4 category before they would feel comfortable sending their children to in-person instruction. 
Dr. Wilson provided some statistics about the reopening of five Orange County public school districts for in-person instruction (most have been open for about a month).  At the time of data collection, Tustin, Placentia-Yorba Linda and Laguna Beach school districts had not had any positive COVID-19 cases among students or employees since reopening.  When adding Fullerton and Irvine school districts, all five school districts have a total of 85 open schools with 39,785 students and employees on campus, with a total of seven confirmed positive student cases and two confirmed positive employee cases of COVID-19, which means that 0.02% of the on-campus population at these five schools has tested positive since reopening.
Please click here to view the presentation and visit www.smusd.us/covid19complianceteam/ to access the latest data, reopening protocols, plans, schedules, training, and communications.
Action Items
2020-21 LCAP and Budget Planning Calendar:  Upon recommendation by Dr. Lena Richter, Executive Director of Educational Services, the Board approved the LCAP and Budget Planning Calendar.  Dr. Richter thanked Dr. Michael Lin for his exemplary work in developing and submitting the LCAP for approval by the Los Angeles County of Education.  Any LACOE recommendations for amendments will be presented to the Board at its November 10, 2020 meeting.  The Board will also be presented with Annual Budget Overview for Parents, to be adopted with the First Interim Report at the Board's December 8, 2020 meeting.  Dr. Richter will begin virtual LCAP stakeholder meetings to develop the 2021-2022 LCAP on December 10, 2020.  
San Marino Unified School District Board of Education

C. Joseph Chang
Shelley Ryan
Vice President
Corey Barberie
Lisa Link 
Chris Norgaard