eNews - June 14, 2018
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and tribal transit solutions through free training materials, technical assistance, and partner collaboration.
National RTAP has updated our 2 The Point training, both the popular refresher training cards and the eLearning version.The training was designed to offer quick refresher training for transportation drivers that can be reviewed in the break room, while parked and waiting for a passenger to finish an appointment, or during monthly safety meetings. Each card has training information on the front and a quiz on the back. Updates include person-first language, more images and new statistics.
National RTAP's Developing Effective Policies and Procedures Technical Brief was updated in June 2018. The brief outlines the most important things to keep in mind when developing policies and procedures for the rural transit system, and ways to ensure their effectiveness once they are in place.
Thanks to Review Board members Kari Ruse and Tim Geibel for reviewing the brief.
Resources and Events
Recording Now Available for National RTAP Webinar on Cost Allocation 
On June 6, 2018, Todd Hansen of Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and Rich Garrity of RLS & Associates, presented an overview of cost allocation, why it’s important, and the various uses for cost allocation (e.g. NTD reporting, performance measurement, pricing of services). The webinar recording and slides are now available.

Login Instructions Available in National RTAP FAQs

While we're transitioning to fewer applications that need separate logon methods, we've posted clarification and instructions on how to log into National RTAP eLearning, Resource Share, and the National RTAP Cloud (to access ProcurementPRO, GTFS Builder and Website Builder). It's the last Q&A on our FAQ page . If you need additional assistance, please contact us at

US DOT and FTA Updates

FTA created a reminder web page explaining that only the Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) approved on August 8, 2017 can be used after June 30, 2018. The page describes the difference between the old and new CCF and provides guidance on compliance.

The Combating Human Trafficking Commercial Vehicles Act (Public Law No: 115-99) and the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act (Public Law No: 115-06) were was enacted in January 2018. The second law directs US DOT to disqualify drivers who commit a felony involving human trafficking while operating a commercial motor vehicle.

Webinars and Training

Patti Monahan, of Monahan Mobility Consulting LLC, will present at the upcoming NTI webinar on the Consolidation of Rural Transit Systems on June 21, 2:00-3:30 PM ET. The presentation shares NCHRP research on the topic. Four case study systems and their state DOTs will be discussed to identify common catalysts for consolidation.

NADTC's Driver Safety and Transition: Understanding Shared Interests, Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration in Supporting Transportation Independence is a self-paced online course about age related challenges that make driving independently increasingly difficult. The course runs through July 6, with a registration deadline of June 15.


NCHRP's  Small System Alternative Fuel Strategies: Guidance Document provides a tool to estimate the lifecycle costs of converting to alternative fuels. The document also includes case studies of transit agencies that have successfully implemented alternative fuels and recommendations for state DOTs to facilitate and enhance the adoption of alternative fuels.


TRB is seeking best practices in communicating the challenges of transportation system resiliency and sustainability in the midst of extreme weather conditions. Submit your best practices to the 12th Annual Communicating Concepts with John and Jane Q. Public Competition by July 23, 2018.

Rural iNTD Data Updated

National RTAP has updated our Rural iNTD page . The 2015-2016 rural National Transit Database data from FTA have been added to Rural iNTD (Integrated National Transit Database).

Data for the calculated performance measures will be added in July 2018. Rural iNTD data is maintained by FDOT's Florida Transit Information System (FTIS).

Help Us Plan our First Twitter Chat

Stay tuned for the first National RTAP Twitter Chat, date to be announced. But first we need your help! Take our Twitter Poll to vote on which of four timely transit topics you would like to chat about. The poll closes at the end of the day today, June 14, 2018.

Seeking Tribal TAM Plans

We’re working on ways to help tribal transit agencies in the implementation of transit asset management (TAM). If any tribal transits would be willing to share their TAM plan as an example, contact us at .
Driver Safety and Transition: Understanding Shared Interests, Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration in Supporting Transportation Independence
June 14 - July 9 (self-paced course)

ADA National Network
National ADA Symposium
Pittsburgh, PA
June 17-20

Nail It or Fail It: How to Build a Successful Mobility as a Service Story
June 18, 1:00-2:30 PM

National Bus Rapid Transit Conference
Los Angeles, CA
June 18-19

Q'Straint Training Webinar
Jun 19, 12:00-1:15 PM

Wyoming Public Transit 
WYTRANS Annual Conference
Riverton, WY
June 19-21 

#TransportationOptions Twitter Chat
June 20, 2 pm

Travel Training and Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
June 20, 2:00 PM

Center for Health and Safety Culture
Bozeman, MT 
June 20-22

Transit in the 2000s - Where Does it Stand and Where is it Headed?
June 21, 12:00 PM

Consolidation of Rural Transit Systems (NCHRP Project 20-65 Task 69)
June 21, 2:00-3:30 PM
Introduction to Transportation Conformity
Newington, CT
July 25-27

Safety Training Overview: Vision Zero
June 26, 1:00 PM

Contracting Fixed Route Transit Service
June 27, 2:00-3:30 PM

Automated Vehicle Symposium
San Francisco, CA, July 9-12

Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
Portland, ME
July 11

The Future of Mobility from Transit Authority to Mobility Integrator
Washington, DC
July 12

American Society of Civil Engineers
International Conference on Transit and Development
Pittsburgh, PA
July 15-18

Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Transit
Boston, MA
July 17-18

State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN
August 15-17  

Tri-State Transit Conference
North Conway, NH
Sep 12-14

National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Breckenridge, CO
Sept 30-Oct 3 

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email .

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Look for Us at these Upcoming Conferences
  • CTAA Expo, Pittsburgh, PA, June 10-14, 2018
  • Wyoming Public Transit Annual Conference, Riverton, WY, June 19-21
  • State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug 15-17 
  • Tri-State Transit Conference, North Conway, NH, Sept 12-14
  • National Transportation in Indian Country Conference, Duluth, MN, Sept 17-20
  • Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Sept 30-Oct 3
National RTAP | 888-589-6821| |