IPUL's Social Media Recap: May 24, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Idaho Parents Unlimited will be out of the office the week of May 27
Idaho Parents Unlimited Parent Education staff will be out of the office for the week of May 27 due to the holiday and a regional conference for parent centers.
During that time, calls to our office will be going to voicemail, and may not be returned until the following Monday, June 3rd. Our intake line will be updated to reflect that.
If you do need assistance, the best way to reach us will be via email - if you know who you need to speak to you can email us at (person's first name)@
Thank you for your understanding.
Save the Date!
Idaho Caregiver Alliance
"Respite is a fancy name for a break for caregivers." (WebMD)
Do you:
• Coordinate services for your child with disabilities/special needs?
• Make phone calls to check in on an older loved one?
• Drive a family member or friend to doctors appointments?
• Help someone manage their medications?
• Provide for grandchildren in the absence of parents?
• Help someone with household chores or making meals?
• Help someone make healthcare decisions?
Then you need to join us.
Save the Date: July 30, 2019
North Idaho College
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
For more information please email Pam at
Summer Institute 2019
REGISTER NOW (this has a deadline of June 15 to register)
Summer Institute 2019
Presented by:
University of New Hampshire
AUGUST 5 & 6, 2019
Fee: $35 (non-refundable)
UI Credit/CEU Registration:
August 5th at 8:00 AM
Explore hundreds of assistive technology devices that can be made in minutes using ordinary items. This full-day workshop will discuss and demonstrate various materials and tools found locally that can be re-purposed and used to create extraordinary assistive technology solutions in minutes.
Roll up your sleeves and make 10 innovative multi-use assistive technology devices to support individuals who experience vision, hearing, communication, physical, and intellectual disabilities. Participants will learn how to work with plastics, adhesives, fasteners, and materials that can be bent and reshaped to accommodate various limitations.
Registration Deadline: June 15, 2019
Space is limited!
Temple Grandin Named to National Women's Hall of Fame
Dr. Temple Grandin, one of the greatest autism advocates of our time, has been named to the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
Grandin, a six-time author with a Ph.D. in animal studies, was diagnosed with autism when she was 2 years old and is one of 10 women to be inducted this year. Previous hall of fame inductees include Oprah, Sally Ride, Maya Angelou, Hillary Clinton, Rosa Parks and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Alexithymia: What It’s Like to Not Know How You Feel
Derived from the Greek meaning literally “no words for emotions,” Alexithymia is a construct or set of traits describing the inability to identify and verbalise feelings within oneself.
Although 10% of the general population are thought to have it, the incidence within autistic people is somewhere between 50-80%, possibly more. It is not a mental disorder or disease, and you aren’t “diagnosed” with it, but rather it describes the experience of being without access to emotions like the vast majority of the population are.
We want you to update your preferences!
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you. We recently corrected an issue that was keeping people from being added to our mailing list, so if you are seeing this today for the first time, welcome!
When you join our mailing list you begin by getting everything we send out... However we know that not
wants to see
we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.
If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.
You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.
If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
June's Statewide Training:
Tools for Your Toolbox
Broadcast Live from the Boise office and interactive statewide via our webinar platform.
Tools for Your Toolbox
Wednesday, June 12, 2019 | 5:30 - 7:00 pm MT
This is an all inclusive training covering everything from early childhood, IDEA, transition to adulthood, coordination of care, and much more.
We welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. (Please plan to be in the office at least by 5:20 p.m.) People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet)
You will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the live event.
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will are now releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.
You can find them here on our website: