Gold Dome Update - Highlights from the House 
January 8th - January 11th
Monday, January 8th, marked the first day 2018 Legislative Session. It was great to catch up with colleagues as we began preparation for the legislative days ahead. Over the course of our 40 day period, we will introduce and discuss new bills, while revisiting 2017 bills still on the table. Since Georgia works on a two-year election cycle, last year’s bills are still eligible for a floor vote in 2018. Therefore, we can expect last year’s hot topic items such as casino gaming, medical cannabis, education and tax reform to reappear. 
State of the State

Thursday, January 11th, Governor Deal gave his final State of the State address covering accomplishments from last year while highlighting hopes for the next. Governor Deal noted the progress we have made since his time in office where economic development, job growth and education are concerned. Currently, our state unemployment rate is down to 4.3%, the lowest in a decade. Further, Georgia has been recognized as the number one place to do business, nationwide, for the fifth year in a row. Governor Deal also went on to outline his agenda for the upcoming year, including his state budget recommendations which we will review for the remainder of the session.  

Various news outlets from our region were also present to cover the State of the State. A few of them caught up with members of our local delegation to discuss Governor Deal's remarks.

Budget Hearings 

Tuesday, January 16th marks the beginning of “budget week.” Before addressing any legislative action, the state budget will be our primary focus. We are constitutionally required to pass a balanced budget before adjournment.

As our population continues to grow, so does the need for improved infrastructure. We expect education, healthcare, public safety and transportation to remain top contenders for budget allocations. As always, our local delegation will work hard to ensure we bring home needed funding for various projects in our region of the state. The budget is a living document that will change many times before final passage. We will keep you updated on these changes as they occur. 

Committee Assignments 

I am honored to continue my service as Deputy Whip for our caucus and I have also been recently appointed to the Appropriations Committee. In addition, I will continue to serve on the following Committees: Ways & Means, Governmental Affairs, Insurance, Special Rules and Economic Development and Tourism and the Military Affairs Working Group.

Study Committee Reports

Following the close of the 2017 legislative session, I had the privilege of serving on the Distracted Driving Study Committee. This committee has been researching various ways to keep Georgia drivers safe on our roadways. Meetings were held throughout the state through December and all committee findings were summarized in a report which will help the general assembly determine if further action is needed.

House Resolution 867

The first day of session began differently than most, in celebration of UGA playing in the National Championship. The House adopted House Resolution 867 recognizing Dan Corso and commending the Atlanta Football Host Committee for organizing this great event for our state! It is incredible that the first time in history our state hosts the National Championship, the Bulldawgs were there to compete. Regardless of the result, we are proud of UGA and have no doubt that we will be back in the title game, sooner than later. Special congratulations to our own Jake Fromm who led our team through an outstanding season in his freshman year!

As we make our way through the legislative session, be on the lookout for updates covering latest issues, as well as, the budget. With an aggressive agenda ahead, I feel confident that we will pass legislation for the betterment of our great state and district! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as we continue to strive for simple, smart and effective government!
Shaw Blackmon
Representative of Georgia's 146th House District
Representative Shaw Blackmon
District 146
Phone: 404-656-0177
Address: 501-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Rep. Shaw Blackmon represents District 146. He currently serves as a Deputy Whip and as a member of Ways & Means, Economic Development and Tourism, Special Rules, Insurance and
Governmental Affairs Committees. Shaw is also a member of the Military Affairs Working Group.