24 May 2019

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The case to establish responsibility for the spreading of Xylella fastidiosa in Salento, Italy has been dismissed. Prosecutors in Lecce filed charges against 10 individuals back in December 2015, accusing them of the spreading of a plant disease, willful violation of the provisions on the environment, the committing of fake materials by officials in public documents, fraudulent misrepresentation and the destruction or disfigurement of natural beauty.
The latest locally grown offerings have appeared this season at the Margaret River Farmer's Market in the form of a new Olive Oil Masterclass. The classes, limited to 12 people per session, are being held in celebration of this season's olive oil harvest. 

Education and promotion of local products – great stuff!
Throughout the state, olives are being shaken from trees and put to brine or presses. Sadly it is years since the International Olive Oil Council stopped whisking Aussie journalists off to Spain, Provence or Tunisia to better educate them to spread the word on olive oil. Australia now is considered a mature market.

More great promotion of fresh, local EVOO – and our pro-active Tassie growers!
June Olivegrower out soon – have you renewed your subscription? 
The June edition of Olivegrower & Processor will be out soon. If you’ve received a renewal notice and haven’t gotten around to paying it, now’s the time to act to ensure you get your copy – it’s chock-full of great news, R&D and practical grove information, so you don’t want to miss out!
You can renew your subscription here. All payments are made through our secure e-way payment system and it takes just a few minutes. 
Don’t forget your subscription also includes registration to the weekly Friday Olive Extracts e-newsletter, plus 24/7 ONLINE access to each print issue at
Value-adding: First-time farmers Sophie and Martin Grace are diversifying their business by offering tours of Lentara Grove in Exeter. Picture: Neil Richardson.
To most people olives are a salty delicacy found on a cheese board, but to Martin and Sophie Grace olives are life. In the next week, they will be harvesting their latest Lentana Grove olive crop at Exeter. The olives, grown from 23-year-old trees, will be turned into award-winning extra virgin olive oil that has gained several awards including best in show within its category at the Australian International Olive Awards.

Yes, you saw this last week but the tech gremlins knocked off the link to the full story on The Examiner. Now you can read it all – our apologies for the inconvenience.
Indonesia to introduce mandatory halal certification law 

Indonesia plans to implement a new halal certification law by the end of 2019 and businesses will have until 2022 to obtain this mandatory certification. The University of Melbourne is investigating the impact of the issuance of Indonesia’s Halal Product Assurance Law on Australian food and beverages businesses exporting to Indonesia. The objective of this research is to determine the impact of the law on Australian businesses' export strategy, business practices, marketing strategy, and supply goods and services. You can participate in the survey, which takes around 10 minutes, here.
Got something to sell, or want to buy? You can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. If you’ve got something industry-related to sell or buy, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil - even your grove – or to put out a finders call. And if you’ve got a service to offer, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates - like Howard, who can process your fruit for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

When it comes to "fats" it can be difficult to pick apart fact from fiction. Coconut oil promotes weight loss (unlikely). Butter protects against cancer (not exactly). Eating fats makes you fat (oh, dear).
For decades we were warned off all fats, but now it's clear that some of them are an essential component in a healthy diet.

User-friendly facts and great messages in this ABC Life article (and video).
Deadline extended for Food Standards Code review input

Food Standards Australia New Zealand has extended the deadline for comment on the proposed scope and approach of the review of food safety standards in the Food Standards Code. FSANZ is reviewing chapters 3 and 4 of the Code to ensure a consistent, up-to-date approach to food safety management in Australia, focusing on:
  • requirements for food safety management in the food service sector and closely related retail sectors 
  • potential development of a primary production and processing standard for high-risk horticulture products to introduce requirements to manage food safety on-farm, including requirements for traceability
  • new technologies since the original standards were developed.
All stakeholders are encouraged to comment by the new deadline of 14 June 2019.
May Grove Innovation online now
Grove Innovation is the industry’s monthly update on the latest R&D projects, resources and upcoming events related to the Hort Innovation Olive Fund. The May edition is available online via the OliveBiz website here, where you can also find articles from all the past editions. There’s lots of interesting news, particularly around coming industry events, so jump online and take a look. 
Explore the evidence around olive leaf extract and immunity
Registrations are now open for the fourth in the series of webinars presented by The Olive Wellness Institute, this time covering the evidence around olive leaf extract and immunity. Presented by Associate Professor Teresa Mitchell-Paterson, the webinar will provide an overview of the current scientific and practical evidence surrounding the use of olive leaf extract for immunity.
Details: Tuesday, June 4 from 12-1pm. Participation is free and all are welcome to join in. Register here.
The webinar is part of the olive levy project Educating health professionals about Australian olive products (OL17002).
‘Event-ful’ Tassie harvest
Tasmanian growers are hosting a range of events throughout June to celebrate the harvest and promote local EVOO and olives. Just listed are:
  • June 1 - “Groove in the Grove” at Lauriston Grove, South Arm, from 10.30am – olive harvesting, Italian food and live music. More info here;
  • June 10 onwards – pick your own olives at Pure Tasmania Estate, Huon Valley, week days 9am- 4pm. Bookings essential: email or SMS 0412 693 541;
  • June 30 - community olive pressing day at Freshfield Grove, Campania – combined pressing for growers of small quantities of fruit (1-150kg). More detail and bookings here.
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshops – book now for Victorian events
Learn how to recognise the diverse flavour, aroma and taste attributes of Australian EVOO and table olives, and what sets the award winners apart from the rest, at a series of national sensory training workshops being run by NSW DPI Sensory and Consumer Science Researcher Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay and OliveCare® administrator Peter McFarlane. The program includes sensory training, olive oil chemistry, freshness testing of EVOO and determining objective best before dates (BBDs) and more. The workshop will benefit olive growers and processors, olive oil judges and anyone wishing to gain a better appreciation for EVOO and table olives. 
Cost is $40 for levy payers, $50 non-levy payers. 
The first workshop is being held in South Australia today, with registration open for the following Victorian events: 
  • Friday 14 June - Geelong, VIC
  • Sunday 16 June - Wangaratta, VIC
  • Sunday 30 June - Wagga Wagga, NSW
Access more information and register here, where you’ll also find the full national schedule.
New Zealand
2019 NZ EVOO Shortage

Olives New Zealand EO Gayle Sheridan has flagged that current demand for NZ EVOO is exceeding supply capability. Several growers have reported they will not harvest this year and others have a meagre crop so, despite the very successful crops achieved by those following the Focus Grove Project recommendations, all reports point to a severe shortage of EVOO for 2019.
While the demand side of the equation is great news, the lack of supply of high quality local EVOO is not, so let’s hope that more growers start adopting the Focus Grove Project regime ASAP and achieve better crops into the future.
Read more about the project and the impressive results here.

14-May-2019 By Flora Southey 

IN-Code Technologies has developed invisible makers that can be used to combat illicit trade and prove the sustainable sourcing of food ingredients, such as palm oil, says CEO Joe Tilley. 

Good in theory but would mean olive oil couldn’t be EVOO, as it wouldn’t be 100% olive ‘juice’.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Here at Food24, we’re huge proponents of buying local olive oil. It’s the liquid gold that takes food from average to amazing in only a few seconds. You only need to think of a fresh Caprese salad or a chunk of crusty bread to get your taste buds going. But when it comes to choosing olive oil for your kitchen, it requires a little bit more than simply throwing a pretty bottle into your trolley.

Even more good practical advice, myth-busting and promotion of buying local here.

Egypt's Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation has recently announced its ambitious plan to plant 100 million olive trees by 2022 by offering many land plots to investors. Though Egypt is the world's second-largest exporter of table olives, the government is now fighting tooth and nail to boost the olive oil production, considering that Egypt is a major importer of olive oil.

Hundreds of thousands of legally-protected birds are killed in southern Europe every year after being sucked out of trees and into machines which are harvesting olives.

Does this happen in our part of the world? We’d be interested to hear if you’ve found birds in your olive bins while machine harvesting –

If it’s a staple in your kitchen, you might be wondering about the health benefits. These sports dietitians have the answers.

Some good consumer information – and excellent busting of the old smoke-point myth.
Olive Wagyu is considered one of the rarest steaks in the world. Nate Skid/CNBC.
As a former food writer, I’ve eaten a lot of expensive steak. But from the moment I unboxed an A5 Olive Wagyu — a top quality, hard-to-get steak from Japanese cows that are fed toasted olive peels — it was obvious that it stood apart from all the others.
10-May-2019 By Katy Askew 

The International Food & Beverage Alliance (IFBA), which includes Nestlé and Unilever as well as fast-food giant McDonald's, have set a goal of phasing out industrially produced trans fats (iTFAs) from the global food supply by 2023. 

Local growers and researchers from Oregon State University are teaming up to solve some of the biggest problems facing the state's fledgling sector.

Let’s hope theirs is as successful a collaboration as the AOA/Western Sydney University IPDM national workshop program.
What's On

Australian Women's Leadership Symposiums – all states, Australia 

1 June 1
“Groove in the Grove”, Lauriston Grove - South Arm, Tasmania

14 June
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Geelong, VIC

16 June
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Wagga Wagga, NSW

26 June
entries close, 2019 Sydney Royal Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW 

30 June
TasteBook™/OliveCare® sensory workshop – Wangaratta, VIC

30 June
Community olive pressing day, Freshfield Grove – Campania, Tasmania 

30-31 July
Western Sydney University Soil Biology Masterclass – Richmond, NSW 

1 July 
Entries open, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW

12 July
Entries close, 2019 Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards – Hobart, Tasmania

19-24 July
OLIVE JAPAN SHOW 2019 – Tokyo, Japan

2 August
Entries close, 2019 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA 

20 August
Royal Adelaide Olive Awards Presentation Dinner – Lockleys, SA 

30 August
Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards – Sydney, NSW

24 September
2019 Taste of Excellence Awards, Sydney Fine Food Show – Sydney, NSW

4 October
Entries close, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

12 October
ONZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ 

18 October
Presentation dinner, Australian International Olive Awards – Albury, NSW

16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW

14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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