Your property committee has been addressing property and building concerns on behalf of the church. Below is a summary of what we've been working on:

We have rescheduled our Spring Clean up for June 1st beginning at 9am. Please see the sign up sheet in the foyer for a listing of jobs that need to be done. Join us if you can! Bring your tools and signup for a chore or more. If you're not available on that day, but would like to help a list of chores has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. Just signup and let us know that you'll be taking care of that project. We hope you can help with the spring landscaping at Grace. 

The carpet replacement project is underway with an expected installation week of July 8. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to support this project financially. A letter was sent last week to our entire membership asking for their financial support.

Also if you have interest, questions or suggestions regarding Property matters please contact us. (Your Property Committee consists of: Lisa Rolloff, Larry TerMaat, Chuck Ebert, & Marge Horneck)
Submitted by Marge Horneck, chair