Person of the Planet  Email Newsletter 
" Being a voice for the planet, finding solutions person by person."

May 31, 2019 Iss. No 75
 Interfaith Power & Light
  On May 9th, Rev. Susan Hendershot, president of Interfaith Power &  Light, was our speaker for the Person of the Planet's May meeting.
A Letter from Interfaith Power & Light:
Every Saturday I walk from my home to the local farmers market to do my shopping for the week. While I pick out blueberries, walnuts, carrots, and spinach, I talk with the farmers who bring such abundance to me each week. They work the soil, plant the seeds, and tend the harvest-using science in order to understand the life of the plants that they produce for food.
Science is all around us, and people of faith and conscience understand that we have benefited from scientific advancements in growing food, keeping water and air clean, and helping people live healthier lives. So why does there seem to be a disconnect when it comes to climate science?
We clearly need both in order to bring about the change that is needed. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man [sic] knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals."
During the month of June, I will be undertaking the first joint speaking tour with Ken Kimmell, the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, where our theme will be "Faith, Science, and Climate Solutions". Our goal is to demonstrate that the science is clear, that the solutions to the climate crisis are at hand, and that our faith inspires and motivates us to take bold and just action.
Our tour stops will take us to Greenville, South Carolina; Raleigh, North Carolina; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Atlanta, Georgia; and Birmingham, Alabama. To get the information and to register for these locations, visit our website.
Please consider making a donation to advance IPL's work connecting faith, science, and climate solutions. Your gifts make programs like these possible.
Thank you for continuing to build the faith climate action movement, and for being part of our community.
Rev. Susan Hendershot
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