LUM Programs Statistics - First Five Months
Impact So Far in 2018 - Five Month Report
During the first five months of 2018,
Lafayette Urban Ministry
services have touched the lives of
2,737 households
through one or another of our 16 programs. Families were strengthened, and children were educated. Some LUM program details (from January 1 - May 31, 2018) are as follows:
- Emergency Shelter for the homeless—375 individuals were provided overnight accommodations 5,393 times. The average guest utilized LUM’s shelter 13 nights during that time frame.
- Good Samaritan Program—$47,103 in direct cash assistance was provided 697 times to 544 households.
- Haircuts—60 individuals received free haircuts.
- ID Clinic—65 individuals were served.
- Immigration Clinic—83 individuals were served.
- New Opportunity Fund—8 individuals received grants to move into their own homes.
- St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry—2,768 households were served. 1,376 were new families.
- Tax Assistance Program (free income tax preparation for low-wage workers)—522 tax returns filed from mid-January through mid-April. Tax refunds and credits totaling $406,444 were returned to those households — an average refund of $1,736 per household. The average annual adjusted gross income for those served by the program was $20,502.
- Winter Warming Station—132 individuals used the Winter Warming Station for a total of 485 visits.
- 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program (started on May 29)—50 children have been enrolled this summer.
- After School Program—66 Kindergarten through 8th grade students participated in the program during the 2017 - 2018 school year, which ended on May 25.
- LUM Camp—90 children, 40 counselors and 25 program leaders will be in attendance at this overnight summer camp for children (8 to 10 years old) during the first week of August. 35 children have signed up so far.
Thank you for your support so far this year. LUM couldn't do it without you.
Happy Birthday to the Rev. Don Nead
At a grand reception at Central Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, this past weekend, the
Rev. Don Nead celebrated his
90th Birthday with his friends and family.
Don Nead is a long-time friend of Lafayette Urban Ministry. He has been active with LUM since the time of its inception in 1972. Don has remained active in many ways including being one of the founding members of the creation of the LUM
Dream Team Fund. The purpose of the fund
is to support research and evaluation that will foster LUM’s goals and address its needs.
Join us in wishing the Rev. Don Nead a very happy birthday. Pictured with Don Nead (center) are the pastor at Central Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Lucia Oerter and Joe Micon, LUM executive director.
LUM Summer Students Take Study Trip
5th Quarter Students Explore "Soilermaker"
During their visit the students learned all about what happens to organic waste from Purdue and West Lafayette. They were able to see all of the stages in making soil and mulch
– from the mountains of tree branches and leaves as well as other organic materials to the rows of organics becoming mulch and soil. They also saw big machines in action
– moving mulch and soil and seeing soil get filtered.
The big fun for the day was being able to climb up the mountains of mulch.
Special thanks to Jody Tishmack for welcoming our students to the Soilmaker facility and giving them such a great educational tour.
If you or your group would like to sponsor a study trip this summer, please
email or call Amanda Bajzatt (
| 765.423-2691).
Urgent Need - Summer Volunteers Needed
LUM Summer Childcare Program - Volunteer
Volunteer Teacher's Aides for the LUM
5th Quarter Summer Learning Program
are needed this summer. The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is offered
Monday – Friday, Now through August 3
, from
6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The program is supervised by the LUM Youth Program Director and trained teachers.
LUM relies on the several volunteers each day to assist in teaching & tutoring, recreational activities, reading, meals & snacks and more. LUM 5th Quarter volunteers must enjoy working with children and have experience helping children (K - 6th grade) achieve academically and socially. If you’re interested or need more information, click
—or email or call Amanda Bajzatt (
| 765.423-2691).
St. John's/LUM Food Pantry - Volunteer
St. John's/LUM Food Pantry
(6th & Ferry Streets, Lafayette)
needs volunteers for the summer months especially Monday mornings in June. Specific days and times that volunteers are needed are as follows:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 8:45-11:45 a.m.
- Saturdays, 12:45-3:15 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to work the Distribution Window, Check-in/Data entry, and pick up and deliver food (truck driver). A weekly commitment is requested. Volunteers may work 2.5 to 14.5 hours per week.
Please consider signing up for a few shifts this summer. Our community needs volunteers like you to offer
this vital resource
. For more information, click
or email Katy Travis, St. John's/LUM Food Pantry director at
LUM Camp 2018 - Let Your Light Shine - Volunteer
LUM Camp is a week-long, over-night camp program for low-income children from 8 to 10 years old.
Volunteer camp counselors must be
18 years old
, enjoy working with children and be able to spend the entire week at camp. Counselors are needed from 11 a.m. Monday,
July 30
to 4 p.m. Friday,
August 3
For additional information, click