
Student News & Voices
Learn what engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed  students are up to, as well as what they have to their own words.

Tax Bill: By now, you've heard that both the House and Senate have passed new tax legislation. What could that mean for you as a student?   Learn more here .

Ear Candy: This summer, at the Global Grand Challenges Summit hosted a podcast contest. Katie Brown, a polymer and fiber engineering graduate from the Auburn University and Yun Gu, an AI student from Peking University, China, voiced the runner-up podcast on encouraging women into the engineering pipeline. Listen here.

Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.

FINALS?!: Somehow, it's that time of year already. Finals! Here are some tips for staying on top of them while staying sane.  Some are tried-and-true and some are, well, a little more out there.  Read it here.

Having 'The Talk':  Disabled students face a lot of different barriers, not least of which is the agony of disclosing disabilities and asking for accommodation. Inside Higher Ed has advice on how to have those talks with your professors if you need them, and how to help your students if they approach you.  Click here.

Juggling Act: It may feel too early to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions, but here's one to add to your list: starting the new semester fresh and balancing school, work, and life as a grad student. Click here.

Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!

This month's highlights:

The Society for Automotive Engineers  offers scholarships for students throughout their academic careers, from incoming freshman through Ph.D. students. Application deadlines are March 15, 2018 .

The L'OrĂ©al USA For Women in Science fellowship program  honors female scientists at a critical stage in their careers with grants of $60,000 each. Deadline: February 2, 2018.

The AAUW Selected Professions Fellowships program  was created in 1970 to support women in graduate and professional degree programs in fields where female participation traditionally has been low. Award amounts from $5,000 to $18,000. Deadline is January 10, 2018.

Call for Nominations:  Prism magazine seeks nominations of outstanding young researchers and professors in engineering, engineering technology, and engineering education for a special cover feature story.

Find these opportunities here.

Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!

DIY Holiday Roundup:  Make: magazine  is your center for all things do-it-yourself. With university makerspaces and machine shops, you have everything at your fingertips to make some incredible, affordable, and personal holiday gifts.  Read more here

Video: Deck the Dorm.  There are tons of viral videos of houses with twinkle lights programmed to  music , but what about a dorm room? See what happens when University of Nebraska engineering students don't want to study for finals.  Watch it here.

Video: How Did Old-School Graphics Work? Graphics have obviously come a long way since the first video games. The   8-bit Guy  shows you how and why the oldest gaming graphics worked, and how programmers learned to code them!  Watch it here.

Video: Giant Robot Duel! In 2015, the U.S. challenged Japan to create giant fighting robots to face off in an epic duel. That fight went down in October. See it here