December 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 12
Porsche Colors ---- Photo Porsche
From The Editor
Mike Willis
Thanks to all of you who voted in our 2021 Board elections. With your voting and support we will and can have a full board for 2021 even though at this time we have two elected officers. See other articles below for more details.
Another thank you to all of you who helped with The Drifter for 2020, with all of this support we were able to produce a timely and informative issues. Along this same area we need someone who can produce our event "flyers" They are usually produced as a image file to be used in The Drifter and Web Page.
We continue to look for a Webmaster starting for 2021. In addition as will be covered below we are now looking for 2021 Board Members to fill the vacant positions. Be Contact our 2021 President Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
SVR 2020 Charity Information
President's Column
SVR Calendar
Vice President Calendar Information
Incoming President Article
SVR Logo Contest
Charity Auction 2021
In The Zone
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Vacant, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
SVR Porsche Club and it’s members are being offered two opportunities for sharing this year.
The 356CAR Group toy and food drive
SVR’s 2020 adopted charity - Berry Creek Elementary School
Toy and Food Drive
Saturday, December 12th
Between 10am and Noon
356 California Alta Region Porsche Club and SVR are teaming up this year on a Toy Drive to benefit the California Hwy Patrol and the El Dorado County Food Bank. Please join us on Saturday, December 12, between 10:00 am and Noon at the California Auto Museum and donate unwrapped toys to benefit the CHP toy drive and also food items to benefit the El Dorado County Food Bank.
Once arriving at the Museum, We will drive to a designated area, stay in our car and through their window (or open trunk) to donate their toy and food item and then leave.
A representative from the CHP will be with us that morning to accept the toys and the food donations will be taken to the El Dorado County Food bank by club members at a later date.
Please email Kim Nelson with any questions and to register to in participate in this Toy/Food drive.
All Porsche Club members will be asked to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.
Berry Creek Elementary School
SVR’s chosen charity this year is the Berry Creek Elementary
School, near Oroville. The school was totally destroyed in the Bear Fire.
Most of the student families and school staff lost their homes in the devastation. Dick MacFarlane has provided an excellent write up of the situation. SVR is receiving charity rebate funds from PCA which will be matched by the club.
In addition, members are invited to contribute monies for the Berry Creek need, by sending in your checks, for any amount, payable to PCA-SVR, by December 14, 2020.
Mail checks to:
Dick MacFarlane
5740 Windmill Way - #11
Carmichael, CA 95608
Your Board fully appreciates our roster of great SVR members,
and we thank you for your generous participation supporting these community charities.
We wish all a very Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!
Seasons Greetings! and Happy New 2021!
President - Steve Barker
Vice President - Rob Lee
Treasurer - Bob Peake
Secretary - Julie Lee
Social Director - Mardi Quain
Membership Director - Rebecca Plourde
Drifter Editor - Mike Willis
Competition & Safety Director - Greg Zajic
Past President and Web Master - Gregg Plourde
Niello has agreed to offer the following sponsorships
to SVR for 2021
- March 28th (Sunday), AX school at Porsche Rocklin service bay
- April 3rd (Saturday) - AX school at San Joaquin Fairgrounds
- May 21-23rd ---- CRAB 38 (assumed to be at CAM)
- Nov 5-7th --- Mendocino Tour
- Concours ---------- TBD
- XMAS Party ------ TBD
President's Message
December 2020
Steve Barker
Photo Steve Barker
To all the members of the Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America I hope you had great Thanksgiving and have a Very Merry Christmas!
I think most are aware that we held an election for the 2021 Board of Directors that closed on November 20th. As of this morning the votes have been tallied and we have the following results.
The results include the following:
· President – Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
· Treasurer – Bob Peake
The following positions remain vacant and will need to be filled based on the by-laws Article 6, section 7. Which states the vacancies will be elected by the majority vote of the remaining Directors. Members interested in filling a position should contact either Eduardo or Bob for consideration.
· For Vice President – Open
· For Secretary – Open
· For Membership Director – Open
· For Social Director – Open
· Past President/Webmaster - Open
As I stated last month: Candidates Rob and Julie Lee notified the Board that for personal reasons they will not be able to serve as VP and Secretary next year and wish to finish out their term.
Bob Peake ran for Treasurer, unopposed.
Mardi Quain notified the BoD that due to personal reasons she will not be back in 2021 as Social Director.
Our Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde is terming out and unfortunately during the election period candidate Sue Sanders withdrew her name for Membership Director which may also open up the position for New Member Chair.
Our Webmaster, Gregg Plourde also notified the Board that he will be stepping down as Webmaster. This position is appointed by the President to which will be addressed in January.
Lastly, the Tour Chair position is also open with Liz Houser’s decision to move on to other interests.
As President I tried to keep people motivated with the hope we could get through this pandemic and get back to what our club was based on. SVR was not unlike other clubs across the country and throughout the world all faced with the same challenges. Looking at the calendar that Rob maintains there were originally 89 events that were posted with 54 cancellations. Of the 35 events that took place they included AX, a few dinners, tours, breakfasts and Board meetings.
You should know that each person that served on the Board of Directors or in a Chair position did so with their utmost dedication, member’s interest at heart and the goal to see the club reach its highest potential. As the year progressed we saw our Board members unwavering acceptance of double duty such as Mike Willis, Drifter Editor covered for Bob Peake as Treasurer during Bob’s rehabilitation from surgery, Gregg Plourde learned the art of being a Webmaster when Bill Fargo left our region in addition to his Past President roles including the Nomination Committee. Richard MacFarlane stepped up to lead the Logo Committee as we were navigating our way through the legal issues with PCNA in addition to chairing our Charity Committee. Kim Nelson added California Auto Museum to his position as Liaison to Niello of Rocklin.
Rob, Julie, Rebecca, Mardi and Gregg all worked across the board to bind us together as a team and I am grateful to each one and proud of having the chance to work with them.
With the election results now in it will begin the process of building up a new Board to serve our members. The next President of SVR will have their hands full and will need members to step up and serve the needs of almost 1400 members.
This will be my last message to our club in The Drifter as I will be taking on some new projects and will look forward to a day we can once again share our stories and enjoy each other’s company face to face!
Keep Driving!
Bill Keagan can’t believe how dirty his Macan S got driving through the Larson wilderness on a search for a Christmas Tree!
Late one night I presented the Mueller’s with their “Tour of the Year” Award for the Anderson Conn Valley Vineyards Tour after it was discovered in a box in someone’s garage! Not mentioning any names here! John, Marie and Lucy are eternally grateful!
Rob Lee
Vice President
Please contact me for recent calendar changes.
Also verify that event is happening with the event chair.
There is no change to the SVR event calendar for the rest of the year
I am in the process of creating a template spreadsheet for 2021 with last year’s events listed on the specific month but without the specific day or planner shown on the sheet.
This will give the incoming Vice President & Board a worksheet for next year’s planning effort where they can try to get members to step up and plan/conduct events. The new VP can remove events if there are no “takers” but he or she will at least have something to work with for ideas.
I will list people’s names where members have already volunteered to plan an event.
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member
Season of Giving ---- Charity Work
· The 356CAR folks have invited SVR to join them in providing toys (unwrapped) to the CHiP's for Kids by conducting a drive-thru event on Saturday, December 12th. It will be held at the California Automobile Museum (CAM) from 10 am to noon. And you don't have to get out of your car. The 356CAR group is also conducting a food donation in conjunction with the drive-thru. No signup or reservation is required for this event. CAM is located at 2200 Front Street in downtown Sacramento. The museum is closed but the parking lot is open.
· SVR has also identified Berry Creek Elementary School as its charity for this year. SVR Charity Chair, Dick MacFarlane reports that he is accepting checks (payable to PCA-SVR) until December 14th to help the students and staff that lost their school to the recent Bear Fire. You can send your check to Dick MacFarlane, 5740 Windmill Way - #11, Carmichael, CA 95608. Remember to make the check payable to PCA-SVR.
· Bob Cannon reports that the same Bear Fire also took the home and shop of Harvey and Sue Weidman. Harvey is known as the "Wheel Man." He is known for his restoration of Fuchs wheels for your 911 or 914. You can donate to help Harvey and Sue recover by logging in and donating at In fact PMB Performance has a full page ad in the November PANORAMA (page 19) that describes their support.
2021 Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Schedule Announced
The 29th season of Porsche Supercup will begin as a support series to the 2021 F1 World Championship with its first race at Monaco in May. The one-make cup will have a new car for 2021 ---- the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup. This new car will be unveiled on December 12th. There will be a total of 8 events -- none of which will occur in the United States.
Zone 7 Reappointed
Collin Fat has been reappointed for another 2-year term as Zone 7 Representative. The term covers 2021 and 2022. It is great to have an SVR member serving as the Zone Rep.
Final PCA car raffle for the year
This is your last chance to get a raffle ticket ($50) to win a 2021 Porsche 911 Targa 4S (plus $25,000). Deadline to get a ticket online at is Friday, December 11th.
Happy Holidays everyone!!
Incoming 2021 President’s Column
By Eduardo Ortega Jr., 2021 President Elect
Hello to all members of our Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America. Let me start by wishing all of you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. My name is Eduardo Ortega Jr. I was SVR President in 2017. There have been a lot of new members that have joined the club between the years 2018 and 2020 and may not know me. I have been elected your club President for a two year period of 2021 and 2022. I thank all of the members that voted in our club elections and have given me the privilege to be President once again.
I want to personally thank all the members of the 2020 Board of Directors and appointed Chairs. This year has been very hard for our nation and all of us. I commend all the 2020 Board Members and Chairs for your continued service to the club in a completely uncharted territory of serving during the pandemic. I must imagine the stress that you were under and your continued service to SVR is recognized and appreciated it. Also, I must mention to the membership in general that the life events surrounding the Board candidates in the 2020 Elections were completely out of the ordinary, and we have had many Board Members and Chairs that stepped down. In historical terms, the rate of attrition in 2020 has been larger than in the past regular history of the club. But all the Board Members and Chairs that have stepped down in their voluntary service to the club have been subjected to extra challenges and stress during their 2020 service, and once again, I personally thank them for their loyal service to the club and welcome them back to their new role in the general membership. Our club’s gratitude is being given to all of you at this time.
The 2021-year is bringing a new hope and challenges for the incoming Board of Directors. As of today, when I am writing this column, there are three Covid-19 Vaccines that have completed their third clinical trials and are seeking FDA emergency approval, the companies in the USA are Pfizer and Moderna. In the United Kingdom, the company is Astra-Zeneca. The Federal Government Officials in charge of solving this health crisis have given a tentative date when vaccination to the general public will begin, they have cited April 2021 as a possible starting date. Just yesterday, I received an email from the CEO of Rite Aid Pharmacies, where they outlined their partnership with the Federal Government and their readiness to start administering the vaccine as soon is available to them. For our club, all these events bring a shining light at the end of the tunnel. The pandemic would likely subside in 2021 and slowly the Nation will return to a state of normalcy. But we cannot let our guard down. Until the pandemic is controlled, we need to keep wearing masks, keep safe social distancing and wash our hands regularly. The preferred place to meet other people is the open spaces. A little more of discipline from our part will help us safely reach the end of this dreaded pandemic.
Now, for the challenge portion of this article. We need to fill the vacancies in the Board of Directors for 2021. The club By-Laws state the mechanism to do this is for the 2021 Elected Board members to appoint the vacancies in the Board. With respect to the Chair Positions, the club President has always appointed those and this year will be no different. At this time the 2021 Board of Directors is asking for volunteers to step up and serve in the Board of Directors, as well as Chairpersons. For Board positions, both elected 2021 Treasurer Bob Peake and myself are Past Presidents, and between the two of us, we have the experience and expertise to guide and help new Board Members in their chosen Board of Directors positions. Both Bob and I are very optimistic persons and we are very hopeful we can guide the club in this transition and will get a full Board of Directors and Chairs for 2021.
Please, we do need your help. Serving in the Board, from my own personal experience, it has been very rewarding and for new members in special, it accelerates your introduction to the club membership and the rapid cultivation of new friendships. As a brand new member, joining the Board in 2012 as Social Directors is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The rewards that my service brought to me over my years of service are many.
The following are the list of vacant Board Positions available for Appointment:
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Membership Director
· Social Director
· Past President (must be filled by a Past President)
For Appointed Chairs, the available positions I have been informed they are available by 2020 President Steve Barker are as follows:
· Webmaster
· Safety
· New Member Group
· Tour Chair
· Historian
Please, if you would like to volunteer, please email me at at your earliest convenience. We have brighter days ahead for the club. At this critical time, we do need your help to serve in the 2021 Board.
God bless, and may you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, now more than ever. Thank you all.
2021 Porsche Parade
French Lick, Indiana
The website is up ( but no details yet. It is scheduled for July 11-17, 2021. It will be headquartered at the same hotel location as was the case in 2015. I expect that online registration will open in January/February 2021. Phil Lawrence (from West Virginia) has already said he will be attending in his new Macan.
SVR Autocross Schedule
Watch this space for 2021 Schedule
Be a part of SVR History
Dick MacFarlane
After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge.
The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to redesign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years.
Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months
Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you
Your Redesign logo/badge committee
Dick MacFarlane……………. Chair
Melinda Roles…………………Secretary
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
Lois Roberts
We are 12 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
1. Books
2. Posters
3. Models
4. Time share
5. Car parts
6. Apparel
7. Wine
8. Memorabilia
9. Artwork
10. You get the idea
Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,
In The Zone
December 2020
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photo Collin Fat
Happy Holidays:
By the time you read this article we are likely to be into the busy holiday season as well as continuing the battle against the coronavirus. Who would have thought back in March when the pandemic first hit us that it would still be around during the holidays. I know that it has resulted in the cancellation of many of your club activities such wine tastings, monthly dinner events, tech sessions, and the concours events that we all have come to expect. Hopefully your region board of directors will look at 2021 and do their very best to plan for these events moving forward. With Covid cases seeing an alarming rise in California and many counties moving back to a more restrictive reopening tier, many of the businesses like gyms and restaurants may likely be shutting down again until the vaccine is widely available next spring.
Most county and state health officials don’t believe this is going to happen until early 2021 and we won’t get back to normal until the summer. First and foremost, PCA wants activities that keep our members safe.
Club holiday parties have been mostly cancelled because of the pandemic and that is so sad as most members of PCA look forward to this fun event each year. Hopefully, we can continue this tradition in 2021.
Most regions will have a new board of directors moving into 2021 and several regions will have new club presidents taking the helm of their regions. As with most clubs, our success depends on members to volunteer and step up for service either as a board member or to chair an event. I extend my congratulations to all the new board members who have been elected! Your club could not continue to deliver the fun and exciting events all our members have come to expect without your leadership.
2021 Event Planning should have been completed or is in the process at many clubs with all kinds of exciting events being worked on. If you would like to get involved to organize a dinner at your favorite restaurant or a wine tasting at your favorite winery, now is the time to step up and volunteer. After all, you can’t expect your local board of directors to do all of the heavy lifting. Remember, it is much easier to cancel an event than to scramble to fill holes in your club’s monthly activities calendar. Nationally, many regions have successfully hosted tours, track events, autocrosses, and even a virtual rally. In addition, many clubs have managed socially distanced toy and food drives with great results even during this new spike in the pandemic.
As your new board starts to prepare for their leadership roles for 2021, several things will be happening in the background to ensure the board has a smooth transition of leadership. This starts with either the outgoing or current club president completing the required annual region report form and sending it into PCA national. This very important document lets PCA national know who the new board of directors are, but also identifies new chairs. It also provides a place to confirm banking information necessary for the quarterly member subsidies. Lastly, your outgoing board members and chairs should be meeting with their successors to hand off all the important documents and provide guidelines for their replacements so that the new board and its chairs can start off 2021 on the right foot.
Zone Autocross Series Winners:
The Zone Autocross series held 6 Zone events in 2020 and awarded 20 class awards, 5 PAX awards and will be honoring the Zone 7 AX Enthusiast and Rookie of the year. Currently, there is no awards banquet date set, and we are looking forward to the possibility of a Covid safe awards ceremony or another type of event early in 2021. The year end results are currently posted on the Zone 7 website: www. The AX Rookie and Enthusiast of the Year will be announced shortly.
Though the Zone Concours series was cancelled due to Covid, co-chairs Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzki are starting to work with region concours chairs on a 2021 event schedule that will hopefully include our ever popular concours school. More information to come.
In addition, the volunteer staff of Zone 7, Howard Thomas, treasurer, Grady Carter, AX Chair, and Larry Sharp, safety and rules chair have all agreed to serve through 2021. Thank you all for stepping up!
PCA National Elections and National Chair Appointees:
PCA National elections were held last month and the new Executive Council is expected to be formally announced in December. Serving a 2nd term will be Tom Gorsuch as national president, Cindy Jacisin as national executive vice president (newly created position), and Craig Kugler as national treasurer. New to the executive council is Todd Benz who will stepping in as the club’s new secretary. Aaron Ambrosino who has served on the national executive council since 2014 and is our current national secretary will serve as vice president.
I have been reappointed to serve a second 2 year term by PCA national president Tom Gorsuch and look forward to working with all the members of Zone 7 in the coming years. My wish for 2021 is that we all stay healthy, get our vaccines and promptly get going again with all the events that we have come to expect from our membership in PCA.
PCA National Awards:
All region members have a chance to submit nominees for several national awards including Region of the Year, Enthusiast of the Year, Family of the Year and Public Service Award. It is a unique opportunity to nominate someone in your region who has gone above and beyond. Please take the time to consider someone in your region who may be deserving.
The Awards include:
We know that the Regions within PCA all excel in their own way, and this should be recognized.
The submission process is easy. Just create a brief write up (in MS Word) and submit nomination to national via email to
Region of the Year Award:
Up to 3000-word document, plus 2 Newsletters, and 5 photographs
Enthusiast of the Year, Family of the Year, and Public Service Awards:
Up to 1500-word document, plus up to 5 newsletter articles and/or photographs.
If you would like to submit a member of your region to be recognized, please review the guidelines for the awards at this link:
Events of Interest:
1) PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9, 2021;; Registration opens January 20, 2021 at 12 noon PT
2) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, June 19, 2021
3) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17, 2021;
5) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17, 2021;
6) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
7) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out
in as little as one hour due to their growing popularity.
Rebecca Plourde, Membership Director
SVR New Members November 2020
SVR Member Anniversary November 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at:
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
November 11, 2020
Board Members: Steve Barker, President, Rob Lee, Vice President, Julie Lee, Secretary, Gregg Plourde, Past President, Rebecca Plourde Membership Director, Mike Willis, Drifter Editor & Acting Treasurer
Guests: Rik Larson, Richard MacFarlane, Km Nelson
Excused Absence: Bob Peake, Treasurer, Mardi Quain, Social Director, Greg Zajic, Competition and Safety Director
Call to order 7:03 p.m.
Old Business:
Minutes from the October 14, 2020 Board Meeting and the Emergency Board Meeting held on October 19th were approved via email vote on October 20, 2020; final Minutes distributed on October 20, 2020.
New Business:
a) President’s Report:
-Steve Barker discussed the current uptick regarding Covid-19 in CA, this has no impact on club affairs because all events for the rest of the year have been canceled.
Motion to approve budget for 2020 Awards as presented, made by Mike Willis; seconded by Rob Lee. Motion Approved (5 Yays, 1 Nay).
b) Vice President’s Report:
-No Report
c) Treasurer’s Report:
-Mike Willis presented the financials and the club is in good standing.
Motion to approve the budget presented for a new laptop, made by Gregg Plourde; seconded by Mike Willis. Motion Approved.
d) Social Director’s Report:
-Dick MacFarlane presented on behalf Mardi Quain, 2 SVR Holiday and Charity proposals.
Motion to “match” the SVR Charity Funds with Club funds to be given to the Bear Relief Fund, to benefit the Berry Creek Elementary School, made by Rob Lee; seconded by Julie Lee. Motion Approved.
Motion to split any member donations equally between the CHP Bicycle Program and the Bear Relief Fund, made by Rob Lee; seconded by Julie Lee. Motion Approved (5 Yays, 1 abstention).
Motion for the club to participate in the 356 Car Club Toy Drive at CAM on December 12, 2020, from 10 am to Noon, made by Mike Willis; seconded by Rob Lee. Motion Approved.
e) Membership Director’s Report:
Rebecca Plourde reported the following membership numbers:
Membership Report for October:
Primary Members – 855
Affiliate Members – 528
Total Members – 1383 (includes 6 New Members, 2 Transfer In, and 2 Transfer Out)
f) Safety and Competition Director’s Report
-No Report
g) Web Master Report
-No Report
h) Drifter Editor Report
-Deadline for the submissions to the Drifter is November 20, 2020 and will include the results of the Board Election.
i) Past President’s Report/Comments
-No Report
j) Other Topics
-Kim Nelson presented information on the Niello annual budget to support club events in 2021. He will request from them the same budget as 2020.
-Dick MacFarlane requested everyone read the documents provided on the Logo contest for future discussion.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:53
Next Board Meeting: TO BE DETERMINED
Respectfully Submitted – Julie Lee, Secretary
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TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
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PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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