This Week at First Pres! June 17 thru 23, 2018
Tumekutana Time

This week’s article is by Caryl Weinberg,
FPCE Director of Missions.


In this season of reflecting on “150 years of God’s grace,” I hope we are all aware about how God’s grace has been poured out on us through Tumekutana, and through us here at First Pres, to our African sisters of Tumekutana.

Tumekutana came to us in 2007. Many of you were here that year, but many were not. It was a year of sadness in many ways, at First Presbyterian. But in the midst of difficult happenings and conversations, we stepped out to embrace the notion of Tumekutana. The Swahili word Tumekutana means “we have come together.” Only God would have us step out in faith on a gathering called “we have come together” at a time when our congregation was so clearly struggling with “being together” ourselves. 

Get ready to celebrate!
Plan to come celebrate a very special weekend at First Presbyterian Church of Evanston! The weekend of July 27-29, 2018 will mark exactly 150 years since our church was founded in 1868. The 150th Celebration Committee has been hard at work planning this event since November 2015.

Our guest preacher this morning is Dr. Dennis Fledderjohann. Dennis and his wife Liz became members at First Presbyterian in 2017, having moved to Evanston from Indiana the previous year. They have four children and four grandchildren who currently live in Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Chicago suburbs. Both Dennis and Liz previously taught at Trinity Bible College in North Dakota, and have taught at Moody Bible Institute since 2000. Dennis has been pastor of churches in Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, and North Dakota, and served with Leadership Resources International, writing Bible studies and leading Inductive Bible Study workshops.

Come join us after the service this Sunday for Lemonade on the Lawn! We’ll enjoy fellowship and refreshments out on the front lawn (weather permitting). All are welcome!

Be sure to look for the Back-to-School Backpacks sign-up station on Sunday morning at the Deacons table at Lemonade on the Lawn. The Deacons will be signing people up to help us fill backpacks with school supplies for needy schoolchildren this morning. Full supply lists and instruction sheets will be provided for each child. We realize that school supplies are costly, and are very appreciative of your ongoing support of this community outreach; please consider adopting a student with your small group or with a friend. All supplies are to be turned in to the church office by Sunday, July 22.

The Parish Nurse Book Club will meet again Tuesday, June 26, from 1:30-3 in the Parlor (or Room 102 if the elevator is still being repaired). We are reading Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson. All are welcome to join us!
Uncover your inner theologian! All are invited to hear speakers from the Langham Partnership next Sunday, June 17, at 9 am in the Parlor. Do you have beliefs about God, humanity, sin and salvation? Then you’re a theologian! These beliefs impact the way that you live, lead, teach, and parent. This event is part of our efforts to provide opportunity for spiritual formation in our leaders and congregation. Join us and be empowered to uncover your own inner theologian, and be equipped to live and lead in a way that is consistent with that theology. 

On Sunday, we welcome as our guests Rev. Dr. Riad Kassis, Director of Langham Scholars; Dr. Fred Gale, US care coordinator for Langham Scholars; and 12 scholars from around the world, working on their PhDs in the U.S. Countries represented include Brazil, Hong Kong, Guatemala, Thailand, Taiwan, Myanmar, India and Indonesia.

We offer our thanks for and best wishes to Adela and Bob Seal as this week will be their last Sunday as members here. We pray God’s blessings upon them! 

FPCE Car Magnets for sale at the Front Desk! You can show your FPCE pride by purchasing an FPCE car magnet for $5. Proceeds go to FPCE’s children’s and youth ministries.

The exhibit of works by members Ray Koenig and his daughter Sherri Koenig is in its final week on display. Be sure to enjoy these wonderful pieces in the lobby hallway near the Sanctuary entrance now through June 24.
Please pray for Dave and Sally Ivaska who are traveling in French speaking Africa for the launch of his book, “Do Not Be Afraid” in the French language. They are traveling until June 26 in Benin, Gabon and Ivory Coast, doing training with large student groups every day. Pray for safety in travel, their health, translation, and the impact of the trainings.  
FPCE Senior Pastor Ray Hylton will be speaking at the 2018 HELPS Conference at the First Church of God Christian Life Center located at 1524 Simpson St, Evanston, IL 60201, June 29. The service begins at 7 pm. The conference runs June 28-30. The purpose of the conference is to empower and motivate and celebrate lay leaders who are often overlooked or under-resourced in their calling and utilization of their gifts. Visit for more details.
You can help support Souper Saturday. Save the date and join us, Saturday morning, September 8, Jackson Park for the Hunger Walk (sponsored by Greater Chicago Food Depository) We receive contributions for every walker who participates. More details (transportation from First Pres parking lot and times) to follow. Please direct question to Kris Economos 847-475-0226 or
Bringing Meals to the Homebound: Meals at Home is a wonderful ministry helping the elderly, those recovering from hospital stays etc have meals delivered to their homes. Needed: one person to partner for delivery in northeast Evanston on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:15 am-12:45 pm, beginning June 19. Call Jane Pranga, First Pres coordinator, at 773-274-8447 or email
Thanks to all of you who have contributed to Tumekutana. You are welcome to give throughout the summer! Our goal for fundraising for Tumekutana is $130,000 in total. As of today we have nearly $30,000 in hand with applications out for grants. Please pray for us. The Lord always provides!

First Friends and First Presbyterian Youth will connect with the world around soccer. From June 15 to July 15, several billion people on the planet will follow 32 countries competing for the FIFA football World Cup. First Friends and our Youth are inviting our Syrian friends and all those who are interested to a live viewing of one of the games on Sunday July 1, from 12:45 pm to 3 pm at FPCE. Snacks and sandwiches will be provided. To sign up to help, click here! Please contact Caryl Weinberg or Kelly Levander with other questions.
Please pray for our campers and counselors who will be spending the coming week at Phantom Ranch Church Camp. Pray for good weather, safe adventures, and strengthened connections with God.

Registration for Vacation Bible School at First Pres is open! Children age 3 through current 5th grade students are invited to join us at church August 6-10 from 9-11:45 am each day. Our theme this year is “Shipwrecked,” where kids discover that Jesus rescues them! Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and devour yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s love, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Register today at online.

Join us for a weekend of Family Camp at Stronghold Camp in Oregon, IL, from July 6 through 8! Parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all the cousins are invited for a weekend of games, crafts, swimming, campfires, and fellowship in the beauty of God’s creation. Stay in a beautiful retreat building or bring a tent and stay at the Stronghold Family Campground area. Camp fees include lodging, food, activities, and programs for ages 3-103 (no charge for infants and toddlers)! For more information, contact Kristin Mueller.
Want to know what’s happening in our lessons each Sunday morning? We’ve begun an email to let you know the lesson that each age group is learning for the day, so that your family can continue the conversation at home. If you haven’t yet seen our Sunday lessons email, let us know that you’d like to sign up! Contact for details.
The FPCE Youth Car Wash has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 24, 12:30-4:30 pm in the FPCE parking lot. Please send all of your dirty cars and donations their way (more cars means more funds). All funds raised help support the summer High school Mission Trip to Benton Harbor, Michigan.

The FPCE Youth summer calendar is now available online at and in print on the youth table across from the library.

Campfire June 24 6:30-8:30 pm in the FPCE Parking Lot. All 6th-12th grade youth are invited to come and enjoy making smores, hanging with friends, and even singing a few camp songs. 

Popsicles in the Park June 27, 3-5 pm! All 6th-12th grade youth are invited to come hang out with Amanda, enjoy a popsicle and fellowship with outdoor yard games at Raymond Park.

High school Youth Group (PYGS) is now on break until September.

Middle school Youth Group (NUBS) is now on a
break for the summer.
More details about Youth events can be found in our weekly email. Text YOUTHGROUP to 42828 to subscribe!
Join Pastor Henry and other FPCE Young Adults for Trivia Night at World of Beer 1601 Sherman Ave, Evanston, every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm!

Grab lunch with Pastor Henry after any of our worship services this summer! Just reach out to him before or after church.

Pastor Henry’s intergenerational book group has begun, but it’s not too late to join! Our first book is Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. All are welcome to join in the reading and discussion. The next meeting will be this Thursday, June 28, at 7 pm. We meet at Cupitol Coffee & Eatery, 812 Grove Street, Evanston. Please come having read up through Part 2.

Family Open Gym
Thursdays, 4-7 pm, Roy Hall
Open for parents and their children to come run around, shoot some baskets, play some games. No need to RSVP; just show up and have a great time!
Young adult ladies are invited to meet at Cupitol Coffee and Eatery, 812 Grove Street, Evanston, every other Thursday from 7-9 pm for a time of bible study and prayer (and yummy treats!). Our first gathering will be June 28. Contact Pastor Amanda with questions.
Our Deacons’ Closet has a special need for Men’s jeans (larger sizes, especially) and Men’s shoes. It’s Spring cleaning season, so please dig deep through the “gently used” jeans and shoes that actually aren’t being used anymore, and bring them in to the church office to help our Closet visitors give them new life & use in a difficult world: Help them put a little more “pride in their stride” as they go out and face life’s challenges every day. Backpacks and tote bags are also a big need this time of year. Thanks for looking!

Are you interested in becoming a regular visitor to one of our homebound members? If so, Friends in Christ would love to hear from you! Whether you are an old pro at visiting, or are willing but would like a little training, please step forward and call Bonnie Kath (847-507-4146). There is someone out there who would love a visit from you!
We are looking for volunteers once a month to run our projection slides on Sundays at 10 am in the summer, and 9 am and 11:30 am during the school year. Training provided. Contact Neal Ostrovsky at

Be a role model for a homeless child! Volunteer at the New Life shelter, five minutes from church. Contact Tom Alrich at
Do you need a ride, a meal or someone to run an errand for you? A member of Friends in Christ is ready to help with your need.  Please call Bonnie Kath at 847-507-4146.
Christ Caring for People through People. Stephen Ministers are lay people trained to care for someone going through a difficult time by listening, supporting, praying and encouraging. If you could benefit from this confidential ministry call RuthAnn Ostrowski at 312-613-0644 for more details.
The Counseling Center (TCC) provides professionally trained Christian counseling in our own facility. Contact TCC Director Charles Miyamoto at 847-864-9133. 
In cases of after-hour emergencies,
please call our emergency answering service
at 866-259-7088.  
Summary notes from the May Session Meeting are available  here .  

The most recent summary of the Chicago Presbytery Meeting is available  here .  

Paper copies are also available in our literature racks.
1427 Chicago Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201