Women's Asylum News
e-bulletin for the Women's Project at Asylum Aid
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Summer edition of Women's Asylum News. In this issue you will find:
  • Erosion of protections for domestic violence survivors in the USA
  • Asylum Aid and Women for Refugee Women's evidence to the UN Women's Convention (CEDAW) Committee  
  • Protection Gap Advocates participate in parliamentary lobbying
On June 11, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a deeply disappointing  decision  in an attempt to erode protections for domestic violence survivors and others who look to the United States for refuge. Invoking a rarely utilized power, Sessions reversed the grant of asylum to a Salvadoran domestic violence survivor in a case known as Matter of A-B-. The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies represents the woman at the center of the case, Ms. A.B., who fled to the United States after suffering 15 years of brutal violence at the hands of her ex-husband and reports on this extraordinary case.

The Committee for the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is reporting on the UK in 2019.   The UK provided its report to the Committee in November 2017.

Asylum Aid and Women for Refugee Women's evidence to the UN CEDAW Committee was prepared with support from Lisa Gormley. This has been sent to the CEDAW committee's pre-sessional working group session to prepare for the Eighth Periodic Report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The Protection Gap Advocates took part in the All Women Count mass lobby of Parliament focusing on women migrants/refugees /asylum seekers ' rights on International Women's Day, Thursday 8th March 2018. Their lobbying focused on childcare during asylum screening interviews.

Asylum Aid is part of Migrants Resource Centre. We continue to provide legal advice and representation on immigration and asylum. We also run a variety of free courses and workshops to help migrants and their families. Find out how we can help:
  • Free English classes for all levels
  • Free computer and IT classes for all ages and abilities
  • Free career, employment and health advice in many languages

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