May 2018
May Birthdays
Clark Driggers (5/1)
Emmarie Carpenter  (5/15)
Alex Booth (5/26)
Debra Eatman (5/6)
Caroline Baker (5/19) Erich Suehs (5/28)
Audrey Sander (5/7)
Candy Tennant (5/21) Leonard Cheek (5/30)
Opportunities for Ministry
Vacation Bible School
June 11-15, 2018, 5:30-8:30pm
HeroCentral VBS logo
Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered for VBS already. There's still plenty of room for more! We need group leaders, drivers, leaders, and donations for transportation. Contact Heather  if you would like to volunteer. VBS will run from 5:30-8:30pm each night with dinner for the first 45 minutes and regularly scheduled programming from 6:30-8:30pm.
VBS Training will take place on Sunday, May 27th. More details to come.
REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN (grandchildren, neighbors, friends,...)
We can't have VBS without kids! Online registration is available on the HillSong website or click here If you need more information, contact Heather or Tabitha  
Hospitality Team Needs You!
Coffee Cup
Volunteers are needed for the Hospitality Team. These are the people who each Sunday morning set up the beverage and refreshment areas, make the coffee & hot water, pour the juice and set out the refreshments. New team members and a team coordinator are needed. Many thanks to Diane Sudderth for serving as Hospitality Coordinator for several years. 

Contact the  church office , if interested.

humorous cartoon
Elder Election
Sunday, May 6th
On May 6th, we will elect five (5) new Elders. The candidates are: Alexis Carpenter, Jess Ostrowski, Nooshin Ghazi-Moghaddam, John Roberts, Alan Stiles and Betty Thompson .The candidates elected will begin serving in June. Tiffany Allen, Susan Dunn, Phil Partin, and Beth Roberts are rotating off the board. Please thank them for their years of service.
phone book
Church Directory Updates
Have you moved? Cancelled your landline? Changed your email address? Is your contact information missing from our directory? Birthday missing? We need your help. An updated directory is being prepared. Please contact the church office 919.967.3056  with any additions or corrections to what we currently have on file. The new directory will be available in June.
Centered in Christ - from Pastor Rob
Cross Labyrinth
        I've been thinking about how a church can best exist as a closely-knit family. The church is comprised of people from myriad backgrounds. Some have followed Jesus for decades. Others aren't even sure if there is a God. Some in the church family love their brothers and sisters in Christ more than their own relatives. Some in the church family don't really like many of the people they see on Sundays. How does this widely diverse group, full of sometimes diametrically opposed views, hold together? More than holding together, how does this group act collectively as a witness, pointing the world toward the Kingdom of God and the salvation we have in Jesus Christ?
        I've been a part of churches as pastor for 27 years dating back to 1991, my summer as an intern for two tiny Methodist churches in a farming community in Michigan. In that time, I have seen many things. A pastor with a live-in girlfriend. I knew a stubborn pastor who tore his church apart because he would not compromise with others on the pastoral staff. Upon seeing what he had done, he collapsed and was hospitalized as he was crushed under the weight of his own shame and guilt. One year a church had a bomb-threat during Vacation Bible School; the deacons decided to banish the group they believed was responsible even though the pastor vehemently opposed this decision. I have seen women in the church browbeat a Wednesday dinner cook to the point that she quit out of sorrow and heartbreak; in a fury, the pastor shut down the Wednesday dinner program.
March Numbers
March 2018 Financial Snapshot
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the March 2018 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.