MAY 2018
Louisiana Firm Renewals due to LSBAE
by June 30th
The registration renewal period for firms runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.
Renewal Forms will NOT be delivered via U.S. mail. Please download the form that corresponds with your registration type, complete it fully, and mail it along with your check (we are unable to accept credit card payments at this time) to LSBAE, 9625 Fenway Avenue, Suite B, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Click here for more information.
Completed forms and payment must be postmarked by June 30. If renewal application is not postmarked on or before June 30th, a delinquent fee equal to the renewal fee of $75 (in-state) or $150 (out-of-state) will be assessed in addition to the regular renewal fee for a total of $150 (in-state) or $300 (out-of-state) respectively. Renewal forms that are delinquent more than 90 days may also be subject to fines in addition to the delinquent fees.
LAF Patron of Architecture Deadline Approaching
Deadline Approaching
The Board of Regents of the Louisiana Architectural Foundation solicits annually the nomination of and if selected, shall publicly recognize non-architect individuals, corporations, organizations, and groups whose good works have encouraged, fostered or promoted public understanding and appreciation of quality in Louisiana architecture. Nominees who have inspired the advancement of architecture in Louisiana through their notable works shall receive the Louisiana Patron of Architecture Award at the AIA Louisiana annual convention Awards. Download the Form Here
Rooms for the AIA Louisiana Conference on Architecture & Expo and the 75th Anniversary Gala Sponsored by ACME Brick
We have been telling you to save the date for the Gala, now it is time to reserve your room for the AIA Louisiana Conference on Architecture & Expo and the 75th Anniversary Gala Sponsored by ACME Brick. Get the special rates by clicking the button below. The rates are available September 25- 28, 2018.

The hotel is the New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center
859 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Get Credit for your Firms' Work
Do you have trouble getting credit for some of the work by your firm? Here are some tips from the AIA site on getting that credit you deserve. We thought you would enjoy this article.
Newsletter Sponsor
M&E Consulting
Gala Sponsor
Acme Brick