This Week at BayMarin, May 6, 2018
The Way of Resurrection

In this series we'll explore some of Jesus' teachings where he reveals the new way of life he invites us into. From the idea of what family looks like, to the invitation to live in light, be free from distractions, rest in Jesus and discover the Kingdom revealed in little children. Join us as we continue to journey through 3 Years with Jesus together.  Follow the schedule   here and listen to podcasts here .

Our 5th Annual Retreat

We are so excited to announce we will be having our 5th annual retreat this year. Please mark your calendars for May 11-13 and please make this a priority in your calendar to spend the weekend with our church community. 

Check out the event page for more info!
No regular Sunday AM services on Sunday, May 13 as we will be away on a retreat.
Important Meeting Notice from the Elder Team

On May 20, 2018, there will be an important church meeting immediately following the worship service.  In that meeting, we will ask our members to approve updated bylaws for BayMarin.  Also, members will be asked to affirm Rebecca Courtney and Larry Boeck for a second three-year term as Elders.
The Elders have approved updated bylaws and are submitting them for approval by BayMarin's members.  The current bylaws were adopted in 2000 and the need for revision has been under discussion for the past several years.  The updated bylaws more accurately and comprehensively reflect our church and how we operate organizationally.  They will expressly include the values we implemented soon after Matt became Lead Pastor (the "ABCD" values) and include a new Faith Narrative that has been under discussion with past and current board members.  A link to the proposed bylaws is here .  The Elders would very much appreciate your input.  Please email Doug Sands at [email protected] with your questions and feedback, and stay tuned for more announcements about this important housekeeping step in the life of our community.
We are also excited to confirm Rebecca and Larry for their second terms as Elders.  They serve our community well and we are thrilled that they are willing to continue!  As with the bylaws update, please contact Doug Sands if you have any questions on this.

Marin Foster Care Walkathon

Our annual Walkathon, May 20 2-3:30pm, provides crucial funding for Marin Foster Care Association's educational programs, tutoring and enrichment, clothing, supplies, advocacy and support for foster children and the loving families that open their hearts and homes to local children in need.
If you're interested in joining the walking team from BayMarin contact Bryan.
Please visit us at .

Visiting Worship Leaders

We've invited tworship leaders to come visit over the next few weeks.

5/6  John Jobs
5/13 Retreat!  with Justin McRoberts
5/20 John Jobs
5/27 Patrick Guzman

Summer Kick-off

Our annual Summer Kick-Off will be Sunday, June 3. At 10am we will celebrate our graduates in different areas and after the service we will celebrate baptism, have a potluck and pool party together at the Kaplan home.

We will be celebrating Baptisms on Sunday, June 3 after the service at the Kaplan home. If you are interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism, please contact Matt.

Contemplative Practices

Check out our new Contemplative Practices page where you will find guides to different spiritual practices as well as really helpful websites and apps that offer great resources for contemplative practices.

Hospitality Volunteers Needed

Do you like to serve? Are you in need of a place to serve? Do you have a few minutes of time on Sunday morning? We could use your help setting up and tearing down various items on Sunday morning. If you'd like to help or would like more info, contact Bryan.

Warmly Inviting All Women

For this month's meeting we encourage all the women to attend the BayMarin Retreat, May11-13 for our monthly gathering.
3 Years with Jesus

We are excited to share with you a vision for our community for the next three years to journey through the gospels together; exploring the life of Jesus and what it looks like for us to live in union with Christ and embracing the way of life Jesus has invited us into. We're calling it "3 Years with Jesus." The texts we will explore are based off of a Children's Curriculum that runs for three years. Our Student Ministries will be exploring these same texts and our Children's Ministry will engage these texts as well for a few months to see if it will align well with what they are hoping to accomplish. It is our hope that this will not just be a Sunday morning experience but will infiltrate our lives in the day to day activities of life - from reflecting on these texts alone throughout the day to conversing about them as friends, families and communities doing life together. The "teacher guide" for Year one of the curriculum I mentioned above can be found  here.
If you are a parent of children up through the 5 th  grade, we encourage you to purchase this book and engage these lessons together with your children. Whether you have young children or not, we encourage you to read the weekly gospel text together regularly throughout the week and talk about what God is saying to each of you, ask questions, and dig deep into these stories and teachings of Jesus and ask questions in your families and friendships on how it is shaping and forming you personally and in your different regular activities throughout the week. We will be writing weekly discussion questions that can be used in faith communities and families alike. We are thrilled to be on this journey together!

Prayer Requests

At BayMarin, prayer is a vital part of community life. We have three different teams of people who pray for the prayer requests that are submitted. Please share your prayer request with us  here.
Faith Community Opportunities

Our Faith Communities are our small groups - where church really happens as people live life together on a regular basis. We are looking for folks who would be willing to help lead and or host a Faith Community. If you are interested in learning more or joining a Faith Community, please contact Bryan.
Sunday Morning Prayer

We hope you will join us for Sunday morning prayer at 9:30am in the balcony of the auditorium.

Amazon Smile now supports  BayMarin Community  Church . When shopping with Amazon or Amazon Prime, Amazon will now donate a percentage of the purchase price of eligible items to BayMarin when you use Amazon Smile with BayMarin as your designated charity.

To get started, go to and select 
BayMarin  Community  Church  as your charity. From then on, Smile looks just like the Amazon you know and love, with the addition of "BayMarin" in the upper left hand corner of your shopping window. You can install a browser button that takes you to Amazon Smile directly. BayMarin will receive a donation each time you shop with Amazon using Amazon Smile.

Click here for more information on Amazon Smile.

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BayMarin Community Church | 415.507.0900 | [email protected] |
150 N San Pedro Rd, San Rafael, CA 94903
Mailing Address: PO Box K, San Rafael, CA 94913