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Kinnaird Bagpipes Newsletter

May 2018 


Mother's Day is fast approaching!  Get your mom a unique gift this year!
No 2 are alike! 

We have many great jewellery items in stock ready to ship.
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Brochures and Application forms for the 2018 LDPBS are now available

Pipe Bands
Most products are eligible for quantity discounts!  Ask us for quotes!
Chanters, Drone Reeds, Drum Sticks, Highland Dress, etc.

US customers- Save Now! The exchange rate offers about 25% discount!
Ex.: Airstream Blowpipes are $75 CAD, but with the conversion it is currently about $58 USD*!!
*Please note that the exchange rate is constantly changing and exact exchange rate at time of purchase may vary.

Canadian Customers-
Save now! Shopping in US currency means about 25% premium on all products. Landed Canadian prices, mean savings!
Ex. Airstream Blowpipes from a US competitor are $86 USD, which is about $110 CAD!

Scottish Humour

 "Oh, Sandy," sighed the wife one morning. "I'm convinced my mind is almost completely gone!"
Her husband looked up from the newspaper and commented, "I'm not surprised. You've been giving me a large piece of it every day for 20 years."


How to Make a Unique Celtic Wedding 
If you are planning a themed wedding, there could be nothing more special than giving it a Celtic flavor. Whether you choose to have the guests wearing full dress kilts , with a rousing pipe band or the gentle tunes of the harp, it is sure to be a wedding to remember.
There are many simple and elegant ways you can introduce one or all of the Celtic nations into your special day. Each has its own traditions that will provide you with a romantic, natural old world feeling when you combine them.

The wedding rings are one of the potent symbols of marriage. Celtic wedding ring styles include beautiful golden knots, traditional trinity rings, ancient Gaelic script rings, the Irish Claddagh, or warrior rings. The more lines you incorporate into the ring the greater the protection from evil. Having a traditional inscription on the inside in either Gaelic or Welsh will be a treasure for years to come.

It is easy to obtain Irish, Scottish or Welsh tartan these days and there are many manufacturers producing lovely tartan dress kilts, plaid waistcoats and ties. Ladies can also find tartan gowns, garters, sashes, and skirts. Ribbon is also available in various tartans to use for decorating and party favors.

Musical accompaniment is guaranteed to make your guests feel they are in the Highlands, on an Irish moor or walking through a misty Mid Wales valley. Obviously you will need a large venue if you choose a pipe and drum band or a male voice choir but smaller locations could quite easily accommodate a single piper, Welsh harpist or traditional Irish folk band with a Uillean pipes and a bodhran drum.

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Scottish Trivia 

No highland dance is better known than the Sword Dance (Ghillie Calum). It is suggested that Malcolm Canmore, King of Scotland from 1054 to1096, created the dance. In 1054, Malcolm, supported by the Earl of Northumbria, was able to force territorial concessions from Macbeth at the bloody battle of Dunsinane on 24 July. After the success, Malcolm is believed to have placed his own sword on top of that of his enemy in the form of a cross and danced triumphant over them.

Others suggest that warriors danced the Sword Dance the night before battle. If the dancer touched the sword, the dancer would be wounded the next day. If a dancer kicked the sword, he would be killed.
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In 2015, the Fergus Scottish Festival & Highland Games officially became the Guinness World Record Holder for most cabers tossed simultaneously!

Product Reviews   
Kinnaird Edge Drone Reeds

"I just got my new Edge drone reeds installed tonight by Wes Sheppard and all I can say is I LOVE the sound of them, rich and vibrant! Fantastic product Rob! thanks!!" 

Don't forget to submit your own product reviews on our website.
Let other customers know what you thought of the products we offer.

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Rauncie Kinnaird

Kinnaird Bagpipes

923 Emmeline Terrace

Saskatoon, SK
S7J 5G7
Ph: 1-877-249-2939
Fax: 1-306-249-2933

email: [email protected]
