
A Voice for the Students

Despite the current pandemic, Engineering Student Government is still here to serve and represent you. This may feel like a lonely time for many, but we hope to be a resource for guidance, comfort, and support. We have compiled a list of COVID-19 Resources on our website and our committees are working hard on initiatives to help the community during these trying times. We have ESG elections next week, a Zoom Background Challenge, and many other updates for you below. If there is anything ESG can do to help you during this time, please feel free to email us at esg.executive@umich.edu.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and Go Blue!

 ESG Elections 
Engineering Student Government elections are next week, April 15th and 16th. Go to vote.umich.edu to vote. Please take the time to look over the candidates and vote for your ESG Senators and President! These are people who will be representing you this upcoming year, so it's important that you are well informed! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding elections, please do not hesitate to reach out to Rushabh Bohra at esgw20electionsdirector@umich.edu.

Zoom Background Challenge
ESG is trying to bring some joy to your online classes by having a zoom background contest!! Send in your best zoom background to have a chance to win a Starbucks giftcard! Our favorite results will be posted on our website and social media for everyone to use during their meetings. We look forward to seeing what you come up with! Send your pictures using this link! 
Just for fun, check this site  out:    https://socialmedia.umich.edu/blog/zoom/ 


Engineering Student Government has provided me with a unique platform to be involved in the decision making process without the politics and  divisiveness that are often associated with any governing body. ESG is full of supportive and enthusiastic students who all share the goal of ensuring that the College of Engineering lives up to the highest standards for its students. I chair the sustainability committee where our current goal is to create an online platform for sustainability related student organiza-tions to collaborate as well as provide support to any student who has an interest in addressing any sustainability related issue within the college. Beyond policy achievements, ESG continually pushes me to become a more driven and thoughtful individual. I look forward to continuing my personal growth and advocating for sustainability through ESG in the months and years to come! 


Student Life Committee      

The Student Life Committee is currently working to update the ESG website to make it more informative to the public and showcase the amazing things ESG does everyday! We are also planning some great events for the Fall!


   Funding Committee

The Funding Committee has re-opened applications and continues to review funding applications through the end of the semester. Assistance is still available, so continue to visit https://esg.engin.umich.edu/funding and follow the steps to apply! Please ensure your application is submitted by Saturday, April 11th - that is the final date on which we will accept requests for Winter 2020.

Sustainability Committee 
The Sustainability Committee promotes awareness and adoption of sustainable practices across the College of Engineering. Our largest goal for the semester is to collect and share information about sustainability related student organizations throughout the College of Engineering. Creating a platform on which these organizations can collaborate on large initiatives will provide a greater sense of community around sustainability and allow for even more impactful projects! We also strive to support any individual initiatives related to sustainability in the College of Engineering and always welcome new faces!    

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